Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I ~ IE " I " I I Call,.r.I.·Arl•••• Nev..... Cal MIKUNI "POWER-JET" CARBURETORS... eG~D@G~~'WGGO'-1~ for off-road motorcycles ....-4 00 0') ....-4 Power When You Need It! Cut Fuel COitsl Smoother Ac:ceIeratlon! lIatIon! ....-4 ....-4 ~ ns 2 ..c Power-Jet Hotder Power Tube to FIoIIt Bowl -- ~ Dave Ciawford flew lit PSR'. motoc:roaa ope';". Power Nozzle Aw..... InSizes V..,.. VII36 AND VM38 Mikuni does it again! Used for years by pro-racers, the Mikuni Power-Jet is now available to you too. This unique system boosts engine power when you need it most! Mikuni Power-Jet carbs are built to a standard of quality unequalled in the industry. ~·AMEIICANCOl 8910 Mikuni Avenue, Northripge, CA 91324 ( 24 rlON 3-2101 Pete Hames, "The Simi Flash, " hasn't changed any as he rode four Money classes and won three. In the 250cc Money short track he was off on top with Curtis Cannon and Wayne Rainey in the second and third spots. Even though the positions didn't change it was far from a dull.race as all three riders gave a fme demonstra· tion of defensive riding. Back in the 45·6 spots of the nine man field there was some shuckin' and jivin' going on as Robert Land lost the founh spot to Don Hubbard and Chuck- Carroll on the second lap and one lap later it-was Greg Nelson. who came along to drop him _ lot. After that everyone prer,y m .. ur ltled in. In the Open Money short track it was again Hames out in front over Bobby Sanders, David Hulbert and Jeff Johnson. The race turned out to be for second and it was Johnson putting on the show as he moved by riders, finally taking over second with three laps to go. Hames was not about to become johnson's fmal victim and held him off to the checkered. The third, win 'was the 250cc Money half mile and again Hames got out on top. Darren Hulbert, Wayne Rainey, Don Howard and Mike Montgomery rounded out the top five. Montgomery was on the move and by the third lap had gone to third while Rainey had dropped to fifth. Rainey came back one spot by the si%th lap but was unable to go any higher as Hames, Hulbert and Montgomery collected the dough. The Open Money half mile had the cream of the crop. Off the line it was Mike Minnig with Bobby Sanders, Hames. Chris Cannon, Jeff Johnson, Dorothy Rowe and Earl Roloff making/ up the rest of ,the field. Johnson went from fifth to fourth by the third lap, got by Hames on the founh lap and took Sanden out of second on the futh lap. Minnig didn't prove to be such an easy mark but Johnson got him as the white flag came out and brought it ~n home. Minnig was second and Hames got by Sanden for third. Johnson was on a real rip and the Open Money half mile was just a culmination of his night's racing activities. Jeff started the evening off leading the short track Open Experts around. Ross . Klatt and Darren Hulbert battled for the second ~th the nod going to Klatt. The final warm up for the Open Money was the half mile Expert go and again Johnson, aboard his Tony Denius-tuned Honda, put on a show. Dorothy Rowe, the fastest lady around on the din track, got through the llman field and aced Klatt out of the seCond spot. Results SHORT TRACK MINI PKN: 1. _Bell lVom!; 2. Don _ _ lVom); 3. Donny Grigg lVom). • MIN AMIEX: 1. _ Kirby lHonI; 2. _ _ lVom). 125 PKN: 1. Wtl/t Molloy 1Suzl; 2. Don _ lVom); 3. _ _ 125 AMIEX: 1. C.... Cannon lVom!; 2. flagor ~ lVom!; 3. Mike Kirby (Hon). 250 PKN OIV I: 1. Jeff RunyenlVom!; 2. Bobby SlVoml: 3. Wtl/t Molloy lVom!. 250 PKN OIV II: 1. Ride Monon lVom!; 2. Dorrid< Von lVoml; 3. Jim SbIn1Z (suzl. 250 AM: 1. Jimmy Snow lVom!; 2. John _ lVom); 3. Koith _ d lHon). 250 EX: 1. Wlyne Rliney IKlw); 2. Mike lVom); 3. Cunil Cannon lVom!. OPEN NOV DlV I, 1. S _ T'o.... lVom); 2. Keith _IYom); 3......, Cook lVom). OPEN NOV OIV II: 1. Olen Sykeo lVom); 2. o;ny DIve lVom); 3. Jlmeo 'Steel lVlnil. NSOTHG: 1. JOhn We/IlIYlml; 2. Bill _ 11Hl); 3. Gory Petti. (Bull. OPEN AM: 1. J.R. Cullinen (Tnl; 2. Jim Wood IYom); 3. Don Moiner IYom). OPEN EX: 1. Jeff Johnson IHon); 2. Roa KiItt (Ylm); 3. DlMd Hulbert (Suzl. 250 MONEY: 1. Pete Hlmeo IKlwI; 2. Chris Cannon IYaml; 3. W"",. flliney IKlwI. OPEN MONEY: 1. Pete Hameo lVom); 2. Jeff Johnson IHon); 3. Bobby Sondeto 11Hl1. HAlo.F MILE • MINI NOV: 1. JIIOIl Bell IYoml; 2. Don Ambt_ IYlnd; 3. Conny Grigg IYlnd. MIN' AM/EX: 1. Mike Kirby (Han); 2. lI

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