Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 03 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the Department'. raolll'Ce management regulatioDi truly reIpOnlive to America'. needa," The MIC replied quickly. augeating changea in the two Executive Orden regarding ORV UIe on public landa. WhIle the Adenta SupercroIa _ goInt on. Burt Reynoida wei buzzing around ovem•• d In a he1icopter. filming . . . . . . . for ....... coming movie. Reyno" wanted to land In the It8CIum; the FAA I8IcI no. Riden in the Atlanta event were wearing green armbanda, in memory . of the murdered and milling Atlanta black children. We w . . aorry to ..... that W.bco. • weI-known name In the motorcycle Induatry for many. many v-'So . . . dOled ItI doora. An auction to benefit ItI c:radltora _ held Feb. 21. H-D top management may buy Harley-Davidson STAMFORD. CT. FEB. 7:1 AMF ..,nounced mcs.y that It eIgned a letter of Intent to .... the H8rtey-D8vIdeon Motor Com y to a group of key H8r1ey-DtMcINn .........-m ......... ThI8 group. under the 1•• denhIp of V...... . . . Jr~ AMF Cotpoiate VIce Pr•• ldent ud Motorcycle Producta Group ExecutIve. Indlll" CIwrIeI 1'homp8on. HoD Pr••ldent Md CtHf ExecutIve OffIcer; John D8VId8on. HoD CIMIInn8n of the Bo8rd Md Golf C. Pr".IIt; DIIVIcI R. UckM'lMn, HoD In....netIonel Pruldent; and others. AI etoekhoIcIen In th.. Inveetor group . . membera of H..... D8vIdeon 1MI.....,...m. 10 tot8I cOlltrol of the com,..,y. IhouId ...,....,.m fIMIy be reeched. wII I'MMIn In the h8ndI of ....... 1cecI rnotoreYcIe Md golf people. AMF conternpletea IncIucIng In the of the H8rIey-DavIdIOn f8clldee In WIIcon8In and ....... f8cIIdee In York. PA. Any IUCh . . would be IUbject to further d_ _loni Md the execution of a defInIdve egreement which would then require approwl by the Boerd of D1rectora of both AMF Md the new compMy being formed. HerIey-DevIcIIOn the only U.S. rnotoreYcIe II'IMUf8cturer. _bR.hed record , . revenueI of epproxlrnetely t3DO mUIIon. rep.....ndll. 1ft of AMP. tot8I rnenue of H~ D8vIcIIOn·. 1.,. rnenuee were IIItecI at t247 mUIIon. repr••• ndng ' ' ' ' of AMP. toteI ,.,. revenua of .'.431 billion. H~ In Mllwlluk... H"'y-DavIdIOn operate. two p1anta In that city. pIua one In Tomahawk. WI. ud another In York. PA. ItI .,.134 ....... WIeconiln p1anta, ~ approxlrnetely 171.000 IqUllre feet. employ 2.100 people An addJtIonel1,l00 people . . employed In York. PA, In a plant ~ 171.0OO ..... feet In . . IocIted on approximately 200 aa.a. Harley-DavIdIOn rnotoreycIa produeta . . 1oId through • network of 101M 710 • •I.ra In the U.S. Md aIeo . . exported. Approxlmetely 100 . . . . . MIl Harley-D8vIdeon·. . . . Md eIec:trIc: golf CIrI. Founded In ' " twley-Dft1d8on _ acquired by AMF In 1• ."'" prave or dDprove the claim. America'. Bernie Schreiber had a bad day at the very tousb nent. 6 n i ab i n g ninth on hilltaljet with 167 marb. hie Iwd «nih In the Feb. 21 round of the HarIey-Devideon DIrt Track ........One moment 1 _ up Md the nut I . . . bouncing .