Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'77% KTM400 Oeoert reodv - fresh engine. 1560.00. KTM ..... 175cc engine - 2!iOcc engIneo. '771reme & _ + All a-p. 12131 79lHl447 or 799- _ . _ . 1tC. 0278.1281 CR250R 1978 Fox ohocks. specioI bui~ dull charging .... front ond r_ _. Bikl ~. ltd. ohocks. sproduola, extra lire ond front fender. . . . ~ ond pislan. All r_ _ condition. One lot price. 11525. 1213l 983- 1312.l2Il Yamaha TT500 1976 _1llOingorm ond lriIile cIomps. Oelorto C8fb. _ . MS tank. skidplota. l J p t i t e _ Mull _ 10 _ _• t860 or _ . ~ ond more • [7141 548al24. l2Il Better than Works seats ..-troms.- HelpWanted Top pay Experienced Honda mechanic Technical service repreaeiitative For top Yomaho mechanic. CYCLETOWN. Sen Rotael. CA. Aok lor Bill It 14151456-0335.(29) Urge modem Hondo Ihop ha opening for quelffied poroon. Mull how Ihop _ience. Monv benefits. Good wartcing - . KOLBE CYCLE SALES. 22123 Ventuno _ .. WoodIInd Hils. CA 91364.12131 348-7865. Con1lICI ~ Joe. (22) ~.. NEWS. Dept. WR. lor _ietiC8d ..... poroonnol. Cal LAKEWOOD HONDA-HUSQVARNA. Bil Ma_1213l 880-1364. 110/TFN) -.;ng. + con...i.... '. vocalion. mediclll & profit .-v Only & ~ wnh rolerenceo. who is IooIting for 0 long term pooition. Cal or _ "JACK" Set. Mg.. 1t1213l749-6235. 2531 S. Moin SL. l.oo~. CYCLE P.O. Bo. 498. Long _ . CA 1D 90801.1291 CA 90007.123ITFNl only. COi.,"iooioo, or hourly. ORANGE COUNTY Havidson. B _ Iocoted in Eureka. CA. Cal Tueo.1hN Sot. 910 6 p.m. 1707144J. 8031.1291 _ ~. Conogo Port< or.. Need o ~ ond tools. Call Sondy 1213l999-3355. 12!i1TFN) POSITIONS AVAII.AIll.E: _ . counter _ . end mechInic. CUSTOM CITY YAMAHA 1213l 6JS. 8058. I22/TfNI $$$Honda Service Manager$$$ One of Southern £aliforni.'. leading motorcycle d.lers ts eeeking • highly qualified service manager, whose gool is perfection, Kaw Ixperiencl hllpful. Excellent benefitl, top pay with ability. See Allen It ONTARIO HONDA. 931 W, Ontorio. CA. (7141 9BJ.0695. 124/TFNI Ho~ Blvd.• Wanted experienced mechanic 77 Suzuki RM125B Ported. ignition. pipe. corbo croeo•• lights. - - . . . - Ilil . - In box. t860. 1213l322·el18. l2Il White Amerlcen Eagles 406cc. mony _ . 1325. 23Bcc. dlpllidobll. f250. [7141_18. l2Il Must have toots. Show proof of exp8rfence, full-time work with good poy & benefi... LOClIlOd in SeetUe .... Weekdoya - 10 10 7 - Weekends - 10 10 6 1206) 546-57S1.12JITFl'j1 ' Parts Manager Top _ plon lor the right m.n. Call TORRANCE HONDA It 12131371,7533. 1281 • • Wanted • • Hondo mechonic _ . tired of worI stock and extro 'c1_. tellO.OO firm. [714) 962-7319. (301 2331 Pistons _ lin- .', 2-S1roIceI4-Stroke Huge In-.lory Cell Toll-Fr.. Calif. ~3B2.3llOO Other stlIt.llOO-423-5120 ..... 213-99S-2811 7801 Cancge Ave.• Canoga P8rk. CA-91304 .=(!F!) AI:. UKER'S IifIJF H-m. CA 92346 714·244-5425 . - SanUI Fe Ave. E. Malco 250 Magnum 1978• . - bottom ond: t850. Also. 400 VZE Y...... Fox air mono. t860. Both bitt.. reedy 10 win ond _ ridden since w;m. due to injuries. Sacramento aree 19181791..-. 1291 TZ Roadrace parts Mail order anywh.e in US Call or write 9 to 5 p.m KEARNEY MESA YAMAHA 7827 Balboa Ave. Sori Diego. CA 9211 1 [7141292-5454. _ lor Bred.12lII 43

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