Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha Franchise For Sale! Going to Daytona Week Well estIIblished dealership 18 Y8llfs) in souttl western Need help driving, _ motorl1ome, Cell 1415) J69. 7531 evenings or 14151 364-1011 or (4151 364-3230 town of 38.000 population. Yeer round riding conditions. $57,000. includes franchIse. Inventory and equipment. WORLD OF WHEELS - 600 So Main, ROSwell, NM 88201 (505) 623-3088. 12J51 Super Business Opportunity I 00.0- obligation. one in 1he 91_ . Wen,to oeIl _ _ of _ of the ' " ' - . Sell p r _ or yordo Pacific _ ~ oeIvege - 'ome Good with colloteral. Contect CYClE NEWS. Dept. SBD. P.O. Box 498. Long _ . CA 90lI01. 14151 Wrtllell Yllmllhe - . EatabIiehed 19n.•27.000 PROFIT in 1980. $89.500 incIudw; "'-'tory & equiP' ment ~ t owner _ Call Don Smock l2081 ~ eveningo.l5m 0') - AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS, INC. . s_.. I>lCiting . . . . ." Motorcycle Mechanic "The Callfomle School of the Professionals" _ _ or Home study * Sales Reps for Rocky * For 1he following _ PA, WI. FL. EAST WA. MT. & SOUTH It. E>cpoi.. lClld _ penon. Send resume or cal Bob 1louc:Ice. ROCKY CYCLE CO.. 1250 E.o, CA 94OIIS. f408) 734-3750 ext. 13. I2I5l s..nnv-. Perts Sa... . . . _ rt Servlcel MUll _ --. ~ NEGOTIATE MOVING EXPENSESI K A W ~ _ " ...... WIll BUfIIIANK Call _12131-.:l7. Aok lor "'-.l4I5l WANTED: E>cpoiiellClld Yomaho _ I 1213l 63S3l58. l!iIl/TRoIl *Moto-X Fox* = ... N..a . . . . . 'U nh"'_'''''yclei:lo ....... for our ..... ......... _ _.AIIo_ - penon Ior_ produc:lion.l4OBI371·1221_1or Jim. 15m * READ THIS * WE WANT lfyou . . . . _ .. lClld _ _• YOUI We',. - . . TOP PAY & _ you',. _ -.g _ If you leeI you - . cal Joe .. 12131 _n91 TOOAYII&'TfNI Suzuki-Y. . . . _iellCe & rei........ Y_ round ~ Wyoming. 30.000 populalion. e.:-n biking, hunting. fiohing & slce. Mony ... 1_ _ dojMbl.,L Send _ ",: ORANGE COUNTY HONOA, 1830 W. C"",,"*,. Orange. CA 92668. (7141 97U381.l4I5) WE ARE GROWING FAST' One of 1he Ior_ Suzuki -.tlipe in the u.s. io getting biggIw. W. _ "ing _ _ Suzuki. . . now. _ eppIiceliar. lor & Parts and Service 1""'~_Y Service Manager rt Mechanics Parts rt Salesmen __ Triumph. s.., ..... PIcific c... Hwy.• L.ama. CA IOn 7.12131 J2&.:II1o.137fTFNl _ii''''''''' -'SuzuId,-,~, people. Y_ round employment & _ PC>I' _ . Cam.ct Mik. or Gordon 01 1213l 79f>4129. IJlTFNI D..lgner K Tl"8lnee lor ..... __ pr~type - " " ' " with comb;; .co, wekIing. rneatt f-.twiceno. •• IMhe & milL EIperience with motoft:yCIae & prott>lYPin.\I • plus. bceltent opponunity to edvence. Good benefits. Apply to Clave Adome. Kerbr. 7900 o-ing, Canoge Pert<. CA 91304. 