Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o 00 C') Rod Spencer accepts E & R Perpetual Trophy from ref Bob o.y Cleft) end Lynn White of the Elks. Spencer does It at Elks & Ramblers Benefit Scrambles By Bill Spencer SAUNAS, CA, AUG. 24 Rod Spencer became only the second man to ever retire the E &: R Benefit Scrambles Perpetual trophy, winning his third Open Expcn main evftlt in fine style. Rid Otto won the other way bad in 1970 and with names Iilr.e Duane Spence, Alex Jorgemen, Rick Graham and Buddy Robinson, it will be quite a keepsake. The event has taken on a slightly different character after 19 yean with much lower keyed racing involved on a new and cushion trad located on the front straight and inside the rodeo arena. Mixing many motocroll guys liberally with Old Timers. Veterans and cow trailers and ·the usual large contingent of scrambles riders should enhance the program greatly. The Salinas Elks are evftl thiolting of moving the date into September just before the San Jose mile to funher enhance the nature of the Crippled Children's. Muscular Dystrophy benefit that is over the $500,000 mark in contributions. An all-day project with over 500 riden and 4000 watchers started with Mike Yam winning the lightweight poroon of the OT/Vet class over Darrell LaWlOn and Mike's dad Ken Vam taking first Old Timer. Ten years ago, Mike Yam was the latest in shan traders and TT riden on the A &: A Bultacos. Over 12 years ago, Fred Bennett turned sponstnan Expcn in D-!l6 and he climaxed a long career with a good win in the heavyweight OT/Vet over Mike VanLienden with Jim Chisum in for third and first Old Timer on one of his trid Maicos. It was quite a battle with VanLienden having won the heat on his IT425 Yarnaha Spons Center of Santa Cruz machine. Mike, a former Black Plate number one rider, had a little trouble with the first comer. Bennet rode his Yamaha Spons Center of S:e~ ~chine around ~ Upt the pace up for tbose two Vets while Chisum surprised a few of his Old Timer cohons with a fine, fast third overall and first OT. Casting aside the old for the young. the Pee Wen were very entertaining with five· year-old Matt Busby the fastest kid on his Suzuki RM for the win over John Kennedy and Josh Chisum. In the 60cc Novice, it was Charlie Anhur in a come-from·behind effon to defeat Shad Johnson. Jeff Pestana won the 80cc Novice main over John Nunez and Jimmy Sanchez. Jimmy had the stan, but couldn't hold the two-stroke powerhouses with his Honda. Chris Cowel, bedecJr.ed in MX garb all tbe way, was tbe 125cc Novice winner over Larry Morales and Ron_ Ernst, showing that speed, style and knobbies were the bot set up for tbe track that was constantly graded and watered. Brett Lafayette surprised AI Silhanek with a good pass and win in the I 25cc Junior/Expert which Al led early on his Yamaha of Salinas YZ. Brett rode around the Expert rider to take a close count witb Rod Williams in for third. Former Mini shon tracker-turned MXer Mike Randal was all smiles after winning the 250cc Novice main over scrambles rider Mike Cahoon, Louis Ledlow and Mark Hawonh. Randal commented about the motocrouers being better, but seemed to have for· gotten that his great talents as a shon tracker made him a better motocross rider. All around racer Craig Christian took the 250cc Junior on the Cycle Gear stores YZ with Jeff Iwanaga second over Brett Lafayette and Chad Felicio. Christian rides Tuesday nights at Richmond on Minis, scrambles and motocross at Sand Hill and crosa country and marathons when they come around. That's all around. Doug