Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ERN DATELINE IKawl; 3. David WhiteIMai). 250 INT: 1. Mike Langley IHonl; 2. Stacy Magarian IHonl; 3. Damy Ward (SUl). OPEN JR: 1. Lee Marchand IMai); 2. Caig Estrada ISuz); 3. Undsey Nowack IHusl. OPEN tNT: 1. Harry Boudakian ISuzl' 2 Gim RowdweiIIYam); 3. Gary Wilson ISuzl. .' Turner, Wosick take it at Sand Hill D·36MX Mike Langley's spot on. Langley dominates 250cc Intermediates at Tumbleweed Park .- By Jerry Parsons LEMOORE, CA, NOV. 25 Mike Langley continued his domination of Central Valley CMC motocross tracks with a ~onvincing double moto victory the 250cc Intermediate class. Langley showed his expertise eady in the first race as he pulled the holeshot followed b~ Stacey Magrion riding a Honda. WIll Barr rushed into the action for second but he got careless and was passed by Danny Ward who soon caught up to the leaders and followed them in for third. The second moto started out much as the first with Langley again pulling the holeshot. followed by Magrion and Ward. WhIle Ward and Magrion fought for second Langley continued su'etching his lead. By lap five Langley was slowed by lapped riders which allowed Ma~on an~ Ward to gain gro~nd on him. Magrlon got to within passing range but couldn't match Langley's speed; Langley finished first followed by Stacey Magrion and Danny Ward in third. . The IOOccJunior class pulled off the Ime hot and heavy and, surprisingly, Pat Wymore. a Junior rider, puJled the holes?o.t· followed by Eddie Roberts, ndmg l00cc Intermediate. Wymore held his lead over Roberts till lap three when Roberts overtook him. Joey Rogers and Del Criswell were going after Wymore now but Roberts continued pulling his lead while Wymore, Rogers and Criswell battled for a Junior win. Roberts took first Intermediate, Wymore first Junior, followed by Rogers and Criswell in second and third. ~oto two started with Wymore pulling the holeshot onJy this time he was followed by Joey Rogers. Eddie Roberts was running third but by lap two. Roberts passed Rogers and was hopmg to overtake Wymore in the same fashion. Much to Roberts' surprise he fought with Wymore up to lap five when he desperately had to pass. Halfway through lap five Roberts made his move, passed Wymore, and went on to take the win. Wymore finished first Junior followed by Joey Rogers. in second and Mike Maurer third. In Results 32 6Occ: 1. Doug _ (Suzl; 2. John Culwell (Suz)' 3 Ricky 0elaPina 1Suz1. ' . 80cc 8-11 YEARS: 1. Dallen McKinney (Suz); 2. Tony Toate ISuzl; 3. Gary RUrTi (Suz). 80cc 12-15: 1. Eric Hanley (KIw)· 2. Tona Patton' 3 Steve Hill (KIwI. • • . MINIINT: 1. S _ Day (Suz); 2. Weoley Furrh IKX)' 3. R_d GriIfilIl (Suz). • 100 JR: 1. Pet Wymore 1Suz1; 2. Joey Rodgers ISuzl' 3. Del Cri_1 1Suz1. . l00lNT: l.edcle_lSuzl. 125 JR: 1. Darin Vanderpool (Suzl; 2. Doug Silva IVam); 3. Kelly l.JIurence (Suzl. 125 INT: 1. Steve l.acey ISuzl; 2. Dave Furrar ISuz)' • 3. Henry _IVaml. 250 JR: 1. Randy WalIcinllllick (Hanl; 2. Joe Roartt .By Mel White BRENTWOOD, CA, DEC. 2 Sand Hill Ranch plans to host AMA motocross every Sunday and the promoter claims that rain makes the sandy hillside track .more ~esirable. They seem to want It to ram. But this weekend the trac~ stayed dry, got rough, and pro.vlded for a challenging day of racmg for about 280 riders. If there were any complaints it was about the early setting of the sun which necessitated shortened motos in the second round. Eric Cavalier's Yamaha 80 was on the ground in pieces minutes before the take off of his race with another Yamaha rider, Dave Wood, feverishly reassembling it, apparently correctly because Cavalier not only made th~ start but finished as well. Tyson Vohland and Tim Aston diced for the lead in that race until Aston fell back and did not finish the final lap. Ben Avery: the other Expert, was right t~ere to take second place with Curt Bissell, an Intermediate, next in line. The second moto saw Tyson with a clear early lead after Aston crashed in the first turn. Bissell came on strong behind him. In Division One of the 125cc Novices Mike Halliday took the holesho~ and h~ld a strong lead all the way. Bill