Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-I ~~~--------_._. __._._._.__.... ~ ~ E Randy Hansen (121, Chris Lance (131 and Kenny Dunlap go for It with CMMC. Las Vegas' Kevin Davis topped the 260cc Pros at CRC Saddleback. five of the 1g classes were decided 30 with incredible second moto tie breaker efforts_ In what has become the feature class at Speedway 117 - the 125cc Interm,ediates - "Wailin' Woody" Carlson (S_D_ Kaw) had to do a real zap job on the always large and tough field right off the gate and hang on for the tie-breaker win o~r a very hard charging Gary Graham (Suz). In the first moto it was Carlson zooming into an early lead, but Graham pulled a beautiful pass to grab the lead midway through the moto and run away with it. Graham looked to be the favorite in the second round, especially when he began closing up on Carlson, but Woody semled to have eyes in the back of his helmet as he was able to withstand the numerous challenges of Graham to take the gold. As wild as the 125cc Intermediates were, the 125cc juniors were even wilder as the first division pr<;Kiuced an incredible fo~r-way tie with Danny jones pulling off another one of his patent~d last-lap charges to score the win with a 4-2 effort over Pat Kidd (!I. !I), Mark Stone (~.4) and Curt Fryling (1· 5).jones' win not only hinged on his getting the second in the moto, but also on Mark Stone's last second pass into fourth over Fryling. The 500cc Juniors featured not only a tie-breaker second moto win by Bob Tuttle, but it was also Tuttle's first ever moto and overall win of his career! "the Minis were not to ~ outdone by their big brotbera with David Growson showing up for the first time in months and squeaking through witb a tie-breaker second moto win over Larry Butler. Results 250 PRo: 1. Kirk Grislom (Honl; 2, Mork Pogo IS02I. 125cc PRO: 1. Scott Meyer IS02I; 2. Tom Theodoro lSuzI; 3. Chuck Mour8lh lSuzl. 500 INT: 1. Randy -.non (Yaml; 2. Tom Nimtz IVoml; 3. EImor Ktuzo lHonI. 250 INT: 1. Ron Lonsbury (Yoml; 2. MorI< Seymour tHonI; 3. David _CHonI. • 125 INT: I. WotJay e:.toon lKawI; 2. Glri Grahom ~ 3. H.J. Rinord IVoml. 500 JRS; 1. _ (Mool IVom!; 3. _ Bob Tutllo lSuzI; 2. NoIorln Oliviori 250 JRS: 1. Ron lIfIronchi lHonl; 2. Konl ~ lSuzI; 3. Dorok _lSuzl. 125 JRS DIY 1: 1. Donny ,Jo,.s 1Suzl; 2. Pol Kidd IHonl; 3. _ SlIlnOlKMoI. . 125 JRS DIV 2: r. Tom Earls lSuzI; 2. Kevin . lHonl; 3. GoroId Oolla lHonl. WOMEN"S OPEN: 1. GIonno ConIris IVaml; 2. Yoli ~ lSuzl; 3. SoIy Bronnon IVoml. 100 JRS: 1. Many SlIlnO 1Suzl; 2. Ron AlisimIn IVom!. . MINIM: ,. T""Y Murrey ISuzJ; 2. Jon F.... lKawI; 3. _ 5eymour tSuzl. MINI JRS; 1. David Crowoon 1Suzl; 2. John Phitrops CKawl; 3. Fr.we ~ISuzJ. Davis, Lawrence, . Brown blitz CRCMX By Keith Clemons ORANGE, CA, JUNE 24 The $7,500 to be offered in the upcoming Inoue Rubber Co.! California Racing Club Tri Race series beginning July 22, is. probably the reason CRC had such a dynamite turnout last Sunday at Saddleback Park in spite of the Mammoth Mountain event running on the sarno day. Of course the usual amount of "out of state" entries are expected also. Mike Chapin drove aU the way from his home in Scottsdale, AZ. Chapin entered the 250cc Pro race but got to the line too early and ended up taking off with the 250cc Intermediates. It wasn't until he realized he was sailing 45 seconds out front of the pack hassle free, and thinking that all the real California Pros must be on vacation that his friend Gary Dircks waved him off the track to let him in on the news. From there Chapin hustled back to the gate just in time to get off with his own race. Being half a race tired didn't stop Chapin from bringing glory to his Phoenix County Cycle sponsor. Gary Dircks got the holeshot in the race followed by Chapin through the turn. Dircks led the pack for some time but eventually landed a flat which gave Chapin the