Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~••Arlzoa."oatbera He••••• Soa~bera Cailloral.·Arlzon• .sol than most pilots at nearby Sky Harbor Airport, had the crowd hanging off the grandstands with' his double crossups off of the towering King Kong jump, blazing passes over the Triple Trouble jumps, and cartwheeling endos on his way to the 250cc/Open Pro win. Crawford, riding a Bell Road Yamaha YZ250 uncrated the night before, outshined every other rider on the gnarly %0 miIe course. After handily winning the fIrst moto, Dave had the second wrapped up when a spectacular crash on lap II moved him back to third position behind Mike Garrett and Randy Roark, both also YZmounted. In two laps Crawford had repassed both riders only to unload over one of PSR's many tricky jumps. Dave still gathered it up for a second place mota finish behind Garrett's mighty 465, thus ensuring himself of the overall win. Scott Stallard finished third in that mota followed by Tucson, veteran Brett Hanna. The I25cc Pro action saw still an· other Dircks brothers runaway with older brother Gary leading Drey across the line in mota one, only to make a poor start -in mota two. Drey, meanwhile, had made a perfect start and was gone with a big lead all the way to the fmish. Gary carved through the pad to finish second for the mota and for the day. Everyone oJ' Bengt talked to enjoyed the dust-free track, the cold beer, the great looking pit tootsies, and the fine show the 225 riders put on. Thanks to all Arizona's r"cers and fansl Results PEE WEE: 1. S. K-. (SuzI; 2. B. Winollnl (Yom); J. J.1IutlDn (Yom). MINI BEG: 1. T. Goif.- (Y,",); 2. R. Noughton (Yom); J. B. e.toon (Yom). MINI NOV: 1. C. Culbort (Yom); 2. S. Kalas (SuzJ; J. T._(Yoml. MINI AM: 1. S. _ (Yom); 2. R. Adorno (Yom); J. It. Aoming (Yoml. MINI EX: 1. B. Brunor (Yoml; 2. R. _ (Yoml; J. W. Toil (Yoml. 106: 1. B. B,unor (Yoml; 2. W. Toi. (Yom); J. R. _(Yoml. 125 BEG: 1. G. Burko (Yoml; 2. T. Cholupnik IHonl; J. J.~(SuzI. 125 NOV: 1. B. Bucknor (Yom); 2. R. &ock (Suzl; J. J. Doughtwry (Hanl. 125 AM: 1. B. Kling (Yom); 2. T. Toil (Yom); J. T. ~(Yoml. 2SO BEG: 1. B. Hovw (Yom); 2. B. Wingeming (Kowl; J. O. Dirren (Yom). 2SO NOV: 1. G. Mom (Moi); 2. K. Welch (Yom); J. K. ow- (Yom). 2SO AM: 1. B. Pet. . (Kowl; 2. G. &"'-' (Yoml; J. T. Abril (Yom). 500 NOV: 1. J. _ tSuzl; 2. N. _mol (Yoml; J. P. Molton (Yom). 500 AM: 1. M. Witzen (Yoml; 2. S. Adorno (KTMI; J. A. (Yoml. 125 PRO: 1. O. Dird<1 (Yom); 2. G. Dird Syk_ (Yom~ 2. Keith BecIc (Yom); J. ~ S_ (Yoml. OPEN AM: 1. Keith G•. waist) GoldfBtack Yellow/Black Yellow/Blue 9.6" 12.0" 10.6" 12.0" 10.9" 12.25" ~, ~~ ~~~.!!.~~NdlerS ~.r -ftngooo~.-~ epo.y ~....". in Y'IIIIow or bIeck. WI _Y_SuMU.~ 7.25" 9.6" 12.25" Write for complete list of products & prices. Same day shipping on money orders & certified checks. Allow 3 weeks for personal check to clear. C.O.D:s OK Klta lMIiIlIble for over 90 diffwent front fork. models Our of statlI ceil toll free 800 1164 '191 90 day money back guarantee. HALF MILE MINI NOV: 1. &on Yera IKow); 2. Chod Yoro ISuz). MINI AMIEX: 1. Mike Kirby tHanI; 2. J.on Bell (Yom); J.Brion 1Iorric:l< (Yoml. 125 NOV: 1. Brion _ (Yom); 2. rrm rltUl, JT. IHan); J. J.on Bell (Yom). 125 AMIEX: 1. Roger Thompoon (Yom); 2. Curlio Connon (Yom). 250 NOV: 1. Bobby _ (Yom); 2. Riel< Morton (Yom); J. Derrick Von (YeIn). 250 AM: 1. Mike Kirby (Yom); 2. Jolt Runyon (Yoml; J. Rob ~ IYom). 250 EX: 1. Terry Singlolon (Yoml; 2. Ron Bell (Yom~ J. DorOll1y Rowe (Yoml. OPEN NOV: 1. Delln Syk_ (Yom); 2. Robert LaChonco (Yom); J. Robert Bouvy (Han). OPEN AM: 1. Bob

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