Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MOTOCROSS Rio Bravo MotocroS$ Park. Rio Bravo. TX. 5 mi. East on E. Mou nt Houston Rd., off 59 North . All classes. Trop hies thru 8 places 10 Ams . Experl p.b. oeoeodent on sign up. Entry $7 Am. $12 Ex. Prac. starts 7 :30 a.m.. rac e 11 a.m. Swimmang pool. showers. game room. SORA NIGHT MOTOCROSS S~rT~k .EIPuo. TX. ~ purse, 3-wheeter race w/$50 puroe . Gere openo 4 p .m.• prac. 5:30. race 7. Entry $8 Mini-Mini, $12 Ex•• $5 J.wIleeler. $10 all others, SORA mamb, $2 I.... Ger. loe $2 . Info 9 15158I -oll44 . 7 1 3J4 ~. June 15 OREGON I • Now's your chance to get one of the hottest bikes on the circuit ... any new MX or Qualifier model ... at an unbelievably low price plus a $200 Bonus check from Can-Am. OPEN SPORT RIOING/FLAT TRAC K/MOTOCROSS Su nny Valley Rac.eway. Sun ny Valley. OR. 11 mi. N from ·5. Grants Pass on 1 elut 81 Sunny Valley . W on Leland Rd. Trocl< open 10 a.m . 10 · dark fOt' $5. 503 1479·2405: 476-8829. J une 13 CRC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Ind ian Dunes. Valencia. CA. International track . All dasses. CRC memb. req . Entry $9. Pros $13 . Prac. 7 p.m., race 8 , Inlo 213J8JO.7519 . But hurry... CRC NIGHT MINI MOTOCROSS Indian Dun es . Valencia. CA. All classes. 30% tro phies. Entry $9. Prae. 7 p.m., roca 8. CRC mamboreq.lnlo 213J8JO.751 9. offer expires June 3.0, 1980 June 14-15 CAII-" 8RUCE PENHALl SPEEDWAY SCHooUSPEEDWAY EOUIP· MENT S ALE Rockat Rocing. p;n W . 16th St .• Costa Mesa. CA. & Inla nd Mo torcycle Speedway. Orange Show Fairgrounds. San 8 ernar· dino . 8:J0..5 Sat. & Sun. Sat. in dasstoom Sun. on track. &ell Of swap Sun. 1:3(1.5. Entry $100 thru 61 Jr. riders thru age 15 11, $50. post $125/$ 75 . Watdl Sun. 1:30- 5 $2. kids $,50 . American Raceways. P.O. 80x 30n. Arcadia. CA 91006. 213/4460969,2241. MX 6/QualifieI: We will win you. * Tradem ark of Bombardier Ltd . NOTE: Offer 1101 appl icable in the following states - New York. Penn . . Conn . . Virgi nia. West Virginia. Wash . D.C .. Maine . New Hamp. . Vermont. Mass . . Rhode Island . Maryland . Delaware. New Jersey. June 14 NMA TUCSON NATIONALS Tucson. PJ.. MX _ tor all Minis inc. Pee Wee, 50. 60, 83 & 105cc. Age groups 6-8. 9-11. 1216. C _ tor 100, 125 & 250cc bikos up tIlru 18 yrs. of age. Conl8Cl Ron Kayes lor entry & info. 602f79S.2238. AMA SHOR T TRACK Monterey Fairgrounds, Monterey. CA. Min~5OOcc. cJoss C traction req . Entry $7, Ex $10 . . Monterey Bay Rams. 84 Carlton Dr.. Monterey. CA. 4081394- 8225 . r --- -....----~~ --- -.. . .- ---- . . . . - ---- The latest on two wheels - Cycle News l ~ I _....-- • , .___ - ....... AME ATCIODYSS:Y RACE Sprockets Pook. !lokemield. CA. 58 E to Mt. Vernon exit N. to Sprockets Ok. All c lasses. Cash p .b. lst place. Entry $1 0. Trophies . prizes. Mik. S tanford. 