Cbandler had the stan of the 250cc Expen going his way on the Salinas Kawasaki KX250 with knobs and held offJimmy Cunningham until the last lap when he got a little wide off the first corner. He shut off and got out of shape just enough so he didn't get the next comer set up right, That ... all ~ needed to do to give Cunningham what he Jim had just recently retired from the rigors of MX and only decided that week. to come out and give this great evftlt a try. His father and he were having a good time and Jimmy is still a great competitor. David Boyles rode a rather stock CR250 to third over motocrouenJim lack and Troy DeHerrera, once again mixing things up. Kun Sbifner was the 500cc Novice winner over Tom Winkleman in a class that was about evenly mixed with cow trailers and whatever. Jeff Weimer beat out Chris Ghione and Ken Digp with John Randolph in for sixth in a almoet Old Timer cl_ that included S8-year-young Ted Penlton, the Godfather, who is a fire chief on the side. Ted got off in the first comer and knocked himself out, but finiahed the race on the sidelines knocIting out war stores. Jim Cunningham was working on a double win with the 500cc Expens, but couldn't get Rocky Robinson to coooperate. Rocky led the largest class of the day into and around tbe 10 lapper on his KX420 in very fine fashion. Cunningham tried everyway, but saw no mistakes from the Cycle Engineering rider. Both had to watch it as Buddy Robinson was close on their tail. The Bud, as in Budweiser, Man was as hot as they come having won one of the heats. Mike Marquez took founh after having to work hard to get around Jeff Buckner in the closing laps with Jerry Brandt riding the Concord Yamaha to sixth over Kenny Robicheaux and Benny King. It would be no surprile to see this cIasa be the new Perpetual Trophy cIasa of the '80s. Buddy Robinson borrowed Danney Hogue's Triumph and led the first couple of laps, but hit one of the infamous neutrals only available in special Triumph models and wound up high and dry, stalled in the berm of the lint comer. Rod Spencer and the Hap Jones/ND-sparked/Bud Manintuned Yamaha 750 left the rest of the pack and that was that for ,first. Paul Warne took the second spot for almost the rest of the distance over Wade Boyd's monocoque Yamaha with "Wild Bill" Flett leading Larry Lane, Tif Mullenax and crew. On the last lap, Robinson passed right on by Boyd and Warne and was so fast he pulled Boyd with him. It was a fme day and congratulations go to the Salinas Ramblers M.C., Bill McCready, Chris Buckner, Jim Chisum and the entire group from the Elks and especially the fans. Results OTIVET 260:1. _ Y_ CSuzI; 2. DorNlI ~ IVoml. OTIVET OPEN: 1. fNct . . . . . IVomI; 2. _ V_IVoni;3. Jim a-.lMoil. PEE WEE: 1. - . 8uIb¥ CSuzI; 2. JaIwl IC8wledy CSuzI; 3. __ CIlioum CSuzI. 80 NOV: 1. CIwIo Arthur IVomI; 2. Shed Johnoon CSuzI. 80 NOV: 1. JeIf _ _ CSuzI; 2. Jon _IV_I; 3. Jimmy SInchR lHonI. 80 JR: 1. Rick -.tll~; 2. ar,.. T_IVomI. 80 EX: 1. Kurt e - (1C8w~ 2. o.n V1ncoIM oc-t; 3. Killey _IVomI. 125 HOo/: 1. Chrio e - IVomI; 2. t..ry _ lSuII; 3. Ron Emot IVoml. 125 JRIEX: 1. a..n L..c.yena IVomI; 2. AIIon SlI.-IVoml; 3. Rod _IVomI. 250 HOo/: 1. Milut _ IVomI; 2. Milut lAhoon IVomI; 3. Lauio ~ lCAl. 250 JR: 1. c..ig ~ IVomI; 2. J.n _ _ CSuzI; 3. a..n L..c.yena lSuzl. 250 EX: 1. Jim CunningIwn IVomI; 2. Doug a.-l~; 3. o.vIcIlloytoalHonI. 500 HOo/: 1. Kurt S_IVom); 2. Tom Wlnldomom IY_I; 3. Joll W_lSuII. 500 JR: 1. Mike Arthur IYom); 2. lluono Hughoo IV_I; 3. c..ig C_IVoml. 500 EX: 1. Rod

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