Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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0 ·37 EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES S idewi nder Rd., Barstow, CA. 20 mi. N of V icto rvi lle. 6 mi. 5 of Barstow on 15 fwy . @ Sid ewi nder Rd. ex it. All c lasses. new short course, no worn ou t sections. Entry $12. Start 9 e.m. bot h days. Carl Koncur 2131 332-0354 . NMA DE ANZA NA TIONALS OeA nza Cycl e Park. Sunny· mead, CA. MX classes for all M inis inc. Pee Wee , SO.60. 83 & 1OSee. Age Grou ps 6-8. 9-11. 12· 16. Clasaes for 100. 125 & 250c c . bikes up thru 18 vrs. of age. Contact Ron Henricksen for entry & inf o. 2131868-81I 2. NMA TULSA NATIONALS Tu lsa. OK. M X classes fo r all SEM I·PRO MO TOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch, Brentwood . CA. Corn er of Camino Diablo & Vasco Rd. All new sand track, 0 36 rules enforced, no rider insurance. Entry $15 Expert 180% p. b .l, Spt smn . $11. $4 spectators . Gate opens 6:30 a .m., sign up 7-8. prac. 8:30. race 9. Info 4151798-5695, 6343328 Tom And erson. Minis inc. Pee Wee, 50, 50, 83 & l05cc. Ag e group s 6-8. 9-11. 12· 16. Classes t", lOll. 125 & 250cc bikes up thru . 18 vrs. of age. ConUlCt Mel Gere f", entry & info. 4171862-4794. NMA 'J UNCTION CITY NATIONALS J unction City , KS . MX claS68S for ell Minis inc. Pee Wee. 50. 60. 83 & 105cc. Age groups 6ll. 9-11. 12·16. Classes to< 100. 125 & 250cc bikes up thru 18 yors. of age. Contact Janie Windmiller f'" entry & info . B161765-6638. 'J une 21 ARI2DNA MOTOCROSS Canyon 8344. AMA SHORT TRACK Monterey Fairgrounds, Mo~ terey , CA. Mint-500cc, class C tract ion req. Entry $7. Ex. $10. Monterey Bay Rama, 84 Carlton Monterey. CA. 4OIlIJ94. 8225. SADDUEBACK SATURDAY SUMMER SERIES Seddleback Park. Orang e. CA . $3000 Pro purse . $3000 Am. prizes, drawing for RMBOT . win ti cltets to USGP. Getes open 7:30 a.m.. race 9. Entry $13. Pros $20. Info 71 4/495-477 1. NORTHERNCAUFORNIA SPEEDWAY Napa Town & Coun try Fairgrounda. Napa. CA. Hwy. 29 to Soscol to Carnegie Cycle Park. livermore, CA Hwy . 580 to Vasco Ad. E of town, S to Tesla Rd., left approx. 10 mi. to track. A ll classes. bon us trophies, blue plate pts ., hillside track. campers OK. AMA Prog. Pro. ' 100 % purse. Gates open 6:30 a.m., sign up 7, prac. 7:30, race 9. Entry $11, Ex. $15 + 13. No dogs allow ed. Boss M otocross 4151829-8377. Racew ay, Phoenix , AZ . 1 % mi. W of 99th A ve. & Carefree Hwy . Beg .-Ex.. 100 % p.b. Entry $ 10/$14. Gete opens 4:30 p.m . T. Timmon s 6021971 - Dr.. 0 ·36 MOTOCROSS S ~ ver8dt>Trail. Pro speedwaV racing . $ I 200 pur se. Watch $4.50. 12·1 5 $3. kids $1. Mo the< Goose Racing EnL 7071 252-0905. 8772. NMA TUCSON NA TIONAL S Saguaro Raceway. Tucson, "l.. 1 ·10 to Palo Verd e S to Hughes Access Rd.• 2 Y.t mi. on left. Top 10 pt. wi nners each cIasa qualify f'" Ponca City. you must ride 3 races line. EI Pso 611 4) to qua lify . M X classes f'" all Min is inc. Pee Wee, 50, 50, BJ & 105cc Age groups 6-8. 