Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FlIrt track.,. '7ll. 2IiO AMIG• ., .100; 77, noD; 2llOcc IluIl8oa, Iloce reedy. John e-13131 "7717. C2It Rlckmen 0wnerI Club Intematlofllll .700. ....-"*_ -. _ieo. _ ., far "* history, Metl... N_lener w1.h Send_. _ _ - . .... _ ".,Iboi.ip far " - ~""'''_i In - - , CllPY ••B\YR'. It 250QR'. Husk.,.·· In stock. priced to _III South City Cydeo. 511 MeyfIir Ave. S. Son ffonc:ioco. CA 94060141515lB3519. C3lll 1~ _Oub.s.w ... on_ qUIflefIv. IP"CificaIiuno - . " Info.l ROCl, Box 001, Eagle Rock, (lA!, CA 90041. tllITFNIEOIl New Kits for '79 with Adjustable Travel Max. Travel Yamaha YZ 250/400 '78, '79, , , ,. 12" 10" Yamaha IT 175/400 'n, '78 _.9.25" Yamaha IT 175 '79 Yamaha IT 250/400 '79 10" 8.3" Kawasaki KX80 '79 Husky ·n. '78 11.5" Yamaha &I Suzuki 80'78 7.5" Yamaha &I Suzuki 80 '79 8.3" Suzuki RM 125 '77, ·78 10" 10" Suzuki RM 250/400 '78 Suzuki RMN 100-400 '79 KaWMaki KX 125·400 '79 lUIS abo available for mOlt other biles Write for free literature Out of state call toll free 80085t t691 90 day money back guarantee Dealer or Direct '78 VZ-2&OEIDG Work'. RM-125A yz 2IiO, IlOC:k. _ condo Sell 01 _ "" _ bike or Imell .,.. RM-125A - DG _ , porting, pope, _ . _ , _ _ 0-., runo 1400.011. ~ 12131 596-4687. I2Bl 195!l INDIAN ''RclyoI EnfieIcl" 70Dcc chromed. - . oondilion, 11800.011. {7T41548-B737.1291 1974XR750 CompIeteIy'robuilt by . new end _ _ _ _• SehI modified XR -Doug SeIlI, no time ron engine, c.-"" ohIpping. reedy to rece, juot add gIL 16,000. 14161276-5125. f191TFNl LOOKING FOR A NEW BIKE? Check Cycle News The Indy 500 National Speedway Tour, 6th Annual event. Wa1lAds. - i_ SuzukiJR &0 fork kits """- _ up to dImping. 19.96. _ oompiele _ ~ inquirioo 5481.l2Bl Honda CR250R ., 000.011 or ? {7T41420-5590. 78 Yamaha YZ 100 E, $650 Impra.w FiIlIt, P.K. rnodIIIcetlon, _ t o p end. good condition, 12131 926- YAMAHA 125 ENGINE with MegnolD. Perf8cI far poaject, xlenL Hookere - with Iegef condo pipe end Webco monv _. _ A. T.C. 01 _ ___ _.1125.011. C2131 ~.l2Bl Wilh...,. drive. _ _. R&R SPORTCENTER•.532 1977~ Leman. Moto-Guzzi 24t1l 5... " - Robles, CA 9344B. Il1051 238-0442. KTM aMC5 n9l'rmr 1978 model, low mIoege, factort hopc.H kil, Iike_, _ _••28B6.0II 01 _ _• uP HIC161 :z5CI. ··Cycle Treller_.~ It Up··· Mint ooncIItion. _ Curnutts, okid plote end Make _ . _ 1I3!ilI_ 8:00.1291 Wtlh - . ..... - . pipeo, end ~ MIllOO. _ oIlsl208lll52-1981. l29l 01 Ultimate suspension SimonIIarb, 11 ~. &-12~" rode far 1275.00. Fox -. end Fox __ 1225. bolh lor MCiO. VZ125D MiOO.• RMI25C eeoo.. _ '75 CRI25 S2IiO. cal . . . {7T419l58-7513. t28l 17~' Yamaha TZ2IiOD _ 12500. _ . Low houra, _ """ _ ell o.n _ 6 p.m. • l503l2*-2503. l29l 1.2. &3 roll - . . . tnndI&4&5 RoiICuolomoSINII 0I1orge - . AIoo & UlIIly T . - & _ inItIlIed. M.S.C. 12131 717·1757. MOIITl'NI v_ f .... GI~ I.!.j __full Iini. of ........ IIJIGII, for ......., ...... tou ....1. Av apI_ face ... In ,eilow, white, or••C", red,_ blue, ...".,........r retal - $10. . . . . .1Price: $10 pp. ($X, S, II, only, ..... current supply -t.1 L a XL - $IIOpp. c.. ............. 10 .... SIx .... MY . . d.le stock. QUADRIFOGUO, INC. 5350 N. 16th St. Phoenix. AZ 85016 (602) 265-5846 Enduro tonk. -.toyo 121318l7.lJ722. C3lll 75 XR 750 ,..... ture r cIeon.B... oIls.18061251-1417.12Bl Umlted supply Kawasaki 1300's agv Cross l2II Xint. condo R&D pipe & POfl*l, 30mm Milwni corbo COl ign.• CRF iii' IlIl-. Icil, T..., fork Icil, dull .... rNni _ , DG biro & monv more _. Must _I S525. 12131837-3445. I2Bl 36,... end drornIniclIIIyPhone "" ~. Auto clutch, 550 origlnef milel, new condition. e3!50.0II. Call C2131 262·1443 evening. t28l Trick 78 RMID Indillna 46220. Phone 1317) 251-0007. AMA_.(311 PriceI..,. 1975 Honda ST90 Good " , - , _ "* _.'0 - buiItl 11095.011. Send far _ . end prQo. 11363 FoIoom Blvd., Ronc:ho CordcMo. CA 9!i67O. Phone 191t11 63S-2B99. I2Bl 1978~ To be held Auguor 24, 25, 26. 1879. Ride - your bike around the "_'-"'<>us" Ind-,-,ia MOlar S~ wey. YOU MAY WIN A '979YAMAHAXS1',donotod in port, by PhiIIipO Motors Indiona. For _ inlotmation ...;,0 "" _ THE INDY 500 MOTORCYCLE CLUB, INC.. P.O. Bo.20604, Indienoi>olia, 'pro-Trac Trailers The _ , moet 1978 Husky 2IiO OR ridden • more nighto 12131 34$3835. • Moving,....., . . . . & RD360 ROAD RACER FOR SALE a.-. 2nd PLACE AT Onwio 10lh - - . ~ ignition end tach_or. T o _ I i cllp·o.... MuI1oIIIndI, V.... - - . . . . IIfDt .... end _ _ WouIdmoke..........-_--.-.... 11,2011 01 _ oils. Conlacl llwteII 1M 12131 846- 6627. t28l 78CR250R Ported. pipe, Jdnt. concI. e9liO.OII 01 _ _ l710ll 529- 0lII7. t28l '79RM4OON _ _•S14liO.l71oll871-G221. t28l HONDA 750. -V . . . . with • _ "Ill molDr. AIIo '75 Y _ lIiO with • _ . . . . end _ molDr. Cal marrW>go OI-.Ingo (714)531«i117. t28l lJoId -v- . only 1 hour on _ ongine by HUSKY wlthllthe in_end_. Only t8liO.OII. '12131 5lf1-773I 01 l2131ll23-~. C29l Backyard/blke ..Ie moke..... 1979 RMBO . . _ • ....., .... got nwried, . 1213137l1-2lI8D. t28l '72 Y _ monv PIlnong with 175 C+2 - . - . 71 IIuIIoco 2IiO '72 _ 9C). 78 RM2&OC, Fox Alrshox.. $780 Komi Mini-qdo. 74 SuzWd ll1i. 73 _ XR75. \NIl ... II "iDlOiC...... far any •_ _ price t o . {7T4)531-61iB7. t28l money. _ piotan & ringo. bore ___ ·ExceIIent oondilion, 1980. t28l 1.. _ . 0Iig. ~ _ _ kit. ..... RD400 It RD3&O Protoplpe. 12131 374- Protopipe ru_ "" the Y _ twins. Dyno deIigned to produce axtremeIy otrong mid-fllnge & top end power. Complete with . - _ . mountI. jetting & mounting _ G\8onteed to ou.II _ 01 your money bIck. AVIi_ with 1983 98 inch Sportster 5 inch _ , 3 & %. bore. c:hrllmoIy cyIindn. dull 44 MiIwnlI ca'b. HoI ~ ~ _ , InIgO. dIoc _ !rant & 123011.011 01 _ _• Cal '*"'"" _.-slplcluredl "".,75 0 1 _ o l _ "" 1130. PROTOPIPE EXHAUST SYSTEMS. 1011 Criolich Lone, CImpbeI. CA 960DB. IlOlII 371-3336. 1801) 292-2967. t28l Husqvarna'. _ i_. rtlIICkKe Ilyte ........ _ _ _ OR'. 11311'FNl Priced to move RM 370 must . .1 IC2IiO & 125 on _ now. In ...... KlX250 & KDX4OD. Cal "" the _ pricoe In _ I I TEMPlE CITY KAWASAKI 12131 28T-eII7.1211 ~ E _ oondilion. 1978, MiOO.OII. H7141 522-5698. t28l Don't fallon 8 waist carried canteen. Ouchl _A1I:1'l1IIrn' U'II: ~r'-=-ii-"::::::::::':::::~ ... 0... . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .Twit ... ................................. . . . . . . . .-.7 . . . . IT WFII : ClALUft "--.. .........................• .............'-n 0- P.O. 801l11111 Hw.....on8Mch CAIa4I 7141114-1112 Othman Distribuling Co. Box 356 San Luis Obispo. CA 93406 18061 544-6181 - ........---.. ~ "Riding 'Recing ·Street GLOVES Dealer Inquiries Inviled Name -. City --___ • TOTAl. ...... ..--....I~.~ cennoc'" ~ phoN numberL PlEASE PRINT .. ---------..... ........... "' -. ............ ..... .. -.....,., .. -.. .... ..... -..., --....... .. .......--...-........ __ ... _. T •••.•.••• ".......-a .. ...............,..". .•••••.•••..... IS for Soft ... .. IlILPW_ _ Cycte Hond WaMble S,ey - . _ .... ................• _ "IIIIICIAL"'_ _ . _ _ .... --_ THE QIlEAT COAST·TOCOAST WANT AD OFl'ERI ... ... ------------_ PRINT BOLD HEAOUNE HERE ILuve_1 Zip -- .....,IZ.II .. . . 1MI _ .. _ _ . . . . a ~ . .... I f ~ _ COMMERCIAL RATE: 10 . ... ea.n......... _ . . . w _ ...--.,...._M. Enduro-Jug the hot set-up Getor_. Carry I ql 01_, wine, 01 gee & oil. W1LL NOT VIBRATE OR ROTATE. Strlddieo e opecIeI bfeckel mounting on '/OUt' croeobrece. Ueed lor III typM of - . & off rOld riding. Colore: Blue, yellow & rod AT YOUR LOCAL DEALERS. II they don', II10Ck .hem Vel - send II 1.99 '0 TUMBLEWEED ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 3607, Torrence. CA 90510. l2131373-7044.I2IlITFNIEOII Yamaha. CZ, riding gear ~ Ch"I.nd Suzuki Largest Parts Inventory in Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplell 44 Overnighl delivery via bus available in most parts of Texas, Oklahoma. & Louisiana 300 Lavon-Hwy 78N . 214-494-3374 Gartand. Texas75040 - -- YC BOC, Mikuni, Ieid down Bog.., 12251offer. 74 CZ 400, exoeUen. pley bike - l36OIoffer. 12l fuR Ieee helmets, kidney beIto, " ' - pr01llClor, Full Bore boots, size 10 ~ - S&W gee Ihock 15 ~, Iittto uoe. All price to oelI - fool. {7T 41 991 -8775. CalI_ 6 p.m. I2Bl w_ 11 ~ SIC HONEY BEE .-..-, . - - 5. gooIeIec. rei. Well built 01 room. 12975.011 or trIICIe + 01far Smuggler. AIIo 16' e.toon Ski - . elum.• VI, e3975.0II. ICon 01 Judy_6 (714) 761-10C1ll.1211

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