Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Speedway Bikes * Yemehe SR&OO * BSA 500-MX 1974 n) Jawa 2 valve. Jet"t. condition, Like new, ridden onlV • f_ timea. $1050IOBO. 1213) 391·1267. Leaue message. IS) fresh engine sprockets and practice tires. (1) Jr. bike - 200 Cub engine - "". engine parts - 17' 4) 875-2365 after 6 p.m. 15) Suzuki RV90 1974 Suzuki RV 90 for ""'•. $300.00. 12131 597-0648 CornplaIa . . - & - . pIua MaIre offer. JarTY 12131 ~ or 12131 ~4, 15) after 5 p.m. (516) Desma single parts 19n Yamaha TT500 B Project 1lOppOd,'" a lot. 14151791-5147.151 Brand new H.,.pernettes engine. lots of extras. $14001 * 1980 VZ125G $650 * OBO.17141468-3314.15I6) '78 Honda Hawk - '78 Yamaha XR750 Good condition, NEED MONEYI 12131597-8639.151 _a. Pro Trac Trailer Tha Howl< 400 ha fairing plua 4,800 miles, $1195.00. The Yamaha io • ahaft with TOO MANY axtra to list, 11,000 milel - $1695,00. Call for info 12131326-2722. 151 20' _ . deluxe model, 1980, $2400.00. 121312801430.15) Pro MX aluminum sidecar Exotic alum. Hagan rolling _ from England, long travel, ex. condo with or wlo Norton eng. $1250.00 w/o eng. MUll lee to belieue. 12131 788-5266, IS) WANTED - HUNDREDS of $ dollars paid, for old gas engine miniature rTlOdeI race CBI'S, 12 10 25 inches, in length, ANY condition. Call collect or send deacription for immed. cali off•. Wak PM..."" 5010 Cenyon Dr., RerlO, NV·B9509. 1702l747-4864. (517) Ready to DealI * CLEARANCE * All bike in VfKy good condition, 1976 _ CB400F. Red, new ... - looks clMn, flOOO 0 1975 Yamaha CT175 Ittaet ~, d _ machine, t425 • 1979 Suzuki RM250N fast, Fox ~ - make offer' 197811 Suzuki 'RM25OC2 - f_, runa & look. clean, $7501080 0 1976 Husky CR250 !Hpead, Chlina ahockI, good bike - $5601080 Hodaka l00cc dirt, ......lent condition, $2201080, 1714) ~153.151 Bruce PenhaU Speedway School INLAND MOTORCYCLE SPEEDWAY - SAN BERDOOI Full daytime i.-uetion plu. night race _tionI, Video repleys, Jr. Division 2115-Up to 15 ,... old. Sr. Division 2/21-22 16 & CMlr. Call for info - 1714167J.6041.15I7) 0 1980 YAMAHA 2500. New lira, aprocketl, chain. (707) ~ - Eureka area. (516) 1960 TRIUMPH CUB 250 daaic lingle cylinder engine just ,ebuilt - like new - most all original equipment - lilta new. $675.00. Tom (213) 78Hl386 daya,15I81 1974 Sc500 Yamaha I~ condition, incllx* extra motor, piston, forks, .... 121 ... _ , III hor« _ , 131 e.haust pipa, 13l-'11l rim, ate. Ph: 1714)847-21Bl.15l6) 390 Husqvema Automatic Future World Speedway Champ rom Norton 850 Complete engine, ex. condo $600.00 O.B.O. 12131 7B85266,151 Save $1200 . . . . . . . to a _ one, Low miles, .-icuIouIIv __ for. ()u-.xIing enduro bike. New _ , only $1400 080. 12131 ~ daya, 17141 67SQ22 nia.l3iTFNl io accepting appIicationI for the pramotioneI ,pollooo.hip of hia introductory ......,.,. 0nIv _ of high integrity with • moximum _ to WIN need opply, Style & lime demo by appointment, 1714) 751-4330.15181 BMW79R66 . Four-Stroke Maico '78500 Yamaha in A.W. frome, All wort< promaionally done, St.IegoI, _a. $1200.00 080. Call for info, hm. $2,860 - _.9.000 miI7141_15 or 171417934956.151 12131 I6I8l ~ Jawa Speedway Bike - wit. 12131 435-7781 X-247, Steve. -v good condition. $860.00, 17141242-4454, 1974 151 / LESTER WHEElS lor -n.75, Zl WM5-18 r_ & WM3-19 hor«. _ - . t3OO. CompIato _ _ _ for 75 Zl. are- "'-. $80, 12131 31lH1423. 