Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 01 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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! JANUARY SPECIALS ~ FREE! Oil Change &Filler ~ With Tune &Seni:e FR.E! Safety Inspection 100/0Parts &Accessory Discount Off. Good WIth This Ad ThrouKh J......., 31st • Questions about your dirt bike? Come in and talk with Mr. Ito, former Suzuki Engineer and Zen Masten in the art of motorcycle maintenance. STORE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9 to 7, SATURDAY 9 to 5 PASADENA SUZUKI 2900 E. Colorado Blvd Pasadena. CA 91107 (213) 796-4129 There is no free lunch, nowadays i't's called "Happy Hour." C1tU au: p!wj£d to announCE thE. alJaJaEJit!j of TZ -250 C.D.L Control Units • 1I/L-$J8CNMy, . .I. . . . . . . st6IbIe, G ~-CJEl High fEE COIJ¥lOIIINlts • Direct inteIclBJgNb/Iity with OEM unit '!J .. Northern California-Northern Nevad8-0regon-Weshington-ldaho-Ut8h-Aleak. NORTHERN DATELINE Davis, Bryant. Smith, and Rich Earl pulled onto the Irack in Ihat order. Roy pulled by Carey and both riders pulled away from Bryant and Smith who were in a fierce battle for third. With two· thirds of Ihe molo completed, Roy seemed to be in control of first, as Carey slowed due 10 a smarting wrisl. BUI then a strange sound was heard over the track. It was the sound of Roy's scooter screaming due to a stuck throttle. Roy began using his clutch 10 slow his Yamaha 'in the comers. Carq's fans, who were alongside the track, started jumping up and down, and waving "Scarey Carey" on. Carey wasted no time in wicking the throttle on and moving up behind Roy. Roy's determination was monumental, but finally on a downhill, Carey squeezed by, rubbing elbows with Roy on the way. Carey rode on for the win with Roy in second. Meanwhile, Bryant had fallen, giving up third to Smith. In the pits, Carey was seen shaking hands with Roy and a little later he looked up toward the sky and exclaimed, "Wow, I finally got a break'" Rich Earl didn'l have a good day. Rich just couldn't seem to get into the racing at hand in the l25cc Pro class and he was back quite a ways from the others. To top it all off. on Rich's last lap, be fell. and before he could get started, a large Mini class was turned loose. The Minis headed toward Rich like a pack of Pygmies on the warpath. Rich started just ahead of the Mini mob, and they chased the misplaced Pro rider all the way to the pits. There was only one rider in the Open Pro class, but that really didn't _ matter because that "only one" rider was DMG Maico rider Larry Hooper. Larry was a show all by himself as he rode around the track in such style and speed that even some of the Old Timers, Open Juniors and Intermedi· ates who were riding wilh him were overheard to say thaI they wanted to stop and watch "that guy on the Maico." Results 125 PRo: 1. Roy Davis IVam): 2. Rick Smi'" IVaml: 3. Carey Lund IHanl. 250 PRO: 1. Roy Davis (Vam). OPEN PAD: 1. larry Hooper IMaii. PEE WEE JR: 1. Andy Byrd IVaml: 2. Jason Jansen ISul). PEE WEE INT: 1. Jaff Daily IVam); 2. MonlY Spalding IVam). MINI BEG: 1. Robbie Miquel !Yam): 2. Andy Narkiewicz ISUl); 3. Matthew Ramey IVaml. MINI JR: 1. Anthony Valenzuela ISull; 2. Mike Narkiewicz ISUlI. MINIINT: 1. Greg Holmberg ISull. 100 JA: 1. Charlie Byrd (Vaml: 2. Gay", !Yaml. POWDER PUFF: ,. Becky Roberts ISUlI. 125 JR: 1. Mike Burke ISUlI: 2. Dirk Martin ISull; 3. Troy Davis ISUlI. 125 INT: I. Loch Names IVam); 2. Stan Roberts ISUl~ 3. Doug Danye lKawI. 