911. 12·16 . C_ f or 100. 125 & 250a: bikes up thru 18 yrs. of age. Pre-entry $12. post $25. gat e $4 pre. $5 POSt. rider s $51 bike or $7.50 f", both days. Contact Ron Keyes for entry & in fo. 6021795-2238. LUCKY CARO TRA IL RIDE Prairie City OHV Par k, Sacn~ men to , CA. On White Roclt Rd. between Prairie City & Grant Line Rds. juat S of US 50. Two 12-mi. loo ps. 3 cards choaenI loop, prizes to 3 highest & lowest hands ea . cIasa. OT. men. women & kids classes. Park use fee $lnOOcc & under. $2I101cc & over . $1 req. fee. Sign up 7:308:15 a m. sat B:.:Jl. Sponoorad by Saaarnento County Dept . of Parks & Recreation . Info 9161 351 -0271. D-36 SHORT TRACK CVcleland Speedway. Chico. CA. 14 mi. S of town. Hwy, 99E & Gate-Shippee Rd. Details in Every W_ Saturdav section. Pract ice for Sunda y' s M ike Hall Benefit Race. Sheila Turner 916/534-8955 ldaVS }· MIKE HA LL BENEFITID-36 SHORT TRAC K Cyclela nd Speedway. Chico . CA. 14 mi. S of town. Hwy. 99E & Gage-Shippee Rd. Mini·500 . Sptsmn. & Sam~Pro. 100% p.b . Entry $B, S·P $4. 2nd bike $6. pit pass $1 . watch $3. under 12 $1. Gates open 7:30 a.m., sign up 811. prac. 10. race noon . All proceeds to injured M ike Hall of Rad Bluff . Sheila Tur ner 9161 5J4.B955 (days). MARYSVILLE MOTOCROSS Riverfron t Park, Marys ville, CA. 40 mi. N of Sacramento on Hwy . 70 @ lst & F St. AMA Prog. Pro II' Pro pts.l, all classes. rider insurance, D-36 rules. free campi ng , paved parking. No bicyc les or pit bikes. Nat !' qualifier race for M inis. an RM given away by draw ing to Mini. Gates open 6 a.m .• sign up 6 :30. prac. 7:30, race 9. Entry $13. Semi-Pro $3 + $15 to pu rse. W atch $4. 6-12 $1. Charli e Sexto n 9161695-2727 . 2088. . OMRRA ROAD RACE Portland Ind. RacewaV. Port· ·5 land. OR. Exit 306B off 1 N. Prod .. Cafe & GP ITrophv & M oney). $1600 + for 250GP Challenge. $500 to I st . 75 % p.b. in oth er mone y classes. Entry $20 1st $12 2nd. $10 add . GP M oney $25. No poat entry f ee for AFM racers . OMRRA T.-ur.... 6223 SE 21st. Portland. OR 97225, Herman Kachold 5031 239-4038.292-45 1 t , NMA BERTHOUD NATIONALS Berthoud. CO. M X Classes f'" all M inis inc. Pee Wee , SO 60. , BJ & 105cc. Age groups 6ll. 911. 12·16. Classes for lOll. 125 & 250cc bikes up thru 18 yrs. of age. Contact Chuc k Boyd for entry & info. 3031979-8892. 10TH ANNUAL BEL·RA Y 500cc USGP Carlsbad Racewav, Carlsbad . CA. SE of Oceanside. 5 mi. E of 1-5on Palomar Airport Rd. 6th rece in 1980 W",ld 500cc MX Championship. top E",apean & Amer ican stars. Sat. gates open 10 a.m.; prac . & qualifying 2 . Sun . gates open 7. prac. 9:30. opening ceremonies noon, race 12:30. TlCkets@ Ticltetron '" bv mail from Grand Prix Mo tocross, PO Box 2820 . Miasi on Viejo. CA 92690 . Advance prices $10. under 12 $6. w_end $12. June 22 AME MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes. Valencia. CA. A ll classes. Gates open 7 a.m.