edge he needed to take the front. Chapin succeeded in commanding the race for the remainder of the moto to pick up the win with a strong lead over Kevin Davis who finished number two. Third in the first moto we'!t to Kevin McNeal. Vegas Cycle Center's Kevin Davis carne back big to win the second moto. Davis rOde his Maico holeshot to finish without problems, taking first overall. Chapin started the race fourth down the line but was secure in second place by the second lap and stayed close to Davis all the way to finish number two for thUay_joe D. Price improved his ride one position when he finished third in the second round and made the money for that overall slot with his 4-!l. Open Pro Mark Lawrence moved his Yamaha through two winning motos for a first overall in that class and Mike'Brown ran 'em down in the 125cc Pro race, taking both races for th~ overall money. Results OPEN PRO: I. MorI< Lawrenco IYoml; 2. Bob Marino (Yoml; 3. Tod Hoyt IVaml. OPEN INT: 1. &ic MocCtockon lHusI; 2. Don Mooro ·(Mail; 3. Tom Shophoood (Suzl. OPEN NOV: 1. Jon PBdille ISuzl; 2. Don MBr1in IMoil; 3. SIBVO Eatmon IVom). OPEN BEG; ,. Dovid Pisareki ISu.l: 2. Miko KoIl (Mail; 3. John R'-oIVoml, 250 PRO: 1. Kevin Davis lMail; 2. Miko Chopin lMail; 3. Joe D. Price (Mail. 250 INT: 1. Eric MocCrockon IHull; 2. JoIl Pr.... IHonI;3. SIBVO PlollIYorn). 250 NOV; ,. Joe Rumney IS02I; 2. Tom Soroc IS02I; 3. RUBlV Honnoh ISuzI. 250 BEG: 1. Todd JockIon lMaiI; 2. R_I Hursl 1Suzl; 3. S _ -.champ IVoml. . 125 ~: 1. Mike Brown (Yoml; 2. Grogg Voung ~ 3. _ Bonon IVoml. 125 INT: I.1IicIc JockIon lSuzl; 2. SIBVO _ 1 0 1Suzl; 3. Marte ~ 1Suzl. 125 11IOII: 1. Kenny DoItor*Ig 1Suzl: 2. Marte _ lSuzI; 3. Valn IlutIor (sun. 125 BEG; 1. Mike llenI-. CSuzl; 2. - . ~ lSuzl; 3. Randy _ I S u z l.. 100 BEG; 1. Mike _ lSuzl; 2. Donne Gil;o (Suzl; 3. _ _ IVoml. 100 NOV; I. Kirlt BeIo IVoml. VETS SR: 1. crom IKTMI; 2. Joke _ lMaiI; 3. Don (Mail. VETS INT: 1. ~illlr (Suzl; 2. Don _ IC·A); _ 3. Ro Buzz MoeIIor IHuIl. VETS JR; 1. Soni Moun! IVoml; 2. Dow _ n IKTM); 3 . ' - Madrid IVoml. MINI INT: 1. Jon HugIlIot1 IVom~ 2. S _ Von Duzon IVoml; 3. Donny _ IVom). MINI BEG: 1. Mike ~ IVoml; 2. Joll 1 * _ IVoml; 3. Duono Delton ISuzI. MINI NOV: 1. Doug lrDonnol lSuzl; 2. Many L_lSuzl; 3. Brion e-on lSuzl. _0 c..., Moreyhalfs· Lechlen's CMMC winsfrealf By Rod Eschenburg Photo by Photocross SAN DIEGO, CA,jUNE 24 While the Hu~tington Beach Suuki R&D rider Chris Morey stopped fellow R&D rider Ronnie Lechien cold in his tracks at Barona' Oaks. the charging Morey could only notch one overall win; that being ironically in the only class that Lechien beat him in the first motol Morey started the day off like gangbusters with a blazing win in the Special105cc Mini class, but went sour in the second round as Lechien cruised in .f~r a 2·1 finish. In the Stock Expen Mints, Morey took a second to Lechien in the first moto, but then it was Lechien's tum to go sour and Morey was home free. In the Modified Expert Minis, Morey blasted Lechien in the first moto but went sour in the second go 'round and Lechien had his second overall win with a 2·2 fmish. I:.ou of out of town riders were on hand Sunday to get in the last bit of practice before tHe big NMA National and lots of them cam away with the top gold. Outstanding wins of the day for the visitors were turned in by Larry Brooks in the Modified 12-16 Intermediate Minis. Todd Parker in the 9-11 Stock and Modified Novice Minis and Brandon Schneider in the 9ll, Modified Intermediate Minis. In motorcycle action, the outstanding class of the day was the 125cc Intermediate class where former Mini star Bryan Antonacci return~d to Barona Oaks in his new role as a motorcycle racer and gave everybody a great display of high·speed racing to '"go two for two over a small but high quality field. Results

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