Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 06 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Inada- Northern California-Northern Nevada-Oregon-Washington-Idaho-Utah-AI o 00 0') ::~~ii~~~ +I + GATE fEE '400 PEft PEftSOtt _ ()OO EttTRV fEE 1 )- {! -~ ~ " - ~ __46"(,. ' . l.eGEND c:ti\t.\' -Soo POll SfCClIlD ClASS il~~i~~·~; I - I · !)QlJ.8fT SP!C1IIUOR A - I . VlI!WIttG Doug""'" (214)7Z2-5141 .... Cle9- (214)7ZZ_e (214)7ZZ-lHl4Z '!low"'"", _ ... RI1 lOOT 10 WlHHER OF A DRAWlttG ALL RIDERS ELIGIBLE GIVEtt fl't BIG 10WIt SUZUKI scaRlfIG AltO POItITS PROGRAM • 1st •• ~5 . 2nd . • 52 • ,", • • :50 • 4ttl •• 21 ~ 0Pm 6.'00 AM .5Q11ft 7:00 AMI"ftOOl" 01' AG! ~T De ~ I'MCTICI: a:oo ..,., Mlfft5 IeTlna e:oo ..,., NtICt5 II20In 9 :50 M 'AU. ~ 5ttALL NJtIlWO 20 MlntITl (Z) IN /'10105 • 'ttl .. POI~ rtr\ MOTO e llth • • 20 ze . 'ttl ..z:s • • PUJS l5ttI •• n 1Ittl •• • Z4 ~ • • ZZ e t Ottl • • ZI Pat Eagan and the Honda Hawk got their second win at GSIR. three sufferi ng brok en colla rbones . Numerous crashes during the day led to many delays between the races as the understaffed tumworkers struggled to clear debris. The Race Director has issued a ca ll for anyone int erested in volunteering as a turnworker for th e day. All one has to do is a rri ve before 8 a .m. The AFM supplies admission , lunch. gas money, and a ringside seat to all the races. See the Race Director on Race Da y for more details. The next races at Golden State will be June I , July 6 and August 24. The July 12-13 AMA Na tional Roadrace was ca ncelled due to scheduling conflicts. Results SIDECARS: 1. HMoldJEssaff IKawl: 2. KinneiRoberts IKawl; 3. Butcher/Murray(Suz). 430cc BOXSTOCK: 1. Conrad Brooks !Yaml;2. Jim Siemans (Yaml:3. Haim Beressi (Y am). 600cc BOX STOCK: 1. Mike Spencer IKaw) 2. ; James Dagan (Suz): 3. Jim Boecld !Yaml. 750cc BOXSTOCK: 1. Mark Shelton (Kaw); 2. Frank Mazur (Kawl; 3. Ray Straka (Kawl. OPEN BOXSTOCK: 1. Kurt Knollenberg ISuz): 2. Lee Fleming IKaw) 3. Chris",d ISuzl. : 125cc PROD: 1. Marc 5elvisberg IC-Al; 2. Haim Ber_ !Y am): 3. Ted Cosby lVaml. 200cc PROD 1. Greg Overman ICoAl; 2. John Lisker : IC-Al; 3.1W . ParksiC -AI. 250cc PROD: 1. Frank Mazur (Yarnl: 2. Michael Madden (CoAl: 3. Rich W";denbach !Yam). 430cc PROD 1. Pat Eagan 1Hon): 2. Mark Ingalls : !Yarnl: 3. Dale Alexander !Yam). 600cc PROD 1. Gary Brooder !Yam): 2., Dan : Anderson !Yarnl 3. Wa"er Andrews IKawI. ; 750cc PROD 1. Mike Spencer (Kawl; 2. Paul Ritter : (Duel; 3. Dave Emde (Suz). OPEN PROD:1. Lee Fleming IDuel: 2. Kurt KnoIIenberg lSuz); 3. Phil Beck (M·GI. 600cc SUPERSTREE: 1. Bob Runyon !Yarnl: 2. Don Gr_ !Yam~ 3. Jell Gehrs (Suz). 750 SUPERSTREET: 1. Mike Spencer IKawl 2. John : A1afouzos !Yam): 3. Mark Shelton (Kawl. OPENSUPERSTREET: 1. Mark Ingalls INor); 2. Rich 0I;v. (Kawl; 3. Michael Mcloughlin IKawl. 125cc GP: 1. John Glover (Honi; 2. Bob DeWitt IHon); 3. Rob Stabile (Hon). 200cc GP: 1. Greg Overman (CoAl: 2. Ron DeBruin (Suz): 3. Mark Atkinson !Yarnl. 250cc GP: 1. Fred Winters !Yam) 2. Glen Shopher ; !Yaml; 3. John Williams lVam). 