-ound. n.. _ a hole In the middle of tum three. I ml••• d It . . . . but I ..... I cIdn't that time. I _ 10 lOre Md Mnlled up they UHd a whnlc"" to get me to the ..... It _ pretty Iwd to ~ I think 1'1 juat It8Y around my houH untl the !Apr. 41 Aacot TT:' Frenk IhIIcy ... been eddecI to the SuzukI Two o.y QualIfIer teem. accordill. to Suzuki'. John Mor.... "I don't have anything on peper:' AId .........but _ . . _ I'm COnC8l'ned we',. Nt. I'm ._.d to have Frank on the teem and I'm looking forwerd to him having a very flOOd veer. At thIe MI'm rm hwalOrM pulled 101M ~ a bIecIc -ve. ...... Jay Sprlll.· atHn. d •• crlblng the aftermath of Md 2 Honda'. Eddy Legeune overcame a poinu tie and a prateR that he had nritched motorcyclea during the Mar, 1 BeiKian round of the World Championabip Oblened Tria1I Seriea to take the win. SWM rider Adellio Galleuzi and Leseune tied with the IIOCl - on more c1eaDi - goiDg to Leaeune, YIjo VateriDen put hiI factory Bultaco into third and . . inltrumeDtal in prolating the by Uaeune, The FlM ancI diIaIIowed it, aaJiul . . _ • •c:e be bad did Dot The Far Weat M.C. will hOlt the Sand Flea GP. an Euter Seal benefit event. at the Samoa Air Strip in Eureka. CA. on Mar. 22. Two hour racea will be run for mOlt regular c1ll111e1. plUJ a three-wheel c1.... but there will be no Mini or Powder Puff c1_. Info on the AMA 0-56 event can be had by calling 7071445-4090 (night) or 707/ 822-5654. A thnMt-mlIn teem headed by reignIng BrItiah 2IiOcc Champion Steve ToNdn wi! ride the new ArmIliOil. road recera In the 2IiOcc lightweight IntemIItional event et DeytDla World ChempioIIIhIp c0ntender ClIve Horton from BrItIiln Md Auatrallen Jeff Sayle wiN join forcM with Tonkin In thIe world launch. Backed by Armab CMSI Enlin••""'" a muJti.mlHlon doIer company from YorkaIW'e. England. the Armatrong _ flrat unveiled at the RolId RlIcIng Show In BIrminIIIwn. BritIIIn IaIt DecIn. . and ere.... caa 181. . . Po\,erad by an Au n made Rota WlI18rcooled. two-atroke engine. the machine ... adll to be raced in public. But a ..eret teat . . .Ion In BrItIln thl. winter Indlcltn that the b1k_ wli be competitive and 10 Annatrong picked DlIytofUI to match their b1k Inat the oppoaJtIon. Pipe builder Stuart Toomey has just returned from England. where he wu flown in specially by Erv Kanemoto to build a set of pipea for Barry Sheene's MiosuiI Altai Yamaha 750. "Barry'. 750 has a special new Harris frame with the engine relocated. and the other let 1 built wouldn't fit. So Erv and 1 built a whole new let to Erv·. .pecial dimensiODl." laid Toomey. Barry is DOW testing the new bike. and will debut it at Donnington in April. Joe Parkhunt reporu in hiI Motorcycle BtIoSinas NrlllSkttn that new Secretary of the Interior J - Watt wrote to the DennIe Smith geve a CIIIL Md uId that Bruce wII be riding SmIth'. Cycle Tune-aponIONd Sulukl 081000 In the Daytona'. .... 8uperbIke 100 race. Smith. who rode the machine to a IIxth overalL top prlvatHr piecing In ... yeer'. Daytona Superblke beIh. wi! be . . . . . . the WNlochea In !hie yHr'. 1Ittempt. ttamm.. by the wey. wUI ride a K111-Gardaponaorad Y...... In the Daytona 200. Motoreycle Induatry Council. aaying .... ,The Department of Interior will enter (into) an effort to end unnecea· aary and burdeDlome regulatioDi DOW fnutrating the balanced mana~ent of our nation'. 