Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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."'I ' by Wic, 3202 S, Magnolia St. Denver, Colorado, 80224. The taste of victory is "oh so sweet" for Chuck West and Art Sanderson as they are the National Side Car Champions for 1980. For Allen Carpente,r and Tom Ellis, the drive back to Colorado was disappointing and painful. Allen broke a rib while practicing on Saturday but wasn't about to give up his chance to compete. Everyone set off for home with the same thing on their minds. We will long remember this day in Kansas City and look forward to next year when we meet again. Results NATIONAL SIDE CAR: 1. Chuck West/Art Senderson 1241; 2. Roger FootitJRick Moorefield 1501; 3. Larry Dobos/Bob Hendrickson 1*41; 4. Don TreeseIT.J. Treese 1761; 5. John HaberbashiDavid Luellen 1921; 6. Allen CarpenterlTom Ellis 11151. SUPPORT SIDE CAR: 1. Jerry McClary/Rick McClary (251; 2. Mika Carpenter/Jim Bridges 1741. SOLO RESULTS MASTER: 1. Bruce Carver 1281; 2. Dele Malasek 1281: 3. Dick fIvm (311; 4. Rick Shanks 131); 5. Eddy Kessler (351; 6. Jell Snider 1471. EX: 1. Jim Valier 138); 2. Jim Bridges 1411; 3. Buster Snider (48). AM: 1. Ted Charveze 1391; 2. J.B. Miller 1461; 3. Steve Jones (50). NOV: 1. Cal Blumhorst 11); 2. Ronnie Lines Ill}: 3. Cliff Applegarth 1121. Langdrum, Wedding and Spencer highlight TexasMX By Charlie Wiese LAKE WHITNEY. TX, NOV. 25 Action started early and finished late on the rough and dusty Lake Whitney Cycle Ranch circuit but spectators got their money's wort.h at each and every drop of the gate. The morning Novice program began with the mini-minis, and Clay Branch (Suz) won with a consistent (22). Jr. Mini's were next and Tuff Freed (Suz) put his name at the top with (I2) finishes. Sr. Mini action had the spectators "wowing" as Bryan "Boom Boom" Abernathy (Yam) kept his win streak alive with two perfect moto finishes. Over 30 riders were next up with the "old men" being split into Intermediate and Expert divisions. T.C. "Top Cat" Carter led the way in the Intermediate class with a perfect score closely followed by Ray Neal (Yam), who came back from a poor start in the second moto_ The Expert division was led by Dudley Gage (Suz) who put together two wire to wire victories. The lOOcc class was next and Chuck Dawson (Suz) was not to be denied. Dawson finished (2-1), after a thrown chain in the first moto, and he looks smoother with every outing. Mike Foytik (Suz) matched Dawson's score, however, the second moto is the tiebreaker and Dawson was on top in that moto. I The 125cc Novices were split into divisions one and two and talents were divided also. M. Foytik took his Big Town Suzuki to the winners circle in division one with a (I-I) tally and C. Dawson was the man to beat in division two. Quick. smooth rides on his Suzuki earned him a (I-I) tally. The 250cc Novices rounded out the program in fine form with Tim Smith (Yam) easily taking the win. Des Amick (Hon). came from behind to finish· a respectable second with 2-2 moto scores. The 125cc Intermediate class was fim to hit the afternoon starting gate. When the dust had cleared Rodney Wigginton (Hon). emerged the victor after winning both motos. With a come from behind win in the first moto, and a wire to wire lead in the second, Wigginton was the man to beat. Tim Butler (Suz) led the first moto until Wigginton put a last lap move on him. Butler got out of shape. but he recovered for fourth. In the second moto Wigginton was gone from the start; Butler managed a second. 