500cc GP: 1. Bob Runyon !Yam); 2. TIm Ohara IYaml; 3. George Anderson IY am). OPEN GP: 1. Vance Br.... Iii-D); 2. Kerry &ya m (Kawl: 3. Jon Woo (Kawl. Two Day Memorial DayMXat Bloomfield By Mel White BLOOMFIELD , CA , MAY 25-26 Dirt Riders, Inc. of Sonoma County celebrated Memorial Day and inaugurated the terrific new water system on their Bloomfield 1. o-'ICC e-e ~ Z. ().6~ 7·11 property wit h two days of the kind of mot ocross you d ream about. The new well a nd underground pipes meant that wat er was avai la ble at all times to every pa rt of the track . T he du st could be knocked do wn on any section with out stopping the ra ce and without making any muddy spots. The motos were run by time, not laps - 30 m in utes for the Experts/Juniors, 20 minutes for everyone else, plus one la p. In two days the riders here did more ra cing tha n they do on four Sunda ys elsewher e. The hard working club members who made the dream of excellent MX close to home a reality in Somona County deserve the highest praise and congratulations. This track was devel oped by a handful of private cit izens to satisfy their own need , which it admirably does , but there still ex ists a broad public need totally unmet both here and in most other California corn munities. County governments can tap the State Green Sticker fund to finance solutions to the unmet and growing recrea tional needs of their constituents. Perhaps the work of Dirt Riders, Inc. in Sonoma County will inspire them to get moving on such projects. On Sunday. the 250cc Experts and Juniors raced first , using a stagger start. Lance Ca ner on a four-stroke Honda had the holeshot and led a couple of laps before the lead went totally to Ted Cabral (Suz). Craig Schulz (Hon) holeshot the Junior portion of the moto with Wiley Craig (Suz). Berkeley White (Suz) and J im Jepsen (Yam) following. Jepsen quickly took over the lead and with White and Craig following him as the Juniors began closing the gap separating them from the Experts. By mid-mote Cabral was far ahead and Carter was still second , but Jepsen had dropped behind White and they were now running fourth and fifth overall. By the time th e whit e flag came out White and Jepsen were into th ird and fourth which became second and third when Carter apparently ran out of gas after 30 m inu tes and could n' t complete th e final lap . The second moto was holeshot by T roy Decoque on a Husky in the Expert po rtio n with Cabral second and Palmer th ird. Craig, followed by Jepsen and .Rory Bartolomei (Ya m ), _ ~ e l Ztft . . 19 _ 13th .. I' e 14tJ1 .. 17 e 15th . . l l e 16 th . . 15 e 17th •• 14 e 18ttl • • 15 _ t ilth • • 1Z e I Ottl . . ll _ l 1st . . 10 e 22nd •• t _,,., .. • Z _ oZ4ttl • • 7 _ 25th •• Ii _ l ett. . . :5 e n th . . 4 _ l ath . . :s e Z9ttl • • Z e 3Qttl • • 1 (l"Il". WtII:~ ~ 10") (t'W.. wnm. ~ 14'") (/"'oN(. o.JtI'V\,LlltNQ1l1 62 ; (MIN. wt1ttL ~ 10") (MNt WI1ttl:.lll: 14; (Wt1ttl ~ 42; S. o-aXC3TOCK 7-11 "'"3. (I"flOMT IAIt1ttL I""tIYl 17; " 0-8~ MOD. 7 - 11 Yf'l:5.. ~ ~l l1ltl. l Zj 1. o-axt: 3TOCK 12·14 ~. ~ wnttl. MNt 16i .. 0-83CC MOD. 12- 14 ~. (\lII1ta. ~ :K)'" Oft LOS) 7. G-IOOCC 12 ·I:I~ . (MIN , ~H \III1tfl. ~ .. IOI ·12Xt: 12 ·1~~. (f"lM"l I1 f'.e.M WMUl) . ~ • • ,., ......... ~ 0- 100. IOI -I ~ " '"lIci" T MU5T COf1I"OfV'\ rQUlP' · , ..........._ . ......... ........."..,. THOC Q.A55O TH~ MO'fT ~TNtOArlOS rn TMr: 1980 N1t\TWI'\ MO 5t:M1..f'!1\O COMpt'TJTI()M RUt..t ec:x:JK. 5TJ".OKlNO. 5l..eeW1Q. NtD eof\. ItIQ NOT .. --- - ---------- --- - -- - - -- - - - ----- ._-_ .... AL1.OWB) TO MOVt UP H ~ DOWn In QJ\55 I'WL TO: ROCJNIN.L I"IO'TOCR05S " .0. 8C»C Hl. ROQCtMIIW.1,. IX 75Oe7 _ _ _ 6l1l\I10 0-'1(( 0-& \'1'0; ~ o-ext 7-11 'l'I'O :: o-lxt ~'OC It 7 11 ",", _ Clo-e xt r

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