'THE MDRE I KNON ABOUT MEN" for _ gala, IGala __ tool. S, M, L, Xl, blue & black. ~ $7,95 pIua $1.00 Ihipping to TINDER SHIRT CO., 4632 Sonta Fe St.. Yorba Undo, CA 926B6. Allow' ~ ....... delivery. 151 ISI7l . CALIFORNIA SUPERBIKE SCHOOL 1981 SCHEDULE; 'DAYTONA INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY $170 - Mao. 9th & 10th. °LAGUNA SECA $130 - Feb. 28th, Mao. lit. 211t & 22nd. • . 18th & 19th, May 9th & 10th, July 4th & 5th, Aug, 111, 2nd, 8th & 9th, Sept. 5th, 8th, 26th & 27th, Oct. 10th, & 11 th, Nov. 2111, 22nd, Dec. 5th & 6th. °RIVERSIDE $120 - Feb. 20th, Mer. 27th, • . 10th, May 111 & 29th, June 19th & 27th, July 10th & 24th, Aug. 15th (Aug. 28th & Sept, 11th cancelledl, Sept. 18th. Oct. 16th & 30th, Nov. 13th & 28th, Dec. 12th. °GOlDEN STATE $130 - June 13th 1 _ , Sept. 12th, ltentative). $5,000 medical inauranca for no Machine ~ policy .7 lllOlunwy). P.O. Box 3743, Manhanan Beach, CA 90266 1213) 484-9323. ADVANCED RESERVATIONS REOUIRED.l2fTFN) 2 - 1980 RMBO Suzukis FPP Tri Mota Pipe, $65000 IndudeI rebull_ aluminum muffler lanap ring type no rivalll mounting & jatling inatrueti0n8, all mounting tw_. TolIII_......, Spark _ i"..g avai~ _ . NON IN STOCK (707) 462-8291, l43ITFN) For ale: Shell 750 Yamaha $500 a. 2 pro Curnutt _ . $80, R&D awingarm, $7510BO, 1209151144576 or 12091582·9653. (5/61 _oom. New 1980 1T425 Yamaha Ridden one time. -utetv Paid '1975, first .,375 taka it. Loatjob _ _. 12131 438-1 n4. 15) CompIaIa & roady to race, EI-38mm carbo, Bill'. Pipa, • latest peru & equipment, llpa"e engine, never ran. Exlra lOt of g_, _ , $2500.00. 17141823-6840. 1415) TZ25OF-Daytona Race Readyl Fairing. _ , ate. 14151 798-2580.1518 ·SACHS·PENTON·SACHS· Y~ 200 CS5 Production Racer, damaged, _ , $100, Mart< 12131 51!Hl1ll14.15) America'. Ier_ rolOilltOCk of SachIIDKW frome & engine partlI, 3 minute phone order allowance on orders ~ $25. Wa ahip daily. KTM WEST, 201 E. Huntington, Monrovia, CA 91016. (213) J5B.0502. 15181 * '77 YAMAHA VZI25D_ _ Many _ tridtodMUll * Go.-",-, out. Engine . . . S~. 490 MAICO '81 MEGA2's We just took on over 12 bikes and ...., t650. QI31430e561. t5l we want to move ' theml Call WHEELSMITH - 1714) 751.o6BO. 13fTFNI IC_ T E S . - U_ _ PWWAU ".",., Ten WOI'dL ••••••••.••••••••••• ~ --- 11 dwough 25worda .••.•••••.••.•. M _1Iwl_,'" _, Cylinders Rebuilt AI _ _ - . _ 0.. 2 5 - - . 10C8Ma1*-.I rune .-.e, sa..... & "'-*- .....................•~ CREDIT CARD LIMIT - MINIMUM" PlUS.POSTAGE _ HANDUlIG oil & nitrogen, $58,00. COMPETITlON CYCLES, 129 Loa Malinoa, Son c _ , CA92672.I7141492-2270. 15/6) iiiii :::IC • ....... M'"ycM'~_ number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.... Cycle N8W1I P.O. Box 498 Long Beech, CA 908lI1 2131427·7433 ................. lkODp.m. n-.dII,. ......7IN.IITY T,,"WOf~or"" ............... M'" .... 11 ftwough 25 word................... Over 25 ~ 20 centI per WClfd ......... in bo6d tvPt Phoca.•. ..... ..... .. . .. '7 ,.(IIfa." WMrID Tenwont.Ol' .......... ........... '7 n ...... 11 through25wordl ...•........