Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hwy. 95 . Last of 3 races . $24 .000 for top finishers in 88. cont ingenc ies for CIBSS. $6000 WHAT DOES A HANDLEBAR HAVE TO DO WITH WINNING? Ya ma ha riders. Info 208126J.. 6515. NMA MABTON NATIONALS Mabton, WA . MX classes for all M inis inc. Pee Wee . SO. 60. B3 & 105cc. Age groups 6-8. 11.12-16. Classes fpr 100 . 125 & 250cc bikes up thru 18 yrs. of EVERYTHING! o s- age. Contact K. Ward for entry & info. 20615684739. Ask RICK Y GRAHAM and DONNIE CANTALOUPI tw o o f the fastest you ng racers in the country .. .THE Y KNOW! RICKY'S bee n ri ppi ng apart the WINSTON PRO SERIES ha lf-mile and mi ~ events; wh ile DONNIE has bee n pus hing his facto ry Yamaha MX'er to TOP plac ing s in NATIONAL and SUPIERCROSS events. What bo th these g uys kno w tor sure is INTER-AM HANDLEBARS gi\'e them wha t the y want, a handle bar STRONG enoug h to take z race long po unding and a handlebar that' s ava ilable in a CHOICE of bends fo r a COMFORTABLE nd e . Get a set of INTE R-AM HANDLEBARS tod a y a nd find out why !he na tio ns FASTEST RIDERS have bee n w inn ing with INTER·AM for years. I 00 0') .-4 ·" aI ~ • \ • • WEST TEXAS CHAMPIONSHIP S tar Tract<. EI Paso. TX. N. Mesa to NM 273. rt. 2 mi. 80/125/ 250IOpen. $1500 pursa. Entry $14. Ex. $18. SO Ex. $16. Mini Mini $10. gat e $3. $2 off all preenuy mailed befor e 6115. West Toxas Cha mpionship. 424 Palmary Dr.• E1 Paso . TX 79912. 91~ 1-0D44. INTER-AM BIKE SUPPLIES 3050 Pullman Ave. Coola Me.., CA 92626 AFM ROAD RACE Riverside RacewaY. Riwrsid• • CA. Hwy. 50 E of Riverside to (714) 557-7941 Day St. exit. rt. to lJack . All _ inc. sidecars. Entry $25 first. $12 ea. addit ional. Gates open 7:30 a.m., prac. 9. race 1. Harry Bresech 7141523-3892 . CMC MOTOCROSS Saddleback P.rk. Orange. CA. Gate open 7:30 e.m. signup 8-9. prac. 8-9 , first face 9 :30 e.m. Jun ior & Intermediate entry $8 mail, $10 post. Pros .13 mail, $16 post. Meil entry to: CMC. , PO Box 140 2. Coste Mesa . CA 92626.7141557-3323. "If coins had a holain them. washers wouldn't cost so much." -CC CRC MOTOCROSS Ind ian Dunes. Valencia . CA. ~ 5 10 H-126. All _ . 2 long motos & cash for Pros. 2 motos & brass for Sptarnn . Entry $101$15 Pros. Gates open 7:00 a.m.• pnac S.\ rece 9'.30. Mamb. req. 2131830-7519 . -_....I lleAN2A MOTOCROSS DeAnza cycle Park, Sunnymeed . CA. 10 mi. E of Riverside, CA on ~ 10 Theodore off ramp. All _ _ 30% some dey tJophiee 10 Sptomn. 100% trophies 10 Minis & Pee W-. Entry '12 Ex., $8 Spotsmn. Nor>nsnb. add ,2. Mamb. not req. Park open Sat. & Sun. for proc. Gates open 7:00 a.m.. proc. 8:30. KENMAELY "The _ _ Man" _ Shoe one Aak1he...,,,, _ _ ....00 _.... _ _ _ fUO _aUO T_ _ _ _ ....00 rece 9-.30. Ewrvbodv _ • .,'30""""'-pIuo MODEL ...... C.O.o. & , , - ._~. l);oc _ _ -_ , &-- lor. . . . . . 1714173&-0640 MAELY ENTS.. AT. 2. BOX 75B _ _ Mtr. Wey. Corono.CA 917211 71416638D88; 66J.6lMO; 663-7979. MAX. TIlAVEL Honda XR 2oo 'SO • _ 9 .4 " Honda CR 80 'SO.• •• • •• • • • • • • • . • • . S .O" K.wuakiKXSO ·SO 8 .75" Kawualti KLX 250 '79 It '80 . • . . • • 10.25" Kawasaki KDX 175 ·80 . . . • • . . • . . • 10.25 " K.wuaki KDX 250 /400 'SO. . • .. . •. 10 .5 " Suzuki RM 125/250/400 '79 It 'SO. : . 12 .0 " Suzuki RM SO 'SO 8 .5 " Y.maha YZ 250 /465 'SO. . • . .• • .... 12 .4 " Yamah.IT250/425 ·S0 • .. . . : . • . . . 11.0.. Yam.ha YZ SO ·SO• . .• . . . • . . . . . .