Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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held a slim lead over Yarrow but inlo the last lap he began to open up a bit on the way to the finish line. Yarrow held for second with Ferris third. Yarrow came back strong in the Scratch Main, but he had to fight off Mike Faria for his victory. Hutchinson won the pole position, with Yarrow, Eddie Ingels and Faria at his side. As the riders rounded the first curve Yarrow daned out in front with Faria right on his tail. Hutchinson followed in third with Ingels bringing up the rear. Hutchinson got by Faria momentarily in lap two as Ingels took a dive and retired from action. Faria moved hisJawa back inlo second place and set his sights on Yarrow. For the next two laps it was anybody's. race, Then, as Yarrow and Faria rounded the final curve, Mike slipped to the inside, juiced his engine, and jetted by Yarrow on the way to the checkered fIllg. But Yarrow had some power of his own left; as the duo crossed the finish line it was Yarrow winning by only inches. The crowd was on its feet and going nuts. In other action, Dave Norman of EI Cerrito got by early leader Larry Hedden to win the Division II Main. