Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Here's your opportunity to give a gift to another motorcycling friend or relative. Give the gift that lasts all year round, CYCLE NEWS, and get a gift for yourself that shows you're a motorcycle nut. With each gift subscription the elves at CYCLE NEWS will send a Christmas card in your name. Wait; Santa has some CYCLE NEWS Stocking Stuffers for every subscription received before December 25th. Two free CYCLE NEWS stickies to all, Non-Gift givers get a CYCLE NEWS Bumper Banner free with your subscription. -- MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS EAST, P.O. Box 805, WEST, ~~~~:~xG4~:.oo84 long Beach, Ca. 90801 (OFFER EXPIRES JANUARY 2,1980 FOR LAST MINUTE SHOPPERS) IIII!!II!!IIII Signature of identified on 'his Signature of cllrd --~--------------------------r--------------------------- .. WS4 . Is plOy amount as WS4 _zed to plOy amount any _ shown . ExpIration Date promlaa I Expiration Date plOy such total t""",he< any o'he< to plOy cha._ _eonment governing tha usa subject to and acc:o S-o,c'll \\ ~t8" 0 p.\.\.: ~ - the identWoed on this item the " ..Ion. I pro...... such toteI together w/tII the.-n aubjeet to w/tll the the of such card. Minimum-dllIrge purchase $5.00 Send My Noggin Warmer To: _ _ I am not a gift giver. I've enclosed $2.50 extra for my cap. Name Addre•• ~ ~- 1 Year 150 Weeksl Only $18.00 1 Year (50 Weeks ft Cap at $2.501 Only $20.50 (This offer is for genuine gift givers onlyll No fair sending gifts to yourself!) IOffer eXlllr.. Jan. 2. 19801 Dept. S4W49 ---------------------------- ---------------------------WS4' Signeture • The i...... of the _d _ _ on this item ts authorized to pay the emount lhown •• TOTAL upon pro no I promlaa to pey such toUIl together with any other chorgaa _-.on subject to _ accord.nee with the .....ment IOverni"" the UN . . ExpIratIOn Date Vi.. , Me , Send CYCLE NEWS E_ _ We.t_ . Send Gift Sub To: _'_This i. a gift renawal _ _ This is 8 new gift ~(ee of such card. '!> y.e( Si\c \\ ~O p.\.\';' Minimum cherge purchase $5.00 Send My Noggin Wermer To: _ _ lam nota gift giver. I've enclo.ed $2.50 extra for my cap. Nerne Name Addre•• Address Zip Zip City State City State 1 YearC50 Weeksl.. Only $18.00 1 YearC50 Weeks ft Cap at $2.501 Only $20.50 !This offer is for genuine gift givers onlyll No fBir sending gifts to yourself!) 10ffer ex Ire. Jan. 2. 19801 S4W49 . 48 I WS4 Signature . . I ExpiratIon Date I . - Vi.. , I \-: - - - Me , I Sand CYCLE NEWS Eest_We.. _ ~'!> I Send Gift Sub To: Si\Cv.~\ I __ This i. a gift renewal ~(.. 0 p.\.\'; I __ This i. a new gift ~ I Nama I I I I I I I I Addre.s The Iaau.. of the _d identified on this item is authorized to .,.y the amount shown .. TOTAL upon pro_ preoentatlon. I promisa to pey such total together with any other chargaa _ _..... subject and accord.nee with the agreement governing the use of such e-d. '0 Minimum charge purchase $5.00 Send My Noggin Warmer To: _ _ 'am notagiftglver.l"ve enclosed $2.50 extra for my cap. Name Addre•• City State Zip City State Zip 1 YearC50 Weeksl '.' Only $18.00 1 Year (50 Weeks ft Cap at $2.501. Only $20.50 !This offer is for genuine gift givers onlyl! No fair sending gifts to yourselfl) S4W. IOffer e ires Jan. 2. 19801

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