• . S.7 5" Yamaha YZ 100 8 .0 .. Yam.ha IT 125 ·SO•. . . • . ; • . . • . . . . . 8 .6" Yamaha TT 500 '7 9 It 9 .2 5" Yarnaha I'T 175 ·SO. .... . . . . . • . . . . 10 .9 " July2 RAC.E. FLATTRACK Corone Recewev. Corone. CA. Off 91 Fwy. 0 BuchenlIn. All classes. 30 % Sptsmn. lJophios. , to Proe. Entry '5. Pros $8 . Alternate TT & ST . Eloine Jones 7141689-1913.735-1705. July4 ·so TRI-MOTOHQ For All Your H.P. Needs Full Kim To Separate Pieces CIIll Or Wr#e For More InJOT7TIIJtitm OIlANGE COUNTY CYCLE (714) 536-7340 • Riding • Racing Hand Washable 90 day money back guarantee. Dealer or Direct AME NIGHT MINI MX Indian Dunes. V.Iencia. CA. Post entry $8 . Prac. 7:00 p.m .. race 8. All classes. 30% trophies. AME lie. req . AME, PO Box 1421 . Reseda. CA 91335. 21 318B1 -577B. T£RRYCABL£ CA93406 1805 15i4"6181 Dealer Inquir ies Invit ed Less sound equals h10re ground. ~ ....... __--.- Pacific Coast Sportcycle HONDA SUZUKI TRIUMPH BMW (2 1 31 3 2 6 -3 8 10 LOMITA. CA 213 924 211' Service. Motorcycle Sale. Parts. Accessories 7 cacJ 'n 7ZQvd 1537 E. Walnut. Pasadena. CA 91106 L..-_ _ 213-795-2711 _ _ ~ • m ugen July 5-6 CALIFORNIA CITY GRAN PRIX Colifprnia City. CA. Umed from Hwy . 14 & Col City tu rnoff . All welcome. D-37 & SRA PIS14-mi. course, 88. race 1 Y.t hrs. except 250 Pro 11 hr.). Sat. Vets/ 250 ProlQ.l 7515ptsmnJHacksl ATC-QDY. Sun. Srs.fWomeni 250 IOpen . Mail entry $21. post $30 . 250 Pros $301$4Q. f'articipat;on & Finisher pins . 10 % troph ies. free camping. Mail entry closes 6123. Fpr blanks. send SASE to So. Col. M.C. Entry. 606 E. Birmingham Rd.. Burbank. CA 91504. Info 2131 375-1336 644-0035leve.l. . NMA ABILENENATIONALS Abilene. TX. MX daises for all Minis inc. Pee Wee, 50, 50, B3 & 106cc. Age groups 6-8. ~ 11.12-16. CIas1les for 100. 125 & 250cc bikes up thru 18 yrs. of age . Contae1 Bob HoIlay for entry & info. 7131849-0937. NMA SAN DIEGO NATIONALS Barona CA. MX _ for all Minis inc. Pee Wee, 50. SO. B3 & 1D5cc. Age groups 6-8. s-11. 12-16. CIas1les for 100. 125 0-36 MOTOCROSS Argyll Park. Dixon. CA. 11 mi. g of town on Hwy. 113. sem.. Pro only. Prog. Pro pts . + Jet· Sk i raci ng . 3O-min . moto s, 100 % p.b . Entry $15 + $3. Sign up 9:30 a.m., prac. 10:30-11 :30. rider s mtg . 11 :4 5. race 12:30. Watch $4. &12 $1. Buel Ca m pbell 9161678-3592 3RD ANNUAL 4TH OF JUL Y HARE S CRAMBLES Au stin, NV . Five JO.mi. laps. open nec. , no pree , spark arrestors req. A n classes. trophies . finisher pins. T-shirts to 1Sf 25 finishers. Unl ~ited free cam ping, other even ts Fri. & Sat. Entry $20. post $25 . o-l engine pit stops. ' 3000 me,l. insur. Austin's 4th of July Projed. PO Box 220. Austin . NV 89310.7021964-2579. AMAlSU2UK I YOUTH MX CHAMPIONSHIP aUAUFIER Saguaro Recewev. Tucoon. A2. 5O-125cc. ego limit tIvu 15 + support _ . S ingle ~ entry $10. dbl . '5 extr• . Suzuki gi_ _ v. Gates open 3 p.m. Ron KeyesS02l79&-2238. July 6 KMC MOTOCROSS Kleberg County MX Track. Kingsville, IX. 1 mi. S of town on n Hwy. All _ + Beg.• 50 % trophies to 6th . 200% purse. Entry $S. Ex. $12 . W .H. Bynum 5121592-6764. & 250cc bikes up thru IS yrs . of age. Contact Ron Henricksen for e ntry & info. 213J86B.B112. EIMA MOTOCROSS & CROSS COUNTRY Selmon. 10. Go N tIvu town, rt. on Saint Charles SL. I mi. past du mp. track @ top of hill. All _ . cards req. City ce1ebration aIoo. come esty. Entry $10 . Ex. $15.lnfo2DBl237-4227. July5 June 22 2ND ANNUAL AMAIW1NSTON PR()(t'QPEJ(A GOLD CUP HALFMILENAT1ONAl. ~ Sane Expo . Topeka, KS. $20.000 purse + "Th. Honda Challenge" J rJEx. rece for 500cc _ Gates open 5 p.m .