Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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DEALERS Sact amen 'o. CA 9581B . 1 9161 452·549 1. Lucas . BTH EngHsh. Cycle Hub. fnc.: 3602 NE Sand. Blvd ; Portland. OR 97232. 10 A .M . 10 7 P.M . Dial t -ace BaCyele n ·503-232 ·92531 . Santa Barbara Anaheim AN AHEI M SU2U KI INC. Sales. Service, Parts. Ace .. & 1 . Complete service facilities m - Boring, Welding, Crank Rebuilding and Dyne Tu ne. Ma~ order parts. 1125 S. Anaheim Blvd.. Anaheim. CA 92805. 1714In~l . a& E CYCLE ENGINEERING & SUPPLY - Mont... & CZ bikes & parts. Machine shoP: boling , sleeving. milling . heliarc . Service on all bikes . 114·A N. Kraemer B1.171416JO.5nO. SUZUKI OF SANTA BARBARA Franch;sed B.M .W .. Dueati , Hualty & M ote Guzzi dealer. Service. Parts & - . 2O'lI> off to all pro licenae MO NTESA DISTRIBUTOR Just purchased by Mont... West. Inc. Large parts inventory in Slod<. Trials, M X & EnIbo. Same dey U.PS . - . Mont... West, Inc.. 8B36 S .E. Stark St . Pomand. OR 9n 16. s-. hoIdars. '1 So. M ilpes St .. Santa Barbera, CA 93103 B05966-0111 . 1 5031 257·704 7. Ventura R.E. BARBER HONDA - Spe- cializing in th e fmest customer service in the Ventura & Santa 9a II•• • •• • . .. ~ Kolbe Cycle 53 HON DA OF OCEANSIDE AT C Special ists. Frames, strokers. piston kits. beer racks. Mail order parts & en- L& L SportS Centor leetron Produeta LuIt Shock Factory 39 5 43 rMgura. • . . .• .• . . •• • • •• • • • 41 Maxime 52 M r. Know It M 33 Moto-X Fox 33 Mountain V_ Dis! 48 MlCTore Cotp 21 National MinIcycIe Aasoc• • . • 46 Neotech In~ 52 N;ppond. . - Sperl< Plugs 23 Organiza M /C Saltilo • .• •• . . 35 Othman Dis! 49 PJ1 19 Pasadena Suzuki 48 The Port Fectory 53 RPM 48 Rac:ecraIters Int'l • • • • • • •• • • • 41 SRA 45 Saddlebaclt ParI< 46 Saddlebeck Satu rday M X .•• 47 Sadd_ Suzuki•• • • • • • •• 49 Simi Valley Honda 62 Malcolm Smith M .C 53 S- ' m Motoraporta. • •. • • • 23 Stick ·EmUp 53 Sudco Int' l 49 SuperS 52 Suzu ki of Riveraide . • • •• . •.. 25 T & 0 Yamaha 23 Sammy Tanner Diet 48 T erry<:able : • .' 39 Track N' Travel 21 Tu Gee Ent 33 U.S. Suzuld Motor Cotp. 8&9.15 Vance& HinwRaclng 43 VanL-.wenEnt 53 ~ ofTime 48 W• • m.on Sponmotar • •••. 39 Yamaha 1nt'1 48 AdVERTisiNG .TItAT gine work sh ipped 8f'1V"Nhere. Super prK:es on new ATC I100s & 185'• . 171B Mission Ave., Ckeanside, CA 92054 . 171 41 4~ . WORks Poway HON DA ·SUZ UKI OF POWAY in San Diego County. SpeQa/ deals on new Honda and Suzuk ; motorcyeles. Call owner Bob Emde. A TC specialists. mail order part s shipped anyw!>ere. 17141 74B-4151. P.O. Bo. 387, Poway, CA 92064 . ~~--------------------~ lD~:.u ~TJ.) Ql.IWTaJJlRl :..u r 1(.ilU'.J'-WiI ADVERTIS I NG BLANK Redwood City Sacramento Cordova, CA 9567 0 . Phone 19161635-2899 . 21 17 Arai Helmeta 41 Aacot 44 _ 41 Bel Ray • • • • • • • • • •.• • • • • . • • 21 Bert'. M otoreydeo .. ..... .. 33 American Honda La Habra co ntents . Send tor brochures and prices on many opt ions . 11363B Folsom Blvd .• Rancho The firat most,an ractive Irail· 47,62 Advanced Cycle Produeta • • . 48 ers built! Custom buil t trai lers w ith our custom ers in mind, and total security for the ins ide PRC-TRAC TRA ILERS. INC. - ZNDEK 411 S. Brookh urst, Fullerton, CA 92633. 17141B7 1·2460 . KA W AS A KI OF REDWOO D CITY newl y franchised Kawasaki dealer. Sales. service. parts & accessories. Sto p in and Check us out . 2707 EI Camino Real, Redw ood City. CA 94063. (4151367-8309. Trailers ADVERTISER TOWN AN D COUNTRY CYCLE - Suzuki and Puch. Sales, service, parts. & accessories. Insurance. Hard to get parts . Qui. be!''iatin l ll""'-d to &-Blinn... Name _ St.te c;ty Br.nd. • Zip . _ • _ Mo. Houn _ . _ PhOM .:...... _ For s pHdy aervice uI1213142 7·7433 or ma il thi. coupon. JOE SA RKEES MDTORCY· CLES Triumph. Honda. BM W . Sales. Servic e, Parts & Aceess . 2509 BroadwaY, o My n so.oo check enclosed . a I am a Cy de Ne ws d. .. .. pi.... bi ll m y account. L~.:;::.:.';::::.;;~~;~;';~_~~~~ 55.

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