Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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giving thwn away to all who send a legal size SASE to 7818 Kempster Ave.. Fontana. CA 92336. Edltorl rebel/trBH riderlbon vlvent Papa Wealey has obtained a copy of this mep and plana to reproduce it In a future iaaue of CJde N.... Reports out of Utah say that Don Vesco, having delivery problems with the shell of his dou ble-engined Kawasaki .streamliner, has delayed his planned motorcycle land speed record attempt at the Bonneville Salt Flats until Nov. 1. o 00 ~ ..... "So far it's still legal," said a cheerful Checkers M,C. member in a Monday morning phone call to Papa updating him on the state of the 29th Annual Check Chase slated for Oct. 25. The BLM granted the club permission on Friday, Oct. 17, to mark the course, and the bureau stated that they are "cautiously optimistic" that the event will run as planned. Two groups will provide professional pits at the Check Chase. The Masterlinks may be contacted at 215/659-8451 after 4:50 p.m., or you may phone the Anaheim Hi-Siders at 714/828-7044 (days) or 714/997-8615 (nights). There's also a TUmor that the event will be filmed by helicopter for the panial remake of On Any Sunday II. If you plan to ride your street blke to the Oct. 2& Sen Diego Coca-Cole Motoero.. Finela. conald. this: The Gold Wing Roed Riders Is holding the Aaaocilltlon Muscular Dystrophy Benefit Caravan from Balboa Park In Sen Diego to the atadlum for the race and Honda Expo 81. Reglatrlltlon Ia from 7-9 a.m. at the meln entrBnee to the Sen Diego Zoo. northeaat parking lot. and the ride starts within an hour after reglatr8t1on Is complete. A $2 per person donation will go to MD. and there will be a Best Dre..ed Motorcycle conteat. The group will spend the day at Honda Expo 81 where all the new machines from Honda will be on display. Dick (ho-hum, another one) Burleson won the Oct. 19 Black Hawk Trails National Enduro, this time riding a 125cc Husqvama just to make it interesting. King Richard dumped only eight points along the Forest City Riders' 112-mile course to take overall honors. Honda rider Ted Worrell let 10 points slip past to earn the AA class win. Rod Bush put his 125cc KTM on top of the A class with a 16-point score. Other class winners were as follows. 125A - Ray Cosgrove (Suz); 200A - Mark Hyde (Kaw); 250A Jeff Fredette (Suz); Open - Terry Cunningham (Hus). Artlstlrebelltr8il rider Winston Beaumont has produced an IncredIbly 8CCUrate. rib-ticking funny Beratow to Vegas mep "dHigned for study use by students of motorcycle reclng history..... The Phantom Duck of the Desert Is KTM has gone to liquid cooling on their 1981 125cc MXer. The 12& LC features an all megneaium crankceae with forged aluminum alloy cylinder and cyIlnd. heed pumping out 29.8 hp DIN at 9.aoo RPM. The trBnamlaaion Ia six-speed c1oae-nn1o with primery kicks... while travalla121nchea front and rear via 38mm Marzocchi forks and Ohllna piggyback reservoir shocks. No forward mounted cooling on this beauty es KTM has uniquely mounted the radiator horizontally to the frame beneath the fuel tank. Look for the LC In dealers wound the end of December. A finn price has not yet bean established. 2 U.S. Suzuki Motor Corporation ceptured the 1980 NMRA Manufacturers Cup by virtue of the efforts of Pro Stock Champ Terry Vance. M:h rival Bob Carpenter. Vic Force. Dale Walker and Jim PaueiSOn. The points competition. which includes the Pro Stock. Supw Stock and Stock claaaes. saw SuzukI-mounted riders ama.. 6600 points. while runner-up Harley-Davidson had 1100. all through the efforts of Pro Stock rider Ed Ryan. Not only did Top Fuel drag racer Bo O'Brachta stun the crowd at Ontario Motor Speedway with his astounding times in the NHRA/NMRA Winston World Finals, his Terminal Van Lines Kawasaki also was awarded Best Engineered Machine laurels. The motorcycle was judged best from among all the cars and bikes entered in the event. At the Nov. 2 The Superblkera event. Bel-Ray. Inc. will present the Bel-Ray Chalenge Cup. a perpetual trophy to be given to the top _m In The Superbikera competition. Teema conaiat of three men; one motoeroaaer. one dirt track. and one roed racer. For the 1180 race. there era only three _mao Teem Honda. Team Kawaaekl and Teem Yamaha wHl vie for the top teIIm honors. Suzuki has not entered a _m although K.nt Howerton. reigning Superblkers champion. Ia