Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Northern California-Northern Nevada-Oregon -Washington-Idaho-Utah-Alaska- DENNY 1ST • CHUCK 2ND o 00 (j) Swartz & 'Sun saw their way through the mud and goo to make it a 1-2 at Red Bud w ith- THE BEST IN SIGHT SUPER SEER Want to save money? Whether you're flying 'round the track or out crulsin' the trails.the last thing you want to t hink about Is your oil. So the first thing you need Is CCI Super 2 Lubricant It can make the difference between carting home a trophy or pushing back to the pits. CCl's super-high film strength reduces heat and friction. prolonging engine life, CCI bums clean too. which helps prevent fouled plugs and sticky rings. CCI Super 2 Lubricant The 'slick performe r' for your Suzuki Performe r. SUZUKIf*1f O SlPER2 . 58 The~ NORTHERN DATELINE was first off th e Junior sta rt. White and Jepsen again com pleted thei r 30minute contes t running first and second in th e Junior d ivision bu t they were not able to so thoroughly infiltrate the Experts th is time. Cabral again was the runaway winner but Palmer and Decoque, finishing second and third. stayed clear of the Juniors eagerly pursuing them from behind. The OT motos were pretty much dominated by Ernie Cabral (Suz) who was first away from the start in the first moto and extended his lead to incl ude la pping most of the field before the moto was completed. Bruce Brown (Yam) was in second place coming up the starting chute, but rather than turn he hung it up on the berm and Ken Kohart (Mai) went around the turn in second place instead. Max Thorburn's Husky was third in line. Cabral a nd Koha rt held onto first a nd second for the d ura tion , but Rob ert Brookins (Yam) soon moved into third and stayed there for the finish. For t he second moto Kohart claimed the holeshot and made it a real race with Cabral for several laps until he twisted up the power a little too much and looped it on an uphill. Kohart got everything right side up again and moving . but his goal then realistically could only be to regain second place - and he did it by getting in front of Roy Col year (Suz). Bert Gamble (Suz). Jesse McKeever (Bul) and finally Brookins, all of whom had passed him whil e he was on th e ground . Brookins again ca me in for third . The second day was no t well advertised and only half as many riders appeared on Monday, but it turned out to be a dynamite day of racing. Everyone had someone to really test themselves with and to bring out top performances. Every win was shared with a challenger - with the exception that Bea u Magly swept the I25cc motos one and one, Bu t Beau got his dieing in on his 250 where there was plenty of competition and no crusing possible. In the first moto of that race, the 250cc Experts and J u n iors. came off the line with two J un iors ahead Wi ley Cra ig and Berkeley White with Expert Ted Cabral third. all riding Su zu kis. Almost immediately Bill O 'Donnel (Hon) was in the lead and a lap later Cabral was in second and on O'Donnel like a shadow. W hite gave it everything he had for four laps in third and then dropped back behind the Experts with the other Juniors. Ken Palmer (Mai). Magly (Yam) and Bob Davis (Yam) diced for third until Davis stalled his engine momentarily which also slowed up Magly who was right behind him at the time, letting Palmer get a little breathing space between them, Up front O 'Donnel and Cabral were giving each other a terrific race trading the lead back and forth through the corners. The outcome of the moto was pretty much determined by the fact that Ca bral fell on about the 20th lap and O 'Donnel pulled out a lead while Cabral was on the ground with not enough time remaining for him to catch up . In the second moto the riders ca me around turn one an d over