1213l 999-3080. 149fTFNl Muat _ own tools. Good working conditions. (714) 842-8870. l4I51 2-MECHANICS Honda/Kawasaki experience a must. PeIm Springo .... Ye. round employment. New modern 001-. Nice atmoepher.. OASIS HONDA II"".• White IIroe. - - . , ~ ~, lreeh 1DP_ . ~ feet & ,100 080. (7141 624-44ll8. l5I6I &_. Minimum 2 __ $ht& in Y. . . . 2 ORANGE COUNT'/ CYCLE. 13l1ll6 _ Blvd.• GonIon Grove. CA 92tI43 or cal 17141 5JO.7340 _lor SaI.lliITFNl ORDER DESK SALES. Prev;oul ••perienc. i.......... 1213l ll7!). ll854 - !Wa l5I6I _,.,lieoior" Progressive Yamaha Honda Dealers teehnicions. Productivity _tiel. w.·.. going plecesl St.• l.eleyette, IN 47904. l3I61 5-..1 rllUme to: REED'SYAMA HONDA, 736 N. 9th Acceuory Salesperson _butor Selt I..eke City _ _, _ . & lor " ..... cycle & Ino..",obile _ IlOeoliar.. produe1lI _ _ _. _ GENERAl. IMPlEMENT _ _ il.'_IIorY_ ou.-.. in 1he lUmy ~ IllOlUicidllnd _ _ repeir t.:kIoD.ll' you"'" ride. hunt _ fiIh - thio ia the pilei Tor you. 5-..1 rwume",. or calffri ~ OMAK YAMAHA. . P.O. Box 827. Omelt, WA 98841.1509t ~4. 151 Phone Sale Personnel Needed Gt_ _• plwse contaer Bob Bouck. at ROCKY CYClE CO.• ~. CA. l4081 734-3750 ext. 13. IllST., 2l&i W. 2100 5 .. Selt LII<. City. UT 84130. lBOll972om cond•• _ tw1dIing. O.B.O. 12131 J40.3349.151 .'460 Wanted:_ . forb _ parts XR 500 tripIe.--. _ ~'80 . rolling _ running. .,500.00 or " . 17141 56lI4125. 151 ~ . . motor. l.wve _ l o r Bob l707l 923-2849. 151 . '79 HONDA XlSOOS off•. 17141&?S-1788. (5) G'- "'-. must .... _ Custom B-ft. camper 6' cotb-ov« bed. A lot of _ .nd 1lOnI9'. ice box. 5' double doors. HoIdo 3 motoft:yCIae _ . MuM_. All< for Ton.•600.00. lleyo l805l 255-3300 or 18051 GL1000. WIIIIDJAMMER. new tireo. battery. low milel, $3000.00 D.B.a. (213) 941·7198.151 '81 Enduro Products I DEAlERSI See ell 1he 1981 enduro producll ... ~ 14. 15 & 18th .. 1he Cinc:imIti T _ . Booth '438 & 440. ClAIREMONT CYClE SUPPlY, (714) 2n-1162. DON'T MISS OUTll5I6I 1980 RM25OT, good condition. rune strong. t995.OO 0.B.0.17141287·9487. (516) Montesa Cota 348 So Cal jettBd. _ new front _ _. _ io iii _ conditJon• .,450. Scoct - . . - UIlId. otiII in boo, . . . 9••,SO. e-.ingo _ 8 p.m. 1213 M8ny ...... only 1700 miIw• . - _ . xlm. condo .'.375.00. Dey 171413J8.2918. eve. 1n4133B434. 151 . T"" Eo Worb bike..... condition. t8liO.oo. Y. . . . 8SO _ . . . . . _ ""'fe. _ title•• '00.00. (714) 982-<1lll17. t5I jocQt - $100 -12131821-71175. t5I7l 1213) 77J.2184.13I61 * M/C Parts-Counterman * to wort< in Iorge modem Orenge County ..- _ AItogetfw &ringL MOO. -Ene SheI_•• ,SO. 12131 running. & 438-1n4.151 * Cycle Tune * Fox Forx. Aech pipe. MW _ , . . . . _ ............... condition. 