Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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181 by the publisher to resign
because he d idn't feel I could make
the magazine grow the way he
wanted it to. After 16 years in the
motorcycle j ourna lism field, I was
flabbergasted, as was my steff,"
said Bo ller, who also said he
planned to teke a lengthy vacation.
BP Racing, sponsor of last week's CMC
Four-stroke Championships winner Bill
Grossi, wanted especially to thank its
many sponsors: Pro Tee, Moto·X Fox .
Hi -Point , PC P Yamaha . Bosc h .
Torco , Dirt Werkes . Euro Cycles,
S.W . Simons forks . Porter Aviation/
Farm Air Flying Service and William
Harrison Construction Co . Whew!
at a
A bike-mounted camera will fi lm
t he Superbike race at Laguna Seca
August 2, the first t im e t he AMA
has allowed such an operation in a
points·paying event. Do ing the
raci ng/filming chores will be David
Emde on the Cycle Tune Suzuki
GS1000S. Peter Starr will oversee
t he cinemat ic portion of the
program, a part of a future f ilm for
U.S. Suzuki.
Motorcycle enthu siasts contribute d a
whopping $35.500 to the Muscula r
Dystro phy Association during AMFI
Harley- Davidson's "Artistry in Iron"
show at the Los Angeles Spo rts Aren a
July 12 and 13. according to MDA
re gional co ordinator Jo Claire.
"Frankly we were overwhelmed at the
su pport a nd concern from the biker
comm unity. They came to the show
and donated generously to the fight
against MD. And we're grateful for
that." she said.
More then 1300 mail entries have
alreedy been rece iv ed for the NMA
Grand National Championship in
Ponca City, OK. Entertainment
Sports Program Network, a national
cable outlet to six million homes,
w ill televise 90 m inutes live August
10. Starting August 7 at the Poncan
Theater, t he finished ve rs ion of
On Any Sunday" will be shown
for five days. It will not be released ·
nationally until the first weekend
in September. Yamaha's threet ime 125cc National Champion
Brae Glover will lead the parade on
Grand Ave. the evening of the
Kathy Steinberger's entry in the Cycle
News drawing for a trip to a
Supercross race netted her and her
husband Richa rd one each round trip
from their Dorchester, MA home to
Philadelp hia to watch the August 9-10
Supercross Series races in the City of
Br o t h e rl y Love. Congratulations .
Kathy and Richard!
If you've been loo k ing for. or trying
to get in touch w ith. Terry Dorsch,
you m ight want to know that he 's
no longer with Champion Racing
Specialties. Dorsch. who so ld his
share to partner M ike Konle, can
be reached by calling 2131851-0202.
August air dates for Wes tern U.S.
showings of Suzuki's T V program,
MotocTOSS at th e Pontiac Siluerdome:
Albuquerque . 8/17 . KOAT; Dallasl
Fl. Worth. 8 /2 . WFAA ; Medford.
O R, 8 /3 . KO BI ; Ok lahoma City, 8 /3 .
KTVY; Portland, 8/31. KGW ; Sac ra mento . 8/ 3. KO VR ; San Antonio .
8/17. KSAT ; San Diego . 8/10 . KCST
(Sort of preview for San Diego's O CI.
26 Supe rcross round) ; Spokane. 8/ 3 .
KXLY; and T ucson . 8/3 . KO LD .
Check local listi ng for air times.
The FIM has turned down a
request by the promoters of the
Austrian GP road race that the
snowed-out event .be rescheduled.
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Controlled jumpin g. starting and paning , kill. are all
part of the Rua. Darnell Mot 0CT0ll8 School coune of
instruct ion for winning motocrou race s.
PenonaJ in. truct ion i. provided. at the RUN Darnell
Motocroe. School 10 each Itudent can develop hi.
motocroe8 racing ab ilitie8 at hi . own pace.
Russ Darnell and his instructors us e Kawasaki Uni -Trak
motocrossers exclus ive ly. Da rnell says the Uni-Trak pro vides
t he power a nd re liability he needs to demonstrate winning
motocross techniques .
Summer camp usually consi st s of mosquitos, bland food, st ra n ge t ea m games a nd
grouchy counselors. Not the Russ Darnell Motocross School Camps. They're 2-day and 5day training camps that take you and your motorcycle through a hands-on learning
session on how t o be a safer, faster motocross racer . Instructor Russ Darnell a nd his
assistants will demonstrate every t echni que in MX racing on t hei r Ka wasaki KX UniTrak motocrossers. They'll keep t each ing until you ge t it rig ht.
You 'll lea rn how to j u mp, sta r t, ride berms, pass slower riders, brake and win. You'll get
individual instruction, lots of information and a guide on how to continue to sharpen your
skills long after school is out.
Attend summer camp this year. A Russ Darnell MX camp. Take yourself from a semifast racer to a very-fast racer. It's only $25.00 a day a nd we promise no canoes, egg-tosses
or ca m p food !
Russ Darnell M@t@cross;tchools
9225 Telfair Street, Sun Valley, Calif. 91352. (213) 767-1854 (714) 980-3212