250 INT: 1. Rod Huffman ISUlI. OPEN JR: 1. Paul Remy (Vam). OPEN INT: 1. Jeff Jordan IVaml: 2. Jim Sargent IVaml. OT: 1. Elm", Reimer ISUl); 2. John Broadwa'", IVaml: 3. Richard Byrd IVam). Cantaloupl takes all at Sand Hili MX By Mel White BRENTWOOD, CA, DEC. 6 The Sand Hill Ranch track benefited from recent rain and was in great shape this Saturday. It 'was a little surprising that • ... - (8) ._~(21) RACER SPECIAL '135.00incL shipping .Performance Marketing L.lD. 758 0r8nsI8 AN, ....., ......Ct.08518 203·834·8855 fewer riden than usual were on hand to enjoy it. Hopefully, the word will spread and more riden will get their act together in time to race on Saturday as .Sand Hill continues to host MX each week. Today, Donnie Cantaloupi came out to play on a water·cooled 12Scc Yamaha and a 465 as well and led wire to wire in all of the US, aod ,Open Expert motos. On the 125s, Mike Preston - chased Cantaloupi and finished in second place each time. In the fint moto, Preston had a little trouble a couple of times in the soft stuff of a hairpin tum and Cantaloupi developed a healthy lead. The second time out, Preston stayed much closer, but the resulu were the same. On the Open bikes, Cantaloupi immediately swept into the lead with Jerome Heiberger flying behind him. At about the halfway point, Heiberger slid down in a hilltop turn and Perry Donohue was into second place with a good lead before Heiberger was moving again. But move he did. Two laps later, he had closed the gap on Donahue and only needed an opportunity, which he soon took, to get by. Cantaloupi, meanwhile, was totally long gone. Heiberger's luck was nl)t much better the second time out. His was the last bike off the start, but again he was into second place at the fmish line. When they switched to the 250cc bikes, it was Joey Schlag that Heiberger battled with. In the fint moto, Gary Joltnson took the outside line around the first turn and whistled past everyone into a clear, although short·lived, holes hot. Schlag and Heiberger were soon running almost neck and neck with Schlag extending his neck a tiny bit ahead most of the time. Another good race was bcrween Jim Olson and Willie Miller for third place. It was resolved at the finish line with Olson ahead. In the second moto, Heiberger beat Johnson around the fim turn and poured it on all the way to a safe win. Schlag was fifth at the sun and _tied for second at the finish line. Olson and Miller again battled it out with Miller keeping abead most of the way this time and claiming third overall. On the Minis, it was Tyson Vohland out fint each time with his brother, Tallon, right behind. Tyson carried on to a double win, while Tallon dropped behind Tyler Young in both motos. Young thus claimed the Novice class win with Tallon in second. Troy Barazoto holeshot and won both 12Scc Novice/Junior motos with primary dispute coming from John Looney. Looney was fifth around turn one in moto one, and although he was soon into second place, he could not budge Barazoto. In the second moto, Looney dropped into last place on the fint lap and had to play catch up, which he did, to another second place behind Barazoto. Results -Ill' 125 EX: 1. Donnye:..-upfY...,~ 2. Mike_ 1Suzl;:1 _ _ 1Suzl. 250 EX: 1. Joromo (C-AI; 2. Joe Sch'-g IKTM);:1 WIIIIo _ (Honi. OPEN EX: 1. Dannie c:.-.p fYoml; 2. Joromo ~ IC-AI;:1 Pwfy Donohuo fYoml. 125 NOVIJR: 1. Troy . - - fY...,); 2. John ~ 1Suzl; :1 Bob Zorrwoni fY...,). 250 NOV: 1. K.. KIoin CSuzl; 2. Milut Subocz lHon~ 3. PhI ~ IKlwl. OPEN NOV: 1...... Mooltgool.' lHuol; 2. . - - FinnigIn fYoml; 3. S_ e.-on (Mol). 250IOPEN JR: 1. Don CIork fYoml; 2. Vomon ForIYIh lCAl; 3. Mott Arono fYoml. MINI NOV: 1. Tyler Young fYoml; 2. Tallon Vohlond fY...,); 3. T..., _ CSuzl. MINI EX: 1. T~ Vohlond fY...,). VETSIOT: 1. eng Young fYoml; 2. _ ~ lMoil; 3. M _ 8onIcooki (Hon). Three motos at Woodland By Jan Newman WOODLAND, WA, DEC. 6 There weren't swarms of riders dedicated enough to brave the twO or three inches of mow which , had ~n predicted. The snow

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