Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- \lIS! 0') s-. Q,) ..c 8 Q,) u Q,) Cl closed areas, you showed that you were willing to accept· reasonable compromises. By using your own routes (marked or not) you showed that you would not grovel at the BLM's feet and accept whatever scraps were thrown to you. If you want to ride the B to V, or Check Chase, in 1980 (as a race. not a trail ride). then you must begin working now. Write the BLM (especially Mr. Hillier). demand the issurance of race permits for the Check Chase and the B to V in 1980. Let them know how' serious you are, let them know how tired you are of the refusals and the phony excuses. Make them understand that you want real "off·road" desert race COU1'seS, not dangerous powerline road races. Write today and write often. When you send your letters. also send copies either to Bob Hayes or to Louis McKey. Oust so they don't get lost in the shuffle.) Besides letters, it is also going to take money. Send the Duck whatever you can afford. To get these permits issued, with acceptable courses. could take a legal battle and tha t wi II cost money. Please. don't quit now. If you are willing to work very hard now, you will win. And won't that be great? America's only weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Clayton, Publisher Tom Culp. Marketing Director Caroline Gcndry. Sec. to the Publisher Nancy Coralc.. Sec. to t~ Mlttog. Dir. Advertising Skip Johnson. S.les M.n.ger. Terry Pralt. Sales Mana~r. Linda Brown, Advertising Coordinator. Editorial Charles MOTC)'. Managing Editor. Dale Brown, Editor. 80bi McGann. Editor. Graphics and Production Judy Klinger, Production Mana~r. Pamela Wood. Production Assistant. Marion Hatashita, Cindy Torres. Typography. Dennis Greene. Lab,oratory. THUMPER FREAK Downey, CA Accounting Mike Klinger. Manager. Jeanne Hammond. Accts. Receivable, Donna Bryan. Aut. Accts. Receivable.. Terry Dailey. Credit Manager. Circulation Rhcba Smith, Managu. Shirley Shon. Sarah Taylor, Assistants. Reader/Dealer Service Gin Horper. Wan, Ad Sales. Harry Fisher, Dealer Sales Manager. Service and Support Chris Ailcheson, Dickinson. 5&5. Receptionist. Sam West 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach. CA P.O. Bo. 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 (21S) 427·7455: L.A. Line 656·8844. East 4190 Fin, Ave .. Tucker. GA. P.O. Bo. 805. Tucker. GA 50084. . (404) 954·7850. Cycle New./Wes, (USPS I4I-HO) i. published weekly except the first and last week of the calend-ar year for S18 per year by Cycle News. Inc" 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach. CA 90801. Second cia.. poslage paid at Long Bech. CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3&1!1 to Cycle News. P.O. Box - . long Beech. CA 9OlIl1. Subscription rates: One year. second class mail, $18: two years. second class mail. $50: three years. 5«ond class mail. $41: 25 weeks. $10. Cycle N~ welcomes unsolicited editorial material including stories. cartoons. photos. etc. Such material. if published, becomes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Such accep'ed material is subject to revision as is necessary in the sole discretion of Cycle News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be returned if accompanied by a self·addressed ..amped envelope. All unsolicicated malcrial will be handled with reasonable care. however. Cycle News usumes no responsibility for the safety. loss or damaR"c to such material. Reprinting in wholt- or part only by pennission of the publishC'rs. Advertising rates and circulation information will bc sent upon re~uesL See S.R.D.S. Copyright Cycle New•• Inc. 1979. Trlldemark Cycle News registered U.S. P_nt Office. All rights ON THE FRONT PAGE: Now it's happened to everyone. Remember getting ell set to leeYe on that speciel ride, end finding something emiss with the ai' scooter? Sente's tum comes from the t81ented peint brush of Jeff Gundlech. 