AgUilar stuck behind him with Steve Jordan in third. The man on the move was Ted Stec who came up through the pack to finish fourth followed by PauJ Duchscher. Ron Scheier got a good start off the line but killed his engine in an early comer and stood helplessly by while the majority of his 27 racing companions churned past him. By dint of .hard riding he returned the favor for about 15 of them. Bill Aguilar's was tl\e first. bike in the parade for the second moto. Chris McCurdy followed him until he dumped it on horseshoe hill leaving Duchslier and Halliday to battle for second. Halliday came in for second and Duchscher third, a preview of the overalls. Berkeley White took the holeshot and was the early leader in the first moto of Division Two 125cc Novices. ~nny W~11s and Mark Terry were TIght behind but crashed into each other which gave White a little br~athing space on the first lap. Mike WIlson got up into Second and Jeff Remner moved to third. The second moto saw Ernie Sanchez in the lead to stan ~ut ~n displaced by Terry, who put hIS wm together with a first moto fifth to claim the overall win. 250cc Division One Novice Mike Omelia was first off the line just ahead of Wayne Smith and Eric Garretson. In . the ensuing scramble Smith fell whIle Steve Hays made a brief hard move for a top position, but Garretson em,:rged .as the leader with Dale Coy behind hIm and Omelia in third. The seco~d moto in a race with the failing sunhght as well, Glenn Zitterquist on a Husky took a turn in front for most of t~e race. Garretson was only able to dISlodge him during the final lap. In Division Two of the 250cc Novices Neal Nelson on a Kawasaki had the holeshot and slid all over the track in his effort to hold on to it. He succeeded for half the race with Tony Torres and Scott Johnson forming a hot threesome out in front of the pack_ Nelson finally slid around and went down on one knee long enough to let Torres and Johnson get past him_ In the second moto Torres had it in front again all the way but Johnson and Nelson had to battle with Robert Nourse and Bill Perreault for most of ~he race before they finally both made It by for a repeat of their respective second and third place finishes. Of the 15 125cc Experts, 13 were mounted on Suzukis_ The other two rode Yamahas. Joey Schlag decided to try the 125cc action and he came out on one of the Yamahas. The other Yamaha mounted rider was Jeff Watts who tallied a 2·2 score. The first moto holeshot went to Scott Rebuck who was pulling away from Dan Turner when he lost his chain on the long d~w.nhill and had to pull off. Rebuck rejoined the race, but a crash put him in the h~peless category for moto one. ~eanwhl1e, Jeff Watts had improved his fifth place ~tart by moving into second by the third lap. He stuck with Turner the whole way. Schlag got through the hole first in moto two with Rebuck, Turner and Watts immediately behind. Schlag's lead was .short lived. Before the lap was over It was Rebuck, Turner and Watts in a three way go for first. Shortly before the white flag came out Rebuck gassed it a hair too much in a tight tum. His bike slipped out momentarily and in that moment Turner and Watts were past. Dave Wood got away from all the 250cc Experts in moto one followed by Alle~ Berluti, Joe Schlag and Larry Woslck. In lap two Wosick got his green factory machine past Schlag and he was past Berluti early in the fourth lap to begin his move toward Wood. Wood went wide in a comer while Wos!ck t?ok it on the inside which put Woslck nght on Wood's fender and he was soon by. Wosick holeshot the second. mota followed by Schlag, Berlutl and Watts. Wood was back in sixth. Schlag was out of it in the third lap with mechanical failure. Berlui and Watts hung on to their second and third places and Wood was unable to get any closer to the front than fourth position. The top five riders off the line in the Open Expert race were Dave Wood . Dean Wiggins, Allen Berluti, Da~ Turner and Jerome Heiberger It wasn't long before Turner had tr~ded up to second and Wiggins had dropped back to fifth. A couple of riders back, Dave Woodall was making his bid until a flat tire