Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,.... o 00 0') (Above) Masaki Tokuno took fourth on the Moriwaki Kawasaki while (below) teammate Pat Eagan 1162) scored fifth ahead of Dennis Smith 11271. 16 his mandatory pit stop for fuel and New Zealander Crosby, who now calls London. England home. took the lead. He had charged from 48th starting position to the head of tbe field in less than 40 miles of racing and the hundreds of British fans on hand made their presence known as they cheered him on. Crosby pitted on lap 15 and the point position once again belonged to 18·year-old Spencer. But the Yoshimura crew topped Crosby's tank in fast fashion and he was back out on the track right on Spencer's rear wheel. Two laps later Crosby had overtaken Spencer for good and by the drop of the checkered nag he held a 10-second lead. Finishing third, 50 seconds back of Spencer, was Team Honda's Ron Pierce, the defending Daytona Bell Superbike Champion. Only Crosby, Spencer and veteran Pierce covered 100 miles as the trio had la pped the rest ofthe competitors. Finishing founh. a lap down, was Moriwalc.i Kawasaki·mounted Masaki Tokuno of Japan, with motojournalist Pat Eagan. a Cycle News contributor, finishing futh aboard his Moriwa1c.i Kawasaki. Remembering that he had failed to continue on to tum one after his heat and that that had cost him dearly, Crosby cruised through the turn all but stopping. With his left hand on his hip he looked over at the scorers and then pointed towards himself as though saying, "Do you see me today?" Aside from discussing his starting position, Crosby was jubilant in winner's circle. "The win makes me feel bloody good. I need the money because I've gone through two or three rent-aracers already this week," said the 24year-old who had just a shon time before Da ytona been named as Ba rry Sheene's replacement on the uzuki GP road racing team. When asked if he was tired, Crosby said, "Not really, but me bloody brain is down in my throat from riding up on the banking'" Team Honda's Superbikes under the hands of Freddie Spencer laboveland Ron Pierce lbelow) took two of the places in Daytona's victory circle. Spencer was obviously disappointed with his runner-up performance and explained that he dropped from Crosby on the last few laps due to his engine being "down on power. I guess it was hot because acceleration reatly dropped off." said the youngster from Louisiana. Rounding out the top 10 were sixth place finisher Dennis Smith aboard a Cycle Tune-sponsored Suzuki, Yoshimura Suzuki· mounted Harry Klinzmann, Salce Tool-sponsored Dwight Roy aboard a Suzuki, Syd's Cycles/ Rebel International·sponsored- Ducatimounted Malcolm Tunstall, and James Adamo on the Berliner Motor·sponsored Ducati. Kawasaki-sponsored front row starters Eddie Lawson and Australian Gregg Hansford bOlh had short races with Lawson's bike giving out on the initial lap and Hansford's on the ninth. Steve McLaughlin, manager of the Honda road race effon. dropped out of the race on the sixth lap. "We'll have to look inside to see what really happened," said the former Daytona Superbike winner. "but I think something let loose in the bottom end." Venezuelan Roberto Pietri. who start· ed next to McLaughlin on the second row, retired his Honda from the race on the 19th lap when his bike's timing chain broke. Crosby, competing at Daytona for the first time, set a new Superbike 100 race record as he covered the 26·1ap, 100·mile race in 57 minutes, 29.5 seconds at an average speed of 105.57 mph. When announcer Roxy Rock· wood announced over the Daytona public address system that Crosby had set the new race record, a sunburned British visitor shouted, "Rule Britannial" Indeed. • Results 1OO·MILE BELL SUPERBIKE PRODUCTION: 1. Graeme Crosby ISuz): 2. Freddie Spencer (Han); 3. Ron Pierce (Ho"'. 4. Masaki Tokuno IKaw); 5. Pat Eagan (Kawl; 6 DenniS Smith (Suzl; 7 Harry Klinzmann ISuz); 8. Dwight Roy lSuz); 9. Malcolm Tunstall (Duc); 10. James Adamo IDueI; 11. Kurt LJebmann (Honl; 12. Keuy BryanllKawl; 13. Lang Hindle IKaw); 14. Joe Panon lHonI; 15. Paul Stephenson IHan); 16. George MOI',n IKawl; 17. Hal Coleman IHanl; 18 Douglas Chancey IKawl; 19. Kirk GUO\! ISuz); 20. Carl Smith ISuzl. TIME: 57:29.50. . AVERAGE SPEED: 105.370 mph.

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