4 Rock raking It is my opinion that the Last Chance 2·day Enduro would have been much more enjoyable had the sponsors raked all the rocks off the trail. PETER HUGHES President King Rat M.C. San Luis Obispo, CA Try "'ding the powerline road between Barstow and Stateline . .. Editor. Va meet the nicest people ... Last week, two of my friends and I set out from the Seattle area to compete in the Beatty to Las Vegas cross country race. Two of us brought our wives to help at the gas stops along the course. We were a little nervous about making the necessary pit stops with only one gas crew but we had decided nothing was going to stop us from trying to complete the race. From the moment we entered the pit area at the start just outside of Beatty, we were offered help. People took one look at those Washington plates on the van and came over to say, "Hello, what are ya doing way down here?" and "If there is anything we can do to help, just ask!" I have never met a gTOUp of friendlier or more helpful people in all my life. It was a great experience. All three of us finished the race. but only with the help of people we had never met before. I have a problem _with remembering names and hope that those that helped will read this and accept our thanks. To the Senior Expert from the Anaheim Hi-Siders who gave us a lesson in blackjack and a toast with champagne at the finish - Thank you. To the two young ladies from the Hi·Siders at gas 2 - Thanks, a drink of water never tasted so goodl To the crew from the Torco truck at gas :'I - Thanks for everything. I wouldn't have finished with thaI broken gear box if you hadn't said, "Only 40 miles. and it's all road. You came too far to quil now." And lastly, Thanks to the entire crew of Up·Tite Husky. You were all great. It was quite an experience; one I •• doubt I will ever forget. The people involved in this year's Beatty to Vegas race were the nicest people I believe I have ever come in contact with. HOWARD LARSON Stumpjumpers M~C. Seattle, WA Re: Phantom Duck Legal Fund I am forwarding a check this week to Louis McKey, our beloved Phantom Duck, collected through The Outpost Cafe during this Thanksgiving weekend. The receipts at the Cafe which were collected with the letter that we wrote to you on the "trail ride" from B to V were somewhat disappointing. But we were able to find out that many riders and supporters of the PDOD were out in the desert, and we had numerous comments on this fact. Many had either forgotten to bring the article, or commented on the fact that they were here because of this event. I fully believe that with all the noise made regarding the cancellation of the Check Chase run and the POOD's efforts, the BLM backed down on their ridiculous closure edict. A battle was won, not the war. We have much to be thankful for this 'thanksgiving: persons like Louis McKey, who are willing to sacrifice much for a principle in which they believe. Let's all continue with our efforts to keep this desert open to the riders and ~ryone else who wants to come out h~. whether on bike or afoot. There's more room than any of us can use. GEORGE E. NEWTON c/o The Outpost Int 15 and Hwy 395 Out Post Junction, CA Where to now? Okay. B to V 1979 is over. We're all rested. We've all cleaned and repaired our bikes. Now what? Do we all just fade into the woodwork until Nov. 1980? Or do we continue the fight? Now is the time. If you want to see some of the classic desert races reborn, you must start working now. By your participation you have demonstrated to the BLM your insistence on the return of the B to V. By IlPnoring their NEXT WEEK The 70s: The way they were Guest Editorial '750 versus 500" - lin idea whose time Is gone Breathes there a biker in the USA who does not think he or she could tell the AMA how to do a better job? I've been watching the talk about flat track rules in Cycle News and hearing it from the racers, manufacturers and promoters. 'the urge is to handicap the 750cc Harieys 50 that 500cc models of other brands can give the Harleys competition. This is where I came in. Way back in the 19505. it was Harley-Davidson 750cc sidevalves versus BSA, Triumph, Velocette, etc. 500cc overheads. Everybody knew it was unfair, but this David vs. Goliath feature gave spice to the occasional victories of the little 5OOs. Sidevalves were the restrictor washers of their day. H·D didn't mind. For a long time they controlled AMA racing rules and simply voted out truly competitive Soocc innovations such as overhead carns and special frames. In 1965. H·D abdicated total control of AMA, and in the fulness of time, our current 750cc "Class C" racing formula evolved. Again, H·D was there, firstest with the mostest. To be competitive in U.S. professional din (Contintud to page 17)

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