•. II.. OYer 25 WOfdI, .eo centI per _d bokl tvPe .................. PhotoI•..•...•.................. sao .......In PIIOTOIIlOU_-.Y WI11II1U' HJPDIfD STAIIPID EllVlLOP£ ... - .................. ------ ... ....---- ...... -....... ...... .... ........-_ ___ .. _ .... _ _ ........ Io . .· n. ........ _ _...-._.TO'tAl_ Slgnatun Card Expha I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~, --..-... --..- ,..... run my .ct_""- in w-t ....... runmyed _ _ .. Ea< Champion Frame 400 75 MXB; _ front and; _ g_ & paint, jUII rebuik and balanced, VfKy fat. MUll 0011 with axtra. 12091897-2015. 1S/7l 79 RM 400 ~ct! ... 11 through 25 _ _ .•••...•••••••.• 0wJ 25111i1C1rda. 3Dc.o . . -ct ........ inbc*f"" •..•.•... l3121887-4343.l3ITFNl Wdl replace all _ IlATIOIlAL UTES leye" NMwefWnt end Cyde N. . . ~=z.""'-'U'" ~ ..... -- ................... WANT AD DEADLINE ~ tor_""""~'.edIdon. ~=~...,. ,.1n ... _ _ 10: or.-nd chedI _ - . . .~ b A e n k Ten..,.."............................ .... be _ Papular - . . . pIua piatDn & ahipping. Cal for pric8I an _ _ pric8I an Pio - hga paning with K,K, PERFORMANCE. _ IIIuIIcity _ . Elgin. II. 80120. * Ohlin Service * -.;nga, ~~t11Al!) ~ '78 RM 250C2 5_ City PRINT BOLD HEADlINES HERE - $2.00 EXTRA to-. _ _, 400 ha Fox Air She»<, Maaelar, K290 and a lot more, offer. - 250 ha Ohlin - . Bak. $1100 - _ "'rttl,it _ _ more, NlOO - _offer. _12131 921-2832. 151 Zlp below' { J I ..... eN Pro4uct toollMll r J I went eN PToductI CMttyII... beIowl I I I 1,1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 111111111 120 mile per hour 5 railer _ ................ ... MolDiC,..cla _,14" _ with _a, ~ duty, t300 or _ off•. 1714) 842-5245 or 1714) 847-8495. l5I6I Can-Am 79 250 MX Cyder.- ..................................... - - - . . ExcaIlent condition, low hours, $795.00. 17141 479- ~~~~(JJ~~~~ ........... ___ ..,.................... """'........ ..-_. ___ .... __ ciini,...... 5528.15161 ..... _.,... ..... theeftdN..-..,. ..... YOlll..,. CALLUSI Huoq_ _ for loa than ANYONE, ANYWHERE I AlBA HONDA - 17141 436-9n1.lS/7l * Roadracing Calendar * Mora than a dozen IUper"91oAy photoa. Top qualityl S - $7.00 poet paid to: CLUB RACERS '81, 587 Dimm St.. Richmond, CA 94B05. (5110) OCvW""'~'" Sidi "Superb" MX & Enduro Boots - a C¥dtNlrwsv..m"XSSM" O ___ MXt..r·ShntJ. . sllfl.lCL o.'9'ftIlMXc.T-StlintJ"MXL CydIot-..&.T..stwt_SIlLXl. CydIo P-.w.- T-$twI . . . 5 l i l _ a a o oc........... m...JCSS .. lXl lIaed by Andr. Malherbe, World MX Champion. SizM 6-12. MX - red, blue, black. Enduro - blue, black, • 139. Deafer.hip inform.lion: COSMOPOUTAN. Hatboro, PA 19040. (215) 672-9100, 1471E0IlTFN1 DC. . . . . . . . . . . . . xssJll DC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -- OcP N-. 0eluM MM •.• Adiu-l-* o c_...... htctl.'.."2.. ~ o _ _ c. CoroK 1ook.7I o ~""'NogginW_ u.. -- M.. _- o CydIo""" _ _ _ S4lcMr .1. 2" M10" a McM~ Nul Stu. .,.")\." .... IfNI ..... '0 MoIorc.,a.NutS-.-. " .• SMo".e""'ge a 'w.DDft'1 c:..How The Hell rt.¥ 00 h In CIIifoI...... 3".12" o,....1IlCld. . . . . . . :r·.1Z.. ....·.s..1I ""'l'ou.. S-II:~lnc.litofnllY ..... r .. 1CA _. oMft ~a...~T" o Thee-aow-t._r..'r' ---.- ---- ------- ------- ------------

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