1'f:IOUrCeI. and mdeed. our natioD', ecooomic recovery iuelf. I tbeae£ure to . . . . . . in making "Thinp are looking real good,.. repliecI Men Lawwill when we uked him about progreat on the new Yamaha 750 V·twin din tracker. "Dick (Mann) and 1 juat fanilhed the frame." After a brief detour to Florida. Lawwill.~ crew will fiDiah dme," continued Mor.-.. "Drew Smith .. not riding for UL We',. (Sulukll w..~ to ... what happel_when wrlathH..:· -JOG UIeiIlbling the motor. with the fint of the machine alated for about two to three weeki from now. teat Ricky Gnohem reported that he got the CIIt off hie wrIat the week after the Howton doubIeh_der. Md .. now looking foI w.d to the Apr. 4 Aacot TT. where he" ride ~ a Norton or a new Can-Am lIOO . . . . ~ Ron Wood. Suzuki IDlltClCra. team manager Mark Blackwell will be leaving S11Z11ki in a few weeks. probably around the end of March. "For some rime 1 have desired to move into more of a marketingoriented poaition. continue my education. and expand my learning and ex· perience beyond racing." iaid Blackwell. "At the same rime 1 hoJ)ed to remain on good termI with the aiafI at U.S. S11Z11ki and leave Team S11Z11ki .trong and growing with continued momentum. I feel that now 1 will be able to do that." Blackwell did not indicate where hiI plana might take him. Rldlnlla 210 Sulukl Floater. Danny "Magoo" Chandler belted the trooPe at the thraHiour PnIirIe CIty Cftnd PrIx. the checla8ied fIeg eight mlnutH of runnerup PhI DougIea (MaD. All the action took piece at the PreIrIe City OHV Park near Sacramento. CA. Riden entered in the Mar. 1 MRANsanctioned Boulder City Din Riden hare lCramblea were hit by a heavy downpour. but neither that nor a bad cold could ROp Team Huaky·. Scot Harden. who reponedly won by an unbelievable 4O·minute margin after four 28-mile lOOJll. Second overall. aecond Open Expert went to Doug Stadtlander (C-A). while third overall. 6nt 250cc Expen went to Mike Welch (C-A). Fourth overall. 6nt 125cc Expen wu Daryl Folb (Hus). Huaky aupport rIdera Mark Miller and Kent M_ fInIIhed 1-2 In the Salome 100 . . . 'n' hound put on by the ArIzona DeHrt RacIng AaaocIetIon. FoIowIng them were John 1m. . . . Md Scot Harden. Live coverage of the Mar. 8 Daytona 200 road race will be broadcaa by radio .ation KWRM of Corona. CA. Mike Joy will be doing the lap by lap coverage, and the program begiDI at 11 a.m. KWRM ia 1570 on your AM dial. Teem KllwMakl·. Jeff Ward ca...... whIIe~SedcI.. beck '-Ie, and to the report we got. cracked hie right elbow and broke two bonN In hie left hand. The ..T. . . . M • •y" wi! mila AdMte Md o.vtona for IUra; there . . no pradlcdonl peat that. Terry Knill. the new operator at Baylanda (formerly Fremont) Raceway. is CODItrIleting a new one-mile audiumtype motOCl'C* tracIt at the facility and ia en1arKinll the qllarter-mile oval to a three.tlJa-mile high bank track. Mark Br*ford'. former tuner Jim B...nd ... prepped a pM of Harley XR7IO englna for UN In nut week'. 0eyt0nI BettIe of the Twini race. ....1 Helmetl Superblke race and - If they',. adII ..". - the 2OG-mlle National. According to one of Pape·...... Be."lId ... punched the motora out to about to help them net around 121 horHpower. -.:c Smile, The Hangtown 125/25Occ anotoer.- NaboDa1l will be filmed for a ayndic:ated TV .mea.

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