• race 8. Advence tick... $81$10 /$12. $2 more @ geta. Mak. checks payebIe to Ttojan Ent..prizos and mail w/$.50 hondIing cherge to Topeica Gold CuP. Davi. SporteyeJe. 4806 S. TopeIca Ave., Topeica. KS 66609. 9131862-1063. AME NIGHT MOTOCROSS Sprock... Park, Bakersfield. CA. Poet entry $9 Sptsmn., '12 Pros. 30% lJophies. caah p.b . 10 Proe. Prac. 7:00 p.m .. race 8. AME lie. req . All classes. Free o/n camping. AME, PO Box 142 1. Resada. CA 91335. 2131 . D-27 CHAMPIONSHIP ADULT RIBBON RUN Hillcreat Par k. Mt. Vernon. WA. Follow arrows from Exit 225Mi N. New type road run wi roods. towna & ettraetions not u.d on 8F'Iy oth« run. Sign up 8-10'.30 a.m.. CU1~ff time 3:30, out 01 0-27 muot prtHagiater fpr long rider . Entry $4 singles. $7 a>upIes. Free coffee @ Bign up. No turkayal Skagit M.C. 206I42~1 . SOUTHLAND CYCLES ROAD RUN Southland Cycles . S141 Gorden Grove Bhid., Gorden Grove. CA. AlI-day ride about 350 mi. round tr ip, from Orange County to Santa Barbera/lake Cachuma. Everyone rides. no entry fee, leave 8:15 a.m. Jim 881-5nB . 7141893-5091 ldaysl . Sth ANNUAL CLOVER CREEK GRAND PRIX Caliente, NV. 150 rni. N of Las Vag.. on Hwy. 95 . Um ited entry. MRAN PIS- 125125O/Open/ Over 3OIOver 38. Mini on Fri. Seven 18-mi. lope . finish.. be~ buck • • neat trophies. Mini sign up 4-8 p.m. 7/4. 7-ll • .m. 715. race 9. entry'S. Big b ike drawing for start position 6/13. en try $15. Chargers West M.C.. 3752 N. JonM. I.Jla Vegas. NV 89 108. 7021648-3237. July 4-6 50TH ANNUAl CARIBOU TRAILS GOLDEN ANNMRSARY ROAD RAUY British Columbia, canada. Participation Iirnited. CMMosignoted net l. rally. enniversory pin . FIM-sanctioned. Greet.. Vancouver M.C.• Inc. Fpr info write Caribou Trialia. Box B3. Surrov. B.C. V3T 4W4. 604-588-2914. - - ~....:-.~:-:--,., .rBBI S a m m y T dnnp r D istrIbuting GLOVES Othman Distributing Co. Box 356 San Luis Obispo. 66 806-854-4691 · Street Stay Soft PIKES PEAK MOTORCYCLE HILL CLIMB Woodland Park. CO. In co njunctio n whhe auto hill climb . 42 ride rs/class. GP start. accessory awards. 250cc & under. 251cc & over. A & B. Semi-Pro & Am. Prac. 7/2, tech 714. AMA-sanc. Hill Climb. Box N. Woodland P.rk. CO BDBB3. 3D3I6B7-3376. Kits abo available for moet other bikes. Out of state call toll free PO Bo x 1321 He sper ia . CA 92345 7142472646 13666 Harbor Blvd. Gardm Grove. CA 92643 2 ITlO1OS. Fr.. eemping. ·so ORANGE COUNTY CYCLE AME NIGHT MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes. Valenc ta. CA. Post entry $9 Sptsmn.• $12 Pros. P.b. to Pros , 30 % brass. Prac . 7 p.m., race 8 p.m. AME lie. req . All classes. For info: AME. P.O. Box 1421. Resada. CA 9 1335. 2131B81-5nB. -1 WORKS MX RACERS AND KITS Cote log $1.00 'WHEN ONLY7HE BEST WILL 00- • ~I~~)II 1= • ... I How to Eyenttype EVeDt"DeUoo sa theft . Pun< .... L CA90801. Location I II Y MUGEN U.S.A. Co .. Ltd. 6878 '2 Santa Fe Ave .E.HesperiB CA. 92345 (714)244-6405 be included i n the following wedt'. C ycle News. No 1iaings can be oa:epoed b y pbone. Pleaoc: inclnde • phone number for addition.1 information. the completed blank to Cycle N .... Calendar, Boll 498, Long Beach, Entry fee M.iling .dd..... . Otber i n fO ..!Y~ou~ r.,!;n~.~me~ - -• I I - --.I Phone Dumber for info ......!~=~:=~~~~!....__ • I I

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