• prac. 8. race 9. Entry Sptsm n. $10l Pros $13 30 % brass. p.b. to Pros. AM E lie. req . AME, PO Box 1421, Reseda. CA 9 1335 . 2131881 -5778. AMA YOUTH MOTOCROSS AREA 6 QUALIFIER Lakewood Sportscycle Assn.• 15600 W . Alameda. Lakewood. CO. D-25. 26 qualif ier. classes 060 thtu 125cc. Entry $10. Bob Leman 30319BB-2329. AM E M INICYCLE MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes. Valet.cia, CA. Post entry $9. All classes. Gates open 7 8.m.. prac. 8. race 9. 30 % brass. A ME lic. req . For info: AME. P.O . Box 142 1. Reseda. CA 91335. · 213 /881 · 5778. AMAlSUZUK I YOU TH MOTDCROSS Rockwa ll M o tocross Park, Rockwall. TX . On 1 -30. B classes. 0-125cc . All AMA You th rid ers elig ibl e from D-IB. 19. 20 & 21; lst race. Entry $10. Larry CleshOfn 2141722·994 2. NMA CLOVIS NATIONALS Clovla . N M . MX Classes f'" all M inis inc. Pee Wee , 50, 50, BJ & 105cc. Ag e gr oups 6-8 , 911. 12·16 . Classes for lOll, 125 & 250cc bikes up thru 1B yrs. of age. Contact Gary Sm ith for entry & inf o. SOSIB6J.&l94 . MOTOCROSS Sunrise Valley Cycle Park, 2 mi. N of Ad ~anto, CA on Hwy . 395 . All classes we!co ma. Entry $81$ 12 Pros. M X School on Saturda y-starts at noon. Nick Brasevich 714/235-7339 , LAKE WHITN EY MO TOCROSS Lake Wh itney Cycle Ranch, W hitney. TX on FM 2960 off Hwy. 22 W of W hitn ey. $1,170 guat'. purse, brass thru 8th . Split race schoo. Nov 9 a.m.• Int/Ex. appro x. 1:30 p.m. All classes. Camping $2 per vehicle. gate $4. Am . entry $81 Ex. $10 , 713/482· 7593 ; 8171694·2901 . CRC MOTOCROSS Saddl_ ck Park. Orang e, CA . All classes, 2 motes each. Cash p.b. to Pros. 30 % brass to S ptsmn. Entry $1 0/$15 Pros. Gates open 7 e.m., prac. 8, race 9:30. CRC memb . req . 213/BJo7519 . OeANZAMOTOCROSS OeAnza Cycle Park. Sunny mead, CA 10 mi. E of Riverside. CA on H-M to Theordore off ramp . AU classes. 30 % same dsV trophies t o Spt smn . 100 % trophies to M inis & Pee Wees . Entry $12 Ex.• $B Sptsmn. No nmamb. add $2. Mamb . not eeq . Park open Sat. & Sun. for prac. Gates open 7:00 a.m.• prac. B:3O. race 9:30 . Everybodv goes 2 motos. Free campin g. 714 /653BOBB; 653-5840 653-7979. ; June 27 INDOOR MOTOR CYCLE SW AP MEET Orange County Fairgrounds. Costa Mesa, CA. S end of Newpor t FwV. ISS}. Bu Vo r sell new & used bikes. parts & accessories. Gates open 6 p.m., sellers open 3. Spaces $10/$25. Adm ission $3. under 12 $1.50. Info 7141831 ·5116. 492-9938. ~c $10,000 YRI VALL~Y SUZUKI June 28-29 SU5~KI SPONSORED BY VAN NUYS (805) 522-3434 CROSSROADS CANOGA PARK WEST LAKE COLEBROTHERS CYCLE CENTER SUZUKI (213) 884-0413 (805) 255-5353 c,\p.,,".. ,. ",fE:t\4""tfO"", ;,IE:ff,," \OE: ~ ~\ tt ,.~ ~"", 000 JUNE 13 & 27 JULY 11 & 25 p.""""c,t~~,," "E:~O~ ~ (213) MOTORCYCLES 994-2882 12131 980-3715 A 4 SUZUKI 1805) 497-1783 c .s--SoiO!O.s- "'0 "'0 ""•..cL PROS ••••••••• $13.00 SPORTSMEN ••• $9.00 "\~t~~"",.. .r~"".s-.s- AUGUST 8 & 23 SEPT. 12 & 26 OCT. 10&24 ~ If>".,t -t~~..,~ ..,~. .0 ~

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