Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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nada- Northern California-Northern Nevada-Oregon-Washington-Idaho-Utah-AI
During the second lap, Bruns missed a
gear and Magly zipped by into second
place for keeps.
Wood led the second moto off the
line with Miller nex t in tow followed
by Bruns, Magly and Clark , but by
mote's end , the lineup was a repeat of
the first - Wood , Magly and Bruns.
The 125cc Expen included no superstar to run away' with it ; rather , six
fas t riders with closel y ma tched skills
who gave eac h other some exci ting
com petition . In the first rnoto, Magly
had the holeshot with Mark Hearn
( Ya m) hot behind . H earn got around
Magl y and d eveloped a ni ce lead until
he crashed back to last pl ace . Magly
aga in found himself in front and this
time he was challen ged by Brad Bru ns
(Suz) . They d iced for th e lead and
Magly went down agai nst the inside of
Bruns' bike in a hairpin corner. As the
white fla g prep ared to fly. Curtis Co ok
(Su z) took the insid e line in the
swee per and came out ahead of Bruns
and carried on to claim the win .
The second tim e out , Hearn had the
holeshot and again stretched out a respectable lead before crashing to th e
back . Magly too k over the front
posi tio n and was there still for th e
ch eck ers. Joe McCummer (Yam) ca me
along in seco nd , Cook third .
In what may turn out to be his last
Amateur rid e , Kevin Bixb y gave a
convincing d em onstration of ho w he
has ea rned the poi nts he needs to m ove
on up into the Expert ra nks. Except
for one short stre tch , Bixb y's W r ight
Motors Yamaha led bo th 250cc m ot os
from first to last . T he first time ou t ,
Novice rider Eric Dutton (Ka w) stayed
with Bixb y most of the wa y, but Bixb y
ne ver ga ve hi m th e cha nce to get by.
Scott Sex ton (Yam) ca me along n ex t.
In the second moto, Bixby leaped
away from the sta rti ng gate and had a
30·foo t lea d going in to the first tu m .
Novice rider Br ian Peterson (Ya m)
was next and put in a strong enough
effort to get himself ahead of Bixby at
the end of th e first lap. Bixby took
back the lead around the sweeper and
never shared it again. Peterson dropped
back behind most of the Amateur
riders, but stayed ahead of the Novices
and earned first overall in the Novice
part of the race.
The impressive winner on the l25cc
machines was Marty Cunningham
(Hon) ,
streaking his way into the Expert class .
He led the first moto first to last.
Amateur Berkeley White (Suz) moved
up from a poor start to finish second
with Novice_Tim Collins (Ya m) third .
Col1ins took the holeshot in moto two
with Cunningham back a ways , but
before the lap was over , Cunningham
was in firs t place. An ac cident over the
big jump took out several bikes and
riders and on his second time around ,
Cunningham pulled off to check on a
friend . He remounted later in the
sam e lap and proceeded to reclaim all
his lost ground exce p t that held by
Collins , the leader, who deserves con gratulations for his fine ride also .
Sunday saw a som ewhat d ifferent
and slightly larger turnout of riders .
The track was ch a nged in spots, but
the motos were even longer than the
day before . Argyll Park is definitely
the leader in northern California when
it comes to offering riders tim e on the
track . Thank you . Argyll!
The first bike around turn on e in
th e Open Expert race was a Yamaha
ridden by Brad Em ery . Dean W iggins
(Mai) was behind him on lap on e and
just in front on lap two . Dean went on
to win both motos with very
comfortable leads.
Emery did not reappear on an Open
bike, bu t he did come out. with, \he
250s . Pete Langley (Yam ) holeshot
both motes with Emery right on his
fender for several laps. By mid-race ,
however , Langley pulled into the clear
and go t to the checkered flag well
ahead of anyone else .
W iggins fa iled to make the start of
the first rn oto , but was there for the
second a nd followed Langley a rou nd
the first turn. W iggins took over th e
lead for th e second la p and kept it the
whole way. but Langley guaranteed
hims elf the ove ra ll victory by keepin g
u p th e pace in second place. T ed
Cabral (Suz) cla imed second ove ra ll
wit h two excellent thi rd- place rid es.
Mark Boggeri (Suz) is a man to
watch in the 250 cc Amateur class .
Greg Bonovich (Kaw) holesh ot and led
the entire first rnoto whil e Boggeri
rode in the middle of the pa ck .
Bonovich took the checkered flag first ,
but on th e fina l lap . Boggeri ca me
blitzing up and , remarkably enough .
got there for second.
Bogg eri did not wait so long to m ak e
his move in t he second moto, He had a
fift h -p lace start, but by m id -ra ce had
mo ved into the lead and was m any
seconds ahead a t the finish lin e.
Mark Hearn (Yam) got his act
together and stayed up to win fir st
ove rall in the 125 cc Expert ra ce .iLeon
Ellis (Suz) h ad the holeshot in mo to
o ne, but crashed and DNF a fte r one
lap . Hearn inheri ted the lea d , bu t
earned his rig h t to keep it. Pete
Langley (Suz) closely followed Hea rn
during the entire nerve-wracking
moto, needing onl y a momenta ry weak ness to get by, Hea rn never stumbled.
It was Hearn's holeshot the sec ond
tim e out with Spoof Perra (Ya m)
following . H earn kept Pena behind
until the final lap. Pena crossed the
fini sh lin e first with Hearn second.
Beau Magl y was third both times for
second overall.
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MINI EX: 1. Tim ASton (Yam).
MINI AM : 1. Mike Aivagedis.
MINI NOV : t . Chris Stewart (Yaml ; 2. Sean Dunlan
(Kaw l.
VET AM : 1. Pat Doyl e (Mai l.
VET NOT: 1. Ralph Halford II (Mai).
EX 1. Jer ry Jackson (Mai).
oT NOV : t . Robert Wood (SUl) .
125 NOV : 1. Tim Collins (Varni: 2. Ron Picken (Sul l;
3. Richard Washburn (SUl) .
125 AM: 1. Marty Cunn ingham (Honl; 2. Berkeley
125 EX: 1. Curt is Cook (SUl) ; 2. Joe McCummer
250 NOV : , . Brian Paterson (Vam); 2. Gary Mahoney
(Hon); 3. Eric Dutton IKawl.
250 AM: 1. Kevin Bixby (Varni; 2. Sco tt Sexton
250 EX; 1. DaIle Wood (Yam): 2. Beau Mag ly (Yam).
OPEN AM: 1. Mark Hilton (Yaml .
OPEN NOV: 1. Howie Ross (Suz); 2. To m
Bracamonte (Suz).
PP: 1. Marcy Lewis ISUlI.
M INI EX; t . rllTl Aston (Yaml .
M INI AM: 1. Steve Nauman (Honl.
M INI NOV : 1. Chris Stewart lVarn); 2. Jason Gregg
(Kawl; 3. Scott Seaman s (SUl).
VET EX: 1. Harry Bellicitt; (Vaml .
VET AM: 1. Curt McMahon (KTM).
VET NOV : 1. Gerald Freitas (Yam).
a T EX: 1. J im Saitone (Mai).
AM: 1. Bob Porter IM ai).
NOV : 1. Dee Skik os (Yarn).
PP:1. Debbie Jamerson (M ai).
125 NOV : 1. James Casey (Yam); 2. Jeff Cab