Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 09 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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77 Yamaha TT500 1980 126 Huaqvarna 424-7117. 1331341 Aoch p;pe, 34mm Mikuill, ProQrcui. porting. long 250 swing arm. MetzeIer fron~ F.I.M. numbera pIeNo. XR750 BRAKE KITS mechanic.$1,295.00 0lIylI18051 324-Qll6, Nights IIIO!il 8J4.T.l6O Rondy.133I341 ExceUent condition. extra desert tank , $89 5.00. (2131 .eda,.,..1Od 0hIirw. fresh engine. ~ lJy Ho.-.. Grimeca brake and foo t pegs set up for XR 750. STDR2 PERFORMANCE. 9344 Oso Ave. Chatsworth . CA91311. 12131993-3430 1321341 . ..J : ' Four wheeled fun ll 1976 M.G.B. convertible wi.h 35,000 miles. All tops, o - perfect condition. New tires on real wire wheets. Flawless insi de end out . Deep maroon. Costa Mesa 00 (714) 631-5479.l32fTFNl 0') Thinking of road racing but don't have the leat hers? The CALIFORNIA SUPERBIKE SCHOOL can lit any· body right now. W e a lso ha ve boots. gtoves. and approved Bell Hel mets for rent $70 .00 for co m plete set + de posi t of $225.00 . W e also have A.F.M . license a pp lications . Call t213 l' 484-9323 for informa tion . 127134 ) KXSaie Al l9BO 1003979. leeve ~. ' - ' 0 $3995. I34I3llI ~ TZ250E S.eve (714) 536-7555 or 17141 847·2229. Reliable club 'acer. ArM 140. 36mm Miltunis. tuned P;pes. $2.500.00. Abo "ailer .$250) end Ieetheos 57".1 50 Ibs. 1$2001. Randy all. 6:00 p.rn. (714) ~ 0701.(34 ) l209l372-4431. 1311341 WANTED X~ PARTS. ~ forlta, ....ka, _anything. DlIylI Il105' !l8J.a954. I33134' 78 RM 125 Suzuki 1980 IT 250, 425, TT250's V-v low prices - Call us and _ just how Iow l lANCASTER YAMAliA. 400 W. Ave. "", Unc:ast• • CA 93534. 1805 942·9624. 1331341. ) 1, 2. & 3 - Major brands & 4 & 5 Rail Customs Sma/Ior large wheels. Also VehK:le & lhilily Trailers & MetzeIer. Barum. stock. nice condition. $550.00. 1714 1 998-2999.1341 Hitches installed. M.S.C.(213) 767·1757.l28IEDIfTNA Sano 78 Husky 390-0R Bener than new . Blueprinted to factory Baja specs. la.e-type g...... 79 cases. CR & OR pipes , stainless spokes. VOfY rerl8ble end I.... $1175. 12131 2_ 770. 134' 1972 Maico 400 MX Clean, xlnt. con ditton. stored last 2 % veers. Koni shocks. many . - parts, rabui~ clu1ch. rejened. 8420.00 0 .B.0. (714)54&-4961. 134 1 79 KTM 250, $595 Super Dunlop Sale FAST FILL GAS CAN 5% geIIon capacity, I... Iappro ximately 2 seconds/ geIIon). fight weight 16 1bs.1 heavy duty oIuminum. . "06.95. OPTIONAL STANO 1$1 9.95' end OVERFLOW SYSTEM 1$2 4.95' Iiso - . _ . CIwge end 54, V... welcome. PACIFICRACING PRODUCTS • USA. P.O. Box 178551. Son Diego. CA 92117. (7141 27898OIl. I29m'NJ . . . . , .. K88HT5.,0.'8 $40.00; Kl90 5.10 .17 . 35.00; Kl 90 3.00 .21 $23.00; KI90 3.60. 14 $18.00; Kl90 4.10 . 14 $21.00; Kl90 2.75 • 17 $18.00. TEZER'S MOT(). SPORT 349 N. Hwy . 101, SoIena 1IeiIch. CA 92075 (7141756-3036. 133I34l .',100 or 74 SmualIIer 15' refr. own _ _ condo __ 8lliI !ilf.12l15.133I34l KZ1000 shafts, $2996 10 in IlDCk. COVINA KAWASAKI 12131 987-4181. I32ITFNI Good shape - needs new Motopl8l. la m buying open classeo. Nigh. 12 13} 35!Hl605. day 12 131 79&-8447. 134135) . 1975 Triumph Trident Excellent specimen of one of Triumph '. best modelo, maintained, 4.500 miles. some ...... included. $190010.8 .0 . Wdl ~ So. Cal. deli..-y. C3'efully (71417_ 7. 134) r_ '80KTM420 New MetzeIer, sIlid plate, SUI* 171 4' 54&6S14. ~1 ~. f1 ,900. THESE GUYS ARE READY to take the - . . ...... AND moot exciting rido thoro is. YOU rido one 01 our red hot KAW/SAK I KZ 560'. (we k_ them cool with LOCKHART OIL COOlERSl. with .,... - . boola, _ end ~ on the 2.5 mile R_ ' oed _ _ IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE THE CALIFORNIA SUPERBIKE SCHOOl. YOU HAVEN'T HAD RJN ON A MOTORCYClE. Aug. 27. SeP,. 12 and Sept. 26. AREYOUREADY7 P.O. Box 3743. _ _ 8ch.. CA. 902ll6. 12131 __ 9323.l33fTFN 1

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