520 1 Centaur, Bakersfield. CA """'Ill CONGRATULAnONS! To BRAD SKREEN fo r h is 1st Place w in at the Southern California Observed Trials National and 2nd Place win at the 'North e rn California Observed Trials National. From your sponsor: montesa WEST BRITISH MOTORCYCLE PARTS (503) 257·7047 13 E I Cuenco, Carmel V alley, CA 9 392 4 . 14 08) 65~958 ti&UI~ PRiX C'f'C%I RACE PREP. 2-4 Stroke 9345 Balsa . Westminster. CA 92683 714·891-5457 . - '0- ""~ ,:2' .~- ~'-~' ." " 64 ·~'~"";:"'-"""'='~T' -.....- .:: ..--...........,.)o-.~...,......" ~ .,,:~~.:.}. ,; ...... t-=,:~'4~' ~-' " \' 8051833-2523. " TH E CLASSIC 2 STROKE" C ATALOG-H iSTO RY- PARTS LIST $ 3.7 5 (REFUNDED ON F IRST ORDER) The la rg est Montesa Dealer west of the Mississippi. :. ~~:i 'A Wo,ld 's Largest St ock of Genuine G,eeveJ and Vi/lie' s Pa,ts Portland, Oregon , CMC $12 .000 NIGHT MOTOCROS S SERIES Huron Cycle Park. Huron, CA. From LA. 1 ~~'. 269. from ·5 Secto, ~5 ~O , 98 . All closoes Min~Oef,. * Also OT, PP & OddV' \f if 5 show up. Gates .. open 5 p.m ., sig n up 5:30. prac. 6. roc e 7. Entry $10. Pros $15 . gate $4 . 6-12 $1 . Rick Worth 209 193!Hl277. 0485. r BERT'S YCLEWEA~ 900 W. FOOTHILL BLVD . AZU SA - CALIF . (213) 334 -1288 DURALU.. MJ YOKOHAMA MIKUNI CH.NG.HIN T.U.AKI 111 "- MOUNTAIN VIEW J DISTRIBUTING 415-969-1682 ••.,. La ORO• • aT .. . . OV ItTIl I . " 1• • C I l _ TEXAS NIGHT MOTOCROSS lake Conroe M X Par k. Conroe. TX. S ign in 4:00 p .m , race 7:00 p .m . Entry . Ex. $15/ Int. $8/Nov . $Slgate fee $4 , All classes 6Occ.()pen . Trophios or gift certificates to 8 places in Nov. classes. For info: J erry's Conroe Suz uki. 610 l oo p 336. Conroe. TX 77301. 7 13/7564 114 ;273-2336. ARIZONA MOTOCROSS Canyon Rocewov. Ptv-enix. AZ.. 1 % mi. W of 99th Ave . & Carefree Hwy , 8 og ,-Ex., 100% p.b. Entry $10 1$14, Gate opens 4:30 p.m. T. Timmons 6021971 - 8344. SADDLE8ACK S ATU RDAY SU MMER S ERIES Sa ddlebock Pork. Ora ng e. CA, $3000 Pro purse. $3000 Am. prizes. drawing for AMaO win T. tickets to USGP. Gates open 7:30 a .m ,. race 9. Entry $13 . Pros $20 . Inlo 714/49S-4771. EIMA MOTOC ROSS Rexberg. 1 . Hwv. 88 thru 0 town. 2 mi , ~\..V-~ course. rt. on Hibert p~c; \iO across river then tu rn track 1 mi. Race 9 :30 a.m, a ll classes. req , Entry $10. Ex. $15. Info 20812374227. Cfrt. c.ds AMA 25OI5OOcc MOTOCROSS NATIONALS Sport Cyclo Park. Lokowood. CO. W 01 DerNer on Alameda 8 1vd. Prac. 9 a .m•• Qualif.... 11. race 1. Speet8lllfS $8. 12 & und er $4 . Camping avail. SRA FATHER'S DAY GP Riverside International geceway , R~e. CA. Off Hwy. 60. AU dasses + T 88m race . 20 % trophies. finisller pins. OIN cam ping. Gates open 4 p.m. Sat . Entry $15 moil. $20 post. Team $10 /rider, lpost only) , Prac. 8 a.m. & 8:30. race 9. Comp. license roq. Special: F _/Off· spring Team race. $10 Offspr ing. F8lllers tree. 100% tro phies. SASE to S RA. PO 8 "" 509 . Cypr.... CA 906JO. 714J82l1. 