Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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8- The best pistons for }!Oureplace only with TEN YEARS AGO o 00 0') The big event 10 years ago this week was the Houston TT Ishort track doubleheader, won by Jim Rice and Mert Lawwill, respectively. Gene Romero fell in the short track and broke his arm, "thereby weakening Triumph's chances for regaining the coveted II plate," according to a photo caption. Remember who took II in 1970? (Hint: the battle was showcased in On A ny Sunday,) Also at Houston, this time at the trade show, Harley-Davidson introduced the first XR750, and it still showed its Sportster heritage. The gas tank is still the same, however. Gary Scott and Kenny Roberts were featured in the same win ad, for finishing second and third behind Paul JohDlOn in a Novice TT at Ascot. All three were ric;ling Bultacos, and Bultaco bought the ad. Kawasaki offered a half million dollars in contingency prizes for the year. In addition to cash for s~c.ified wins, Kawasaki offered Mach III street bikes to the winner of the Greenhorn or Jack Pine National Enduros, and 100cc Trail Boss machines to Bonney;Ue record setters. Hmmrn. In tbe results section 01 the pa~r, Danny LaPorte was listed as the winner of the 100cc Sportsman class at a motocross in Huntington Beach, CA. In the same event, Ossa-mounted Mike But won the 250cc Senior class. The continuing point standings of AMA D·37's Trailbike class found Larry Roaeler finishing 189th in the final points. Four hundred earned numbers were given in just the Trailbike class. Barry Briggs, who lost a match' race at Houston to American Jim McMurren, was reported to have been offered $150,000 to race in the United Slates. At the Desert M.C. 0-37 hare and hound, the winner was legendary J.N. Roberts on a Husqvarna. Riding a Kawasaki/Van-Tech, Terry Clark won the 100cc class there ahead of Jeff Wright and MilCh Mayes. u.s.A.- made to rigid specs Immediate availability Forged for longer life Each Wiseco piston is built to give longer engine life- Trust WJSeCO to brinJl you the best: pistons! Skilled American craftsmen use the utmost care to produce only finest-quality pistons. All dealers have immediate access to Wiseco pistons-no Add WISeCOR&D, design expertise, racing backgrotmd and manufacttmng care and precision-now that's engineering! ~. 12131 WlSECO PISTON, INC. 7203 Industrial Park Boulevard Mentor, OH 44060 • (216) 951-6600 Call Toll-Free Nationwide. except Ohio, (BOO) 321·1364· In Ohio Call Tol~Free (BOO) 362·1368 THE SWrrCH IS ON- TO WISECOI SALES _ PARTS· SERVICE ACCEnOA:1ES '-- oW Eb/t.. '\) CYCLE CENTER '1" E. c..on St. " "'1' 1\,\\''''\"\ need to worry about delayed overseas shipments. Next Week z_ Can Oakland be re-Jammed? ~~ C!I> "'.-..c....·.-""_ UZ OR (7141 UI-4M3 HeweiiM Gerdena. CLI071. ' _"_~ Who, what, where and how much? See Want Ads Order yours today : Only $27.95 Cycle News Products Dept. &W6 P.O. Box 498. Long "each. Ca. 90801 Not bulletproof but lightweight & warm. Bright red with red & white embroi(jet'ed Cvcle News patch. - Hand Stav Soft Othman Distributing Co. Box 356 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 (8051 544-61S1 _ .------------ --- --- -News Vest : --------------. Cycle O'.... lnqulrle.,nvltecl w_. FII£El W'-! CiC • Riding -Racing t" Dealer Inquiries Invited .I .. >1 Address City number end expi,.tion date. Card expires I. Signature (1 I I I I I .,::-;::.:= ~-:..:::~ I I I" ~: ~• State _ _ Zip The ....llefofttoec.dident,fied_mo. _ •• l,. Z', Name Please fill in your complete account •Street GLOVES J: :::::~~ :~v ':~Yc:'::'I= ,'-_••ubteCtto-'ao;:COl'-..c. ;"~~~~_"""I to"..~nt tM.... ~I Size Smilil Medium large Ex-Large 0 0 0 0 Calif. resident. edd 6% ...... tax. c. .!! I 1_ ~ ~I ---------------------------_._--~ 17

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