Suzukknounted. If a _m wins the BeI-Ray Challenge Cup three times In euc:ceeslon. the awn Ia then pr.sented to th.m on a permanent ~. In addition to the Cup. B....Ray will offer In contingency money to The Superblkers: .1.000 to the winner and .1.000 to the top _m If the motorcyclee use Bel-Ray 011 The Bal-Ray Challenge Cup Ie . t contingent on use of B.I-Ray procIucta. If you've ever wanted to p into Many Smith·s leathers or wondered if you'd go any faster wearing Kent Howerton's jersey, now's your chance. On Oct. %4 from 5 to 7 p.m., several of motocross' Slars will be at Factory Riders, 4076 Bonita Rd. in Bonita (near San Diego) to auction off their gear in a benefit for Gaylon MOIier's family. Broc GIoVet, Marty Tripes and others are scheduled to be there. too. For more info. caD 714/479-5751. The Sixth Annual Four-Stroke NatIo.... Ia coming soon. Nov. 18 to be exact. to CarIebed Raceway. SponeorM by Moto-X Fox and the H ~ Fectory. there wlH be a .1200 purse up for grlIba In the Open c:IIIaa with an eddftIonal pwcentage of the antry paid back to sidecar and &OOcc cIau I'lIC8ra. Also alated Is an .xhlbltlon of antiques and classics like Match..... some board trBckers and other old.... For .ntry Info or cIetIIIa on becoming a contingencyI prize sponsor. contact the CMC at P.O. Box 1402. Costa Mesa. CA 92121. or cel71415&7-3323. Despite the recent cancellation of Golden State (Sears Point) Raceway's Trans-USA race, the Winter Series Sportsman races will be held as scheduled staning OCt. 26 says Bill Spencer, Papa's NorCal connection. No news. That's what HarleyDavldson's Dick O'Brien seya of H· D's racing plans for 1981. "We haven't finalized the budgat yet so I can't really sey anything:' said O·Brien. "I know what I want do do. but you'lI have to walt until at Ieeat the AMA Awerda Banquet (Nov. 21 before wa have our plana finalized." A proposed land use plan for Hungry Valley State Vehicular Recreation Area will be discussed at a meeting of the Hungry Valley Citizens Advisory Committee Oct. %9 in Sherman Oaks. The meeting, open to' the public, will begin at 7:50 p.m. in the Meeting Room, Van Nuys-Sherman Oalts Senior Citizens Center. 5040 Van Nuys Boulevard. People who cannot or do not wish to attend a meeting may address their questions and comments by mail to Hungry Valley Planning Team, Department of Parks and Recreation, P.O. Box 2590, Sacramento, CA 95811, or they may phone 9161 522-7554 or 522-7526. Beginning approximately three months after this meeting, the Preliminary General Plan and Environmentallmpact Repon will be available for public review for 45 days. Comments received during that period will be considered in the Preliminary General Plan to be presented to the California Park and Recreation Commiasion at a public nleeting in May 1981. The first meetings of the recently formed Ukiah DIe1rlct AdvIaory CouncH of the BLM will be held Nov. 6-7 at the Manor Inn and the BLM offtce In Ukiah. The Council will convene In the Manor Inn meeting room. 9&0 N. State. at 9-.30 a.m. Nov. and continue throughout the day and evening at that location. AI meetings are open to the public and to the media. On Fri.. Nov. 7. the CouncH wHl meet at the BLM District OffIce. 666 leaNa. At 10:00 a.m.. they will IIatan to statements from the pubic. Those who wish to address the Council are _ked to notify Ed Katlea. Acting DIatrlct Manager. P.O. Box 140. Ukiah. CA 96482. by Nov. 1. Written statements to be conaldwed by the councl may be submitted by that time. e. The lith annual Nevada State Championship Hare and Hound on Oct. 19 went to the Can-Am ridden by Kevin Welch. Hosted by the Gamblen M_C_. the ISO-mile oDe-way event ran from Searchlight, NV. to Boulder City. Chris Howard took fin! %50 on a Yamaha while Honda-mounted Paul Emerson zipped in for tint 1%5. Complete coverage next weelr.. Don't expect a quick ruing on the Wee Cooley appeal of . . dlequallflcatIon from the final Superblke Championship round Oct. 6 In Daytona. Both the AMA's Mike DIPret. and Bill Boyce are attending the FIM Congress In Malta. and prior to their departure they wwe stili waiting on CooIey's formal statement to arrive. A corporate sponsor is being sought for the 1981 Dirt-Digen North promoted Hangtown Motocross Classic, to be held Mar. %8-%9 at Sacramento's Prairie City Off-Highway Vehicle Park. Hangtown's crowds traditionally

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