12131 9936213. t5I _ 857-5483. 151 5_ of 1he en " .....cycle m".IIi·......... ,. _ t o fulfil . _ your _c.cle _ wi1h 3 grwt _ _ 1980 Husqvarna 390 CR limited edition. foctOty &.ty f-. TORRANCE. NO. HOllYWOOO & COSTA MESA. Call 12131 ~4.151TfN) Ite,_ _ s-.. RepIIee, t2750. 1916148!H1ll83.151 ~...... D...ndaon Motorcycle dealer.hip. Prefe, metur. individuIl 25 to SO. with minimum 3 ing ~ _ _. W. wi" nino MUOl _ _ en' r _ . SlIr1ing..., .1.000"",. Apply in penon to R _ .. 2131 E. III SL. SentI AnI. CA.15I8l Buslneu Opportunities _ _ _ _ Cont8cICatMweieI Colorado Honda D....,.hlp _ 0""._.. BUTTERWICK ENTEl.7 SES, co 1lI216- l3II3I ZJ2.G3I). C3IlIl Honda Dealership For Sale, yz _: _ _ lIlOIbeg, - $100. AIIo 33 inenduro • _ - . nylon T~ 1979 Suzuki GS1000s Frllh _ . l.ocl'*I, poIioIed _ _• CorQta _ _ 2 MW Service Manager Wanted I * Mechanic Wanted * ~ip CALL JERRY GREER AT 17141 73S<4486 EXT t5I8l Experienced M/C Mechanicl Exp. Yamaha Mechanicl own 100II & reler_ ....iela. worlt. _ _ knowledge _ Head. Up-Perts Managerl MUll _ _. _. & drill. 8 moe. min. _iellCe. 'I RECEIVING CLERK to receive.incoming met'•• wort< with receiving inepection. purchwing. & -.m "'-Y. 2 yrs. -"">ce. " SHIPPING ClERK to ~ & bole producto lor Ihipping. coordio _ _ freight '"-. & shipping lor_ 2 _ _ience. '1 ASSEMBLY UNE SUPERVISOR to __.nee the -.nbIy of hydreul;c ""'"" lIbIorben. pneumetic: pumpI_ kits. & IimpIe ~ m e t i c _ bIiw. _ with productionl _ . A _ of or'" _ _ clexterity ... - V . 2 _ Guzzi & Duceti; including 860 LeMeno N. For 1he price you would ~ two for • Guzzi or Duceli. you could _ • tlClDry - . c l bike PlUS • trip ", E _ eom.ct RON lEVY LTD.. 23ll ~ St. _ York City. NY 10012.12121288-6282. n!ilEOllTl'Nl Kenny Roberts would CIIl_ 12131 ~123. AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOlS. 10025 Ave.• _ Fe Springa. CA 90870. l49ITFNI Due", _ promotiono, WI_: 'I MACHINE OPERATOR to operate Ducati . _ Caholl free 1-800-423-4878 Help Wanted Mota-Guzzi 79 XR SO _ ... _ I f y o u - y o u - - ~ - " , beaxne. prm- ..... S & W IS EXPANDING very fll'...... or rece. $l650.OOImight_. 12131851-4940. (5/61 MOO.oo.171417J&a200.151 ~ mechenic. you1l .... 1he bwI ___ ..lininG _ . You ...., -'lord wcond _ end C8Ilf. _ K"". - . conditionl Grwl bilce lor wile. girl friend. c:hiId. 1IOponOlCh If you'.. ...... ebout becoming • Yoshimura 580 Honda 4 . Ground up reblt., ~nt Icustom) chrome atIoy rims. trick kit fron,. Girlingo re.. 6IP"dGJBox. I.O.M. CIII1lO. ported hwd woth _ . stock motor pkJ$ _ IllS a-- ~ & reIUm Ihipping errenged lor M

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