Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,I N"Oiiia""ERN...DmiitiEU.._.'.. . . ~ E 00 0') Williams, Davis smoke Super Bowl Sunday at Eugene MX -. By Suanne Light _~ EUGENE. OR,JAN. 25 _ Besides the Oakland Raiders' triumph on this muggy afternoon, h' two ot ers enjoyed victories at Teritorial Raceway also. Steve >- I-t C':S ~ I-t ..0 r~ - - .. + 26 Williams took the 250cc Pros and Roy Davis did the same in the 125cc Pro class. The track dried out when the sun finally appeared, making for nearperfect conditions. It's funny how Oregon weather changes from area to area around the state; :when we left Salem, it was clear blue sky, but the farther south you got, the foggier and wetter it got. In 250cc Pro action. Steve Williams (Herbs/Yam Support) was the one to beat (or at least try to), but none of his ell ,e ow Pros Cou ld keep up with his blistering National pace. Williams proceeded to tear up the track as Kelly ' Wh e Ic he I (Corva II ,s Hon) held onto second and Skeet Hise (Eastside Kaw) third. Both fought to keep Williams in sight, although he was a quarter lap . a h ea d 0 f t h elT filerce d'Ice. Hise got by Whelchel and the two see-sawed in a duel that kept them locked bat to bar throughout the moto. Williams took the moto win as Whelchel made a last ditch effort on Hise, but Hise shut the door on . Whe Ic he I·s attempt ( h ' filrst outmg on IS on a new Kawasaki KX). Moto two also saw Williams take his Yamaha support ride to the head of the pack with Whelchel and Hise again trailing, but this time all three were much closer as Whelchel and Hise hounded Williams, making attempts at taking the lead. Williams wanted none of that and kept it pegged as Whelchel made vain dives at WilIiams and Hise to Whelchel. Williams took the win and overall with a devastating double moto blitz as Whelchel went 3-2 for second and Hise took his 2.3 for third-place cash. In 125cc Pro action (which was possibly the race of the day), Roy Davis (Davis Discount/Yam) took a holeshot with Mike McCormick (Yam Support), Wayne Church (Vally Cycle Yam), Cary Lund (Roseburg Hon), and Mike Danials (Santiam Yam) taking the top spots. By lap two. McCormick was tearing up the track as he dashed into the lead thanks to a mistake by Davis. McCormick had a very unfortunate crash on the doubles, losing his lead, bending up his watercooled Yamaha support ride and hurting his wrist, leaving the former Oregon state champion with a D F. Davis took advanta~ of McCormick's misfortune and took back the lead that he had lost once before. Church still held second and Joe Spangler (Eugene Yam) moved t h rough the pack from dead last (due to a backwards start penalty for jumping the gate) into third. Lund held down fourth as Kent Egli (Yam) took a fifth and Jim Wiant (Yam of Springfield) took sixth. Davis, Church and Spangler held their positions to capture first, second and third. Moto two saw Clay Light ( LOP/MXL/Vancouver Suzuki) and Lund take the lead, bur a restart gave Davis the nod while Church, Wiant, Spangler, Richie' Earle (LOP/Vancouver Suzuki) Lund, Light, and Danials held the early top posit~o~..•. U....._ . .ea- ......... California-No""•• N......Qnogo..W u h ' . _ ' _... Spangler gO! by Wiant and went after Church as Davis disappeared. Danials and Egli took Earle and made a dash for the leaders but it was too late. Davis also took a 1-1 'to the pay window for first-place cash as Church had a 2-2 and Spangler had a 3-3. Fourth was Egli, Wiant took a fifth and Danials took sixth for the final money spot. In l25cc Intermediate action, "Terrible" Terry Baker (Yam) walked away from Loch Names (Yam), but only after Names crashed on the doubles. Mark Esterberg (Yam) took a third. Moto two saw Baker again take the lead, but Names was right there to take advantage when Baker went wide. Third went to Dwayne Taylor (Hon). In Open class racing, Mark Ester· berg (Yam) continued to lengthen his win streak as he took both motos over Marty Webb (Yam) 2-2 and David Stermer (Yam). For the Raiders, WilIiams and Davis it was a "super" day indeed. Results PEE WEE: 1. Jeff Doily !Yam): 2. Doren Dovis (Yom): 3. JimmyNCJI/: !Yoml. Doily (Yom): 2. ShaYn Correll MINI Row 1. Jeff IYoml: 3. AnthonyVelenzuoIo (502). MINIINT: 1. Billy !Yam): 2. D en Fleming ... lSuzJ:3. CounneySheffer IYoml. 100 NovnNT: 1. Rich Gunderson ISuz): 2. Kirk P~5~~:°7'\~;,;'iC.::;::k~~l:'k.Larry Brumwell (Yoml:3.RickBaientine!Yoml. • 125INT: 1. Loch Nemes IYom): 2. TOfT)' Bok.. !Yam); 3. 125 PRO: 1. Roy Devis !Yom): 2. Woyne Church DwoyneToyIorlHon). IYoml: 3. .Joey Spongier !Yom). 3. 250 NOV: 1.IKTM). Ron Mv

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