Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 01 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. .de- Nurthem California-Northern Nevada-oregon-Washington-ldaho-Utllh-AI 3. Den S_ev 1Hen). 2SO INT: 1. Mike Smolhers ISuzl; 2. Ben Gr_ (HonI; 3. Ben Johnoon (Hon). 25OIOPEN PRO: 1. Gory Root lVaml; 2. Tom GootaIdi lHonl; 3. Eric HolIILOPl. OPEN JMNT: 1. 08nIIt Louring lVam); 2. Ben Snyder ISuzl; 3. Oid< Fenslriclt IV..,I. Manning, Taylor, Eaton win aqua MX By Dick Thompson OLYMPIA, WA, DEC. 14 Nearly a hundred fifty motocross riders suffered through the rain, mud and cold at the ThurstonGrays Harbor ORV Park. Despite the miserable conditions. spectators still lined the track and enjoyed some very interesting racing. It definitely proved to be man and machine over matter. Those who had their machine properly prepared were rewarded. Eric Eaton, who recently signed with Maico for a 250cc ride (only two each were given in the 250 and Open classes). showed his style in the Open Pro class. In the first moto, Doug Raines was the flTSt one through the comer, but it was shon-lived because Eric put his 490 Maiclfin front to stay. At the checkered, it was Eaton, Poage and Raines. It's good to see Tom Poage back on the battlefield. In the second moto it was Raines and Poage out in front. Eaton had been caught at the gate due to a malfunction. Eric spotted the pack half a lap, but by the end of the 20minute moto. it was Eaton first and Poage second. The best racing of the day was in the 250cc Pros. Scott Tyler flew around the first turn with Eaton, Monte Mitchell and Blaine Elledge hot on his tail. Tyler led the first moto until midway through the 20-minute moto when Eaton passed him. Eric opened up about a 10 bike lead until the white flag came out. With less than -haIra lap to go, Eaton lost a chain and had to settle for a DNF. Tyler picked up the moto win with Mitchell in second and third to Elledge. The second moto proved to be a reverse of the first and settled a fourway tie for the overall. Doug Taylor on a KTM, with a founh in the first moto, took the checkered first for the big bucks. Elledge added a second to his total for second overall. Third in the second mota and overall was Mitchell with Tyler founh. The most consistent winner in the Pro wars has been Rob "Monsoon" Manning. Though plagued by chain problems in the 250cc class. he took it out on the 125cc Pros. Stacy Thornton, Dan Diesso and Bill Baumgardner battled for the early lead of moto one. "Monsoon" Manning, with an unusually slow stan. staned picking off riders one by one and by mid-moto had his Honda out in front once again. At the finish line it was Manning, Baumgardner. Tim Kirk and Thornton. Thornton, not used to finishing founh, got hot in the second moto and picked up second overall with the mota win. But Manning, riding a wise race due to conditions, settled for second and the overall. This is race three of the six-race series and considering the weather, the crowds have proved excellent. Rumor has it the riders will see a new surface on the track for race fOUT on February fi. So it still looks like the pla{;e to race in the Nonhwest this winter 'is the Thurston-Grays Harbor ORV Park. Results SMAll WHEel: 1. S'-" DempMy (Suzl; 2. SI_ Karad< lSuzl. MINI A: 1. Dennis DoIquisllV..,); 2. Dennis Fennell lVom); 3. S--. Oshlr (Suzl. MINI B: 1. Wode J _ lVam); 2. Trecy Bethel (Suzl; 3. Terry Howell. MINI C: 1. Todd Hooner (Kawl; 2. Bob Korock ISuzl; 3. Jim Eddund ISuzl. OTH: 1. SI_ Glenn (Vom); 2. John Collum IVeml. OT: 1. _ Houoe lVam); 2. BiD McCondliso (Moi); 3. Joe MocKonoie lMoo1. 100 A: 1. Milch Loronz ISuzl; 2. W ... Clerk lSuzl. 100 B: 1. Scot Grim IV..,I; 2. Con Kirk ISuzl. 12S PRO: 1. Rob Menning IHonI; 2. Stoey Thornton IKawI; 3. Bill ~dner (Hon). 125 A: 1. Morvin WoIdo (Han). 125 B: 1. Doug Longe lKawI; 2. Mike Cheoe IKow); 3. S'-" Myers ISuzl. 12S C: 1. Jom85 SWMIOn (Varni; 2. Jim Mcintosh IVam); 3. Jeff Morriwon (Vom). 2SO PRO: 1. Doug Teylor IKTMI; 2. Bleine Elledge lVaml; 3. Mantey Mitchell (Moi). 2SOA: 1. Rob Bur1

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