1358 . YAMAHA PERPETUAL GOLD CUP $30.000 MX S panaway S peedway. S panaway. W A. 159th & 22nd Ave. E. 2nd of 3 races. $24 ,000 lor top finishers in 88. ell ss . $6000 contingencies for Yama ha rider s. lnlo 206J5J7-3119. 0.27/28 MOTOCR OS S Mountain Vtew Cycle Park, Sandy. OR. AMA Am . & Prog. MX. Entry $8. Prog . $12 , watdl $3.50. 7·11 $2 . Inlo 5OJJ668. 4851 . NORTHERNCALIFORN IASPEEDWAY Napa Town & Country Fair· grounds. Napa. CA. Hwy. 29 to Soscol to Silverado-Trail. Pro speedway racing, $1200 purse. Watdl $4 .50. 12·15 $3 . kids $1. _ Goose Rac ing Ent, 707 / 252-0905. sm. D-37IDESERT DAISY 'S " PER· FECT 10" HARE SC RAM8 LES Fremont Valley. CA. Umed from Rod Mountain & Hwy . 14 at Rod Rock ·Randsburg Rd. Two 32-mi, loops. Bag. & Tra il Nov. go 1 loop. Sron 9 em, Entry $13. 18lllerfdlild team. $2 extr a. "Perfect 10" sign up kisses Sat. nite only l Info 2 1JI822-1582. 332-6249. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Lake Conroe MX Park. Conroe, TX. Prac. 8 I .m.. race 10 , Entry Ex. $15/lnL $8INov. $Slgata toe . $4 . All clasoea 6OccOpen. Trophios or gift certificates to 8 places in Nov. cIalIs. Jerry's Conroe Suzuki. 61 0 Loop 336. Conroe. TX 77301. 713/ 751><4114; 273-2336, AME MOTOCROSS Sprockets Park . Bakerafoeld. CA. All gatos open 7 e.m , prac. 8. race 9. Entry Spts. $IOIPros$13.3O % br.... p.b . to Pros. AME lie. req. Free o/ n camping . AME. PO 80x 1421. Reseda. CA 91335. 2131881· 5778. eessee, CMC MOTOCR OSS Soddleback Pork. Orange, CA. Gate Operl 7:30 a.m. signup 8-9, prac. 8-9. first race 9:30 a.m. Junior & Intermedi ate entry $8 moil. $10 post. Pros $13 moil, $15 post. Mail entry to : CMC, PO 8 0 x 1402. Coa~ Mesa. CA 92626,714i557-3323. CMMCMIN ~MX Barons Oaks Raceway. Hwy. 67 to Lak.. side. E on Mapleview. N on Ashwood. up Wildca t C8ny0n Rd. 11 mi. New track. OfN ca mp- Ramona. CA. ing. concessions. new Beg inner class, Entry $10. yea rly membershi p $15 . Sig n u p closes 7:30 e .m. sharp. 80b Hale 71 4/4401257. Tom Ham bree 561 ·7402. D-J6 MOTOCROSS Hill. Ferry Speedway. Newman. CA. 1-5 to Newman turnoff. 35 mi. S of Tracy, W 6 mi. to Hills Ferry Rd., left to All cIas&es. bonus track . tro phies. riverside track , free OIN camping . AMA Prog. Pro. 100% purse. blue plata pIS. Gotos open 6:30 e.m., sign up 7. prac. 7:30. raca 9. Entry $11. Ex. $15 + $3. No pit ridinglbicycles. 80sa Motocr008415~. SEM I·PRO MOTOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch, Brentwood. CA. Corner of Camino Diablo & Vasc o Rd. All new sand trac k. 0J6 rules en fOfced, no rider insurance. Entry $15 Expert 180% p .bJ. Sptsmn. $11, $4 scectetoee. Gate opens 6:30 a .m.• sig n up 7-8. prac. 8:30. race 9 . Inlo 4151798-5695. 6343328 Tom Anderson. CMC MOTOCROSS Thompson Peak Moto-X , Check'. Rd ., J anoavill• • CA. 78 mi. N of Reno. 100 mi. E of Redding. oil 395. All _ + OTNat & Dinosaur. Trophies & 80% Pro p.b. Inlo 9161253-3309. NMA GAlLUP NATIONALS Gallup, NM. MX clasaos lor 011 Minis inc . Pee Wee , 50. 