Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1980 02 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 15 of 47

Intermediates while John Beeman (Hon) was first in moto two. Dashiell moved up from a seventh· place start in the second moto to score a second which was more than he needed to take home the first place trophy. o 00 0') Results OPEN EX: 1. Joey Schleg IKTM): 2. Jim Inglobright IMao): 3. Du8ne Joice IYom). 250 EX: 1. Joey Schleg IKTM): 2. Randy Bioir lYaml; 3. Ale. Jorgansen IC·AI. 125 EX: 1, SpOOf Pena ISuzl; 2. Bill Johnson lYam)' 3. Jeff K.... IHon). ' OPEN INT: 1. Lee Miller ISuz): 2. John Scr~ IMail' 3, Jessie Gymon lYam). ' 250 INT: 1. Larry DashielIIMaiI: 2. Doug Im",a 1Suz)· 3. Dan Weintick (Suz). ' 125 INT: 1. Rick C..rantel ISuz); 2. Harry Matthews IYam): 3. Marl< Olund IYoml. OPEN NOV: 1. Steve Hays IHuol: 2. Don Wiloon IYom); 3. Jerry Atkins IHusl. 250 NOV DlV I: 1. Van BulCton lHan): 2. Steve Oniz IKawl: 3. Kirk Webe1.. ISuz). 250 NOV DIV II: 1. John Jacobs IC·A); 2. Dennis Tate ISuz): 3. Deve St..ling ISuz). 125 NOV DIV I: 1. Matt Elkins ISuz): 2. Gary Plutje IHan): 3. Steve Jordan IYoml. 125 NOV DIV II: 1. Shane Gurnsey lYam): 2. 8

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