Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 08 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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find it difficult to ride a TZ250 in AMA Novice competition. There are those riders who are killers on large machinery (i.e. Superbikes) and feel as comfortable as a preacher in a cat house on a 250 . I'm the exact opposite, but I do understand the problem. I' m glad the AMA doesn't limit Novices to Superbikes because it would take years for me to learn to ride one of the damn things. Therefore, apart from most Texans I have no hatred for Peter Frank or WERA. I have met Peter and consider him a friend and wish well . I don't agree with some 0 the things he does, but I think on the whole he and WERA are good for road racing. . While I wish no ill feelin~ on anyone in road racing. I will no ride WERA races in Texas for three reasons . First I feel there is onl y room in Texas for one road racing organization . Since the CRRC better meets the needs of Texas road racers, I choose to race CRRC. Second, most of my good friends in racing ride in the CRRC only . Third. I just plain can't afford to race any more than what my CRRC and occasional AMA schedule allow. I race on a working. man's budget. It ain't cheap maintaining a house, truck, three race bikes and a street bike; on my salary it's especially hard . Thank you for your attention. I hope this letter explains at least my view asJ.Q. Doe. knee scratcher from Texas, on this subject to your readership. o 00 0") WIST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sh ar on Clayton , Publisher . Caroline Oendry. Execu tive Secreta ry to th e Publisher . Nancy Gorak , Marketing/ Pr om otio ns Executive Secretary . Editorial Charles Mo rey, Managing Ed ito r. Da 1 . Brown , Editor, Mark.Kariy a , Edi tor. Advertising Skip Johnson , National Sales Manager. T erry Pratt , Sales Manag er. Linda Brown, Advenising Coordinator. Graphics and Production Kristin C oo pe r, G raphic Artist. Mon ica Bauman, Assistant . Ma ri on Hat ashita , T ypography. Dennis Greene . La bora tory. Accounting Mike Klinger. Manager . Jeanne Hammond , Accu . Receivable , Donna Bryan, Asst. Acct s. Re ceivabl e. Terry Dail ey. Credi t Manage r . Circulation . Rheba Sm ith . Manager, Sh irley Short, Sarah Taylor, Michelle Allan , Assistan u . Duane johnson, Dealer Sales Mgr. Want Ads Leslie Tharp , Want Ad Sal es. Service and Support Chris Airch escn, Receptionist. Jim Leal, S&S. West 2201 Ch er ry Ave . , Lo ng Beach. CA P.O . Sox 498, Long Such , CA 90801 (213) 427 -7433 ; L .A . Lin. 656 -8844 . East 4190 'First Ave ., Tucker , GA . P.O . S ox 80S, T ucker, GA 30084 . (404) 934 ·7850. Cycle (USPS 141·340 ) is published weekly ex c~ pt the first and last week of th e ca len d a r yea r for $20 p~r year by Cycle N

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