60. 83 & 105cc. Age groups 6-8. 9-11 , 12· 16. CI...... tor 100. 125 & 250cc bikes up thru 18 yrs. of age. Contact Gary S mith for e nt ry & info. 505J863.6494. TEXAS MOTOCROS S Mosier Valley MX Pork, Ft. W orth. TX. All c l....... no pit riding or late prac. $705 guaranteed Ex. purse. Prec. 8 a.m.• 1st race 9. Int. & Ex. prOC. 1:30 p.m . Entry $8. Ex. $10, gate $4 . Inlo 2141245-469J. D·37 /DE ANZA MOTOCROSS . DeAnza Cyc le Pork. Sunny· mead. CA. 10 mi. E of River· side on Hwy. 60. Tbeodcee off ramp. AU dasses wek:ome. AMA Prog. Pro & 0.37 pIS. Entry $13 Pro . $9 SPtsmn.. $7 Pee Wee. Purse 80 % up to $1200 . 30% Trophies to S ptsmn.• 100 % to Mini & PW . No memb . req., tree Oft,l camping . Gates oPen 7 a.m .. race 9:30. Info 714165:H"J68. 496- 8779. OUTDOOR SHORT TRACK Benton County Fairgrounds, Corvallia. OR. Out Horrioon . left on 53rd or out Western Ave ., rt. on SJrd. Siloncers. ball and Iovera. coverod folding pegs, 6in. , plates req. No knobbies above 125cc. All closoes. sign up noon. prac. 1. race 2. Entry $4 . pit poaa $3 . watch $2.50. 6-18 & Srs. $1.50 . Info 5OJI75J.()942 . RUTH LAKE MOTOCROSS RUltl Lake , CA. 85 mi. E 01 Eureka, take Hwy. 36. 7 mi. past Ruth Dam. CMC-sa nct ioned. 100 % Pro p.b , pe id by mota & overal l. same day troph ies + high point Iel'ies fOf all classes wl58" trophy to high pt. winner• . Inlo 707f44J.{;J 55. CRC M'J rOC ROS S Indion DUMa, Valencia. CA. ~ 5 to H-126. All classes. 2 long motos & cash for Pros. 2 motes & brass ~ o r S ptamn . En tr y $10 1$15 Pros. Geros open 7:00 a.m .• prac. 8 , race 9 :30 . Mamb. req. 21 JI83().7519. June 16-20 RUSS DARNELL MOTOCROSS SCHOO L Th underbird MX. Claremore. OK. Limitod enrollmenL entry $125 . For reservatio ns & info. ca ll 2 13/7 67 -18 54 . 71419803212. June 18 RAC.E. FLAT TRACK Corona Raceway. Corona. CA. Off 9 1 Fwy . @ 8uchanon. All dassea. 30 % S ptsmn. trophies. $ to Pros. Entry $6, Pros $8. Alternate TT & ST . Elaine Jonoo 71 4J689.1 91 3. 735-1705. June 20 AME NIGHT MiNI MX Indian Dunes. Valoncio , CA. Post entry $8. Prac. 7:00 p.m. , race 8. A ll classes. 30% tropllieo. AME lie. req. AME. PO 80x 1421, Reoeda, CA 91335. 2131881-5778. AME NIGHT MOTOCROSS Indian Dunes. Valencia. CA. Post entry only: $9Sptamn., $12 Pros, 30% trophies. cull p.b. to Pros. Proc . 7:00 p.m .. race 8:00 p.m. AM E lie. req. All closoes. AME. PO Box 1421. Reoeda, CA 91335.2131881-5778. June 21-22 lIMASANANrONIO NATIONALS Sa yer. MX Pork. Sa yers, TIl From San Anton to. take US 87 S to Sayers exit. S on Stuart Rd. I II mi, rt. @ MX pork sign. Spl it program: All Mini. 100. 125 & 250 Nov .• Over 30 & End uro sign up 8 :30 a.m" prOC. 9:1 5. race 10 . Int. & ElL sign up 12:30. prac. I . race 1:45 . Entry $9. Ex. $12, geta '3. Din 8 ikora Club 01 SA71~.

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