the jump in three even rows. The first row contained O'Donnel, Craig and Magly. T he second row was Cabral , Palmer and White. Davis and the remaining Junior rider, Paul Brehmer (Hon). were "third." When they settled down to race one behind the other rather than side by side, the order was O'Donnel, Magly , Palmer. Cabral, Craig. White. Davis and Brehmer. And that is how things stood for many laps with the exception that White fell and relegated himself to last place and a game of catch up which took him half th e moto. At about the time White was ca tching Br ehmer. Cabral moved in behind O'Donnel and began probing for a way by. Again , it was a fait that guaranteed the outcome of the moro . This time O'Donnel spent th e critical moments on th e ground that gave Cabral a sure first across the finish line. The I25s had either the best or worst race of th e day; certainly it was both exciting and confusing, Half the riders lapped the other half, some of them m ore than once, and the obvious disparity in rider ability was a source of despair. d elight and dispute. Abou t the only thing that was very clear was that Bea u Magly had next to no competition in this race, W iley Cra ig (Suz). Magly, Berkeley White (Suz) and La rry Lengner (Hon) were the first four bikes off the line in the first moto , but the most exciting contest was between J eff Cabral (Suz) and Richard Washburn (Suz) for first place Novice . Each of them led the other part of th e first moto with Cabral being in front at the finish . In the second moto, Cabral was second at th e sta rt behind Magly and Washburn was fifth , which contributed to the fact that Cabral managed to sta y ahead the whole way. Lengner was th ird in the first moto, but did not ride the second and Mike May cla imed th ird overall with a fourth and a third-place finish. Results SUNDAY MIN I 80: 1. Oon Church (Yam!: 2. Scott Thofbum IHan); 3. RickyEllis(Yam). MINI 100: 1. Gary Thofn lon (Yaml: 2. Jim Stephens Nam): J . Chuck Brehme< (Yam). VETS NOV: 1. Jim Long (Kaw l: 2. Mark Mcintosh (Hon); J. David Wanan ISuzl . VET JRS: 1. Ed Smith IMa;): 2. Pote Pon.. (Maij: J . Don Chase(Maril. OT: 1. &nie Cabral ISuz): 2. Kan Kohan (Mail; J . Roben Brooks (Yam). 125 NOV DIV I: 1. Richard W ashburn (SUl); 2. J im Thor nton {Han}; 3. Mike May (Yam) . 125 NOV DIV 11: 1. Jeff Cabral ISUl): 2. Rick Feigel ISUl} : J . Greg Miles (Suz). 125 JR: 1. Troy Decoq ue (Hon). 250 NOV: 1. Kan Grey IMai): 2. Ron Grey (Yaml; J. Scon Merrow (Honl. OPEN NOV: 1. BafrY Kirshn9t' IMai); 2. Dan Sturgeon (Yam): J . David Allan (Yam). OPEN J R: 1. Chuck Cochran IYam). 250 J R: 1. Berkeley White ISuzl: 2. Ji m Jepsan (Yam): J . Wiley Craig ISuzl . 25O/OPEN EX: 1. Ted Cabral (Suz): 2. Kan Palm.. (Mail; J . Troy Decoque IHusl . M ONDAY l MINI : 1. Eric Liddel (Yam); 2. Don Ch..-ch (Yam) : J. Todd Oonaldson lKaw). VETS/OT: 1. &";e Cabral (Suzl: 2. Ed Smith (Mai); J. M...k Mclntooh (Hen). 250 EX: 1. Ted Cabral (Suzl; 2. Bill O'Donner IHenI: J . Kan Palme<(Mail. 250 JR : 1. Berkeley WhitelSuzl. 250 NOV: 1. Scon Merrow lHon); 2. Ron Grey Nom): J . Ed Smith lMaiI. 250 NOV: 1. Jeff Cabral (Suzl ; 2. Richard Washburn lSuzl: J . Mike May Nom) . Ash and most riders fall at Mt. View By Jan Newman SANDY, OR. MAY 25 On the seventh day, God created in terfer ence with motocross, Mou n t St. Helens seems determ in ed to becom e a n "On An y Sunday" event. Today's ea rly morning eru p tion encountered winds which brought the first ash fallou t into Oregon. It fell like a fine mist , turning everything a dirty gray and interested messengers to the track with word of travel alerts . etc. A drenching rain restored the natural color to cars. etc.. and brought relief to the eyes and noses but was not much

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