125cc Experts pounded the dusty circuit next ~ith Houstonain Kyle Langdrum (Suz), heading the field in the overall column. Dennis "Max" Brand (Hon), ended up second. although he won the second moto with a smooth ride on his quick red bike. The rest of the class became victims of a poorly ~aintained course as get offs and DNFs plagued the rest of the field. 250cc Intermediates were dominated by the red bikes of Glen Goodier (Hon) and Cris Jackson (Hon). Goodier led both motos from the gate to the flag but he was constantly reminded of Jackson's presence in the final moto. 250cc Experts were next to pilot their bikes around the sandy circuit. Derek Wedding on his Howard Racing Honda flew the red rocket to victories in both motos. Wedding had some close company from D. Brand (Hon) who was knocking at his door by the finish of the first moto. In moto two Nick "The Stick" Cordova (Hon) was the one applying pressure but Wedding's horsepower advantage was too much for Cordova, who settled for second in the moto and second overall. In the Open Intermediate class "Bullet" Bobby Kyle (Yam) had such a lead in the first moto that second place, Eric Berg (Yam), couldn't even catch his dust. In the second round Gary Mason (KTM) and David Banton (Yam) battled with Banton coming in second and Mason third in the moto and overall. The last class for the day was the Open Experts. Kirk Spencer (Yam) and Monte Anderson (Mai) had a two man race in both motos. Spencer led out of the gate in moto one while Anderson was caught in traffic. Anderson made a charge but Spencer. with the powerful Yamaha, won the battle and the war. Results . MICflO.MINI: 1. Clay Branch (Suz); 2. Chris Reynolds ISul): 4. Anderson IVaml: 3. Sugar _ Dennis Richards IVernl; 5. Eric Culver (Vam): 6. Peter Tht Irnfiekt ~Suz). JR MINI: 1. Tuff Freed (Suzl; 2. roger FOYlik ISuz): 3. P_ Thornfield (Suzl; 4. Lo",. Cox ISuzl; 5. David Bernh~IIVaml; 6. Shonnon BurnslVernl. SR MINI: 1. Bryan Abernathy IVam); 2. CarraU Richardson lVarn); 3. Kent Elliff (Suzl; 4. Brent Carrizales IVarnl; 5. Berry Brauel CSuzI: 6. Flynn Cooo ISuz). OVER 30 EX: 1. Dudlay ~ (Suzl: 2. D. Leetherwood (Mail; 3. Sonny Truitt lMaiI; 4. L.D. Riddle IKawl: 5. Mike Pegues (Suzl. OVER'30 INT: 1. T.C. Carter (Vaml: 2. Roy Neal lVern); 3. AIen Davis (Suz); 4. Jerry Boren IVam): 5. Whrtney Fanning (Monl. _ 100 NOV: 1. Chuck Dawoon CSuzl: 2. Mika foYlik (Suzl: 3. Ed Brake (Suzl; 4. M8r~ Banea (Suz): 5. Dean Miller (Varni: 6. Rick Green (Suzl. 125 NOV I: 1. Mike foYlik (Suzl; 2. John Rodd (Suzl; 3. Bobby Morrie (Honl; 4. Donnie McMillon ISuzI: 5. Mart< McCandIeIS (Vernl; 6. Mart< NeIaon (Vernl. 125 NOV II: 1. Chuck Dawoon lSuz); 2. Craig GuI_ (HonI; 3. Glenn Johnaon (Suzl: 4. Guy Larsen (Suzl: 5. Jerry B...nap (Varni; 6. Robby Edwards (Suli. 250 NOV: 1. rllll Smith (Vernl; 2. Del Amick (Honl: 3. Joe Acklen lVaml; 4. Kevin Obar (moil; 5. Jimmy Henzler CSuz): 6. Wayne Carnes ISuzl. 125 INT: 1. Rodney Wogginton CHan): 2. Tim Butler ISuzI; 3. Bucky Houston (Suzl; 4. Aubrey Wright IHon): 5. Bart King (Suzl; 6. Willie llenIley (Suzl. 125 EX: 1. Kyle langdrum (Sud; 2. Donn;' Brend (Honl; 3. Randy Sullivan lSuzl: 4. Mike Cupito ISul): 5. Keith Davis (Honl: 6. Jerry Surber. Jr.IHonI. 250 INT: ,. Glenn Goodier CHonI; 2. Cris Jackson IHonl; 3. Luther Lowman (mail: 4. Scott DaviolSuzl; 5. Vance Sonderer IVarnl; 6. Wyatt Seals (Kawl. 250 EX: 1. Derek Wedding (Honl; 2. Nick Cordova (Honl: 3. Robby Pannell IBull: 4. Joe Jordan (Kawl; 5. Tony Nielsen (VarnI; 6. Dennis Brend (Honl. OPEN INT: 1. Bobby Kyle (Vam); 2. David Banton (Vaml; 3. Gary Mason IKTMI; 4. Dan Lackey (Yarn); 6. T. Crawford IVarn). OPEN EX: 1. Ki

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