ended the mota early for him. Meanwhile, Turne~ was ready to move again and reeled In Wood on the long downhill. The final blow for Dave Wood was a flat rear tire ~hic~ ca~ ~im to limp across the fimsh line In thud behind Heiberger. ' The second mota saw Wood out in front again with Turner back in seventh to start. By the second lap Turner had moved into second but Wood was out ahead, not likely to hold anything back. Turner was unable to chip away any of Wood's lead. Results O.T. EX: 1. Dick Mann ISuz). O.T.INT: 1. Mike Heiberge,(Mai). O.T. NOV: 1. Richard Bettencourt (Yam) MINI EX: 1. Tyson Vohland IYam). . MINIINT: 1. Curt Bissell (Kawl. MINI NOV: 1. SIeve Nauman IVaml; 2. Mike Young IYam); 3. Troy Joyce. VET EX: 1. TIm Ricci IHon). VET NOV: 1. Nick Novak (Hon); 2. John Rasor IMaiI' • 100 SPORTSMAN: 1. Shana Gumsey IYam)' 2 Ray DeLeon (SUl); 3. Bob Beintkan (Yam). • . 125 EX: 1. Dan Turn.. (Suz)' 2. Jeff WallS IVam)' 3 Willee Mill.. I S u z ) . · • . 125INT: 1. Mark DuvaIISuz)' 2. Gary Hulls IKIw)' 3 Sam KNowlton I S u z l . · • . 125 NOV DIV I: 1. Bill Aguilar (Suzl; 2. Mike Halliday (SUl); 3. Paul Duchscher (SUl). 125 NOVDIV II: 1. Mark T..rv (Suz); 2. Mike Wiiaon (Suz); 3. Ernte Sanchez IKa)w. 250 EX: 1. Larry Woaick (KIw); 2. Allen Beiluti IMai)' 3. Dave Wood IYarn). • 250 INT: 1. Rag.. McCoy (Hull; 2. Larry Dashiell IMIl); 3. Richard Luth.. IHon). 250 NOV DIV I: 1. Eric Garretaon (Mail; 2. Dale Coy ISuzl; 3. Rich Rambl.. (Mai). 250 NOV DIV II: 1. Tony Torreo IHon); 2. Scoll Johnaon IHusl; 3. Neal Nelaon (l(aw). OPEN EX: 1. Dan Turn.. (Mail; 2. Dave Wood IVarn)' 3. Jarome Heiberger IMai). • OPEN NOV: 1. Rick Catton (Mail; 2. Jeff Und (Suz)· 3. Greg Smith IYam). • OPEN INT: 1. Michaei Lane (Vam); 2. Lee Millar ISuzl; 3. Mark Hannum IMai). 3. Hank WesaellYaml. Dillon overall at Desert Rats cold cross country By Phil White MURPHY, 10, NOV. 25 A wave of 63 cold but die-hard desert racers converged on the Desert Rats of Idaho's smoke bomb and Dan Muller (400 YZ) led the surge over the hill on the 27· mile loop. T~e Rats had expected the Open class bikes to runaway and hide from the small bores but the 125s had other ideas. By the end of the first lap all but two of the local hotdogs wer~ broken down and out of contention. M.uller had led the race for a good portion of the loop until Sheldon Dillon (250 YZ) squeaked by, then Muller began to reel in Dillon as Dillon slowed with a flat. As MuJLer set h!m up for the pass to retake the lead his. 400 YZ stuck the piston to the cyl!nder and the lead was inherited by ChIp Young (125 RM). This was Young's second desert race and he was literally being pushed around the course by Sheldon Dillon (390 Hus). As they cleared the home to pit Dillon won the pit war and took ove~ the lead. Back on the course, local heavy Doug Maude (400 YZ) missed a tum and fell out of position in the top 10. The 1~5s. were busy destroying everyone s Idea that Open bikes are untouchable on a fast course With three of the top five at the end of the first lap being little buzzers. On the final two laps Dillon held off Young's 125 while the 250s and Open bikes b~gan to pick off the Little bikes. Dtllon acc~pted ~ overall trophy shyly - this was his first overall win. Almost all of the 35 finishers trophied and the Rats presented prizes furnished by most of the local motorcycle deaJers. Racers all agreed the co~rse was fun and they had a good time. Veteran Don Hulme won the drawing held for a pair of "new" Scott boots, but he graciously declined his prize when he found out they were really ancient Heckels used on a '68 Bul. (YukI). The Rats send a special thanks to Leonard Cesena who brought his 390 OR Husky and three minis all the way from Seattle to attend his first Idaho race. Leonard made the 12hour drive only to shear his kick starter ~ff 20 minutes before the start. With a httle help from the Rats he rode the race and finished second Senior. The Rats would also like to thank Oscar Anderson, Manager of the Owyhee BLM .area and Deloris Blum (BLM) for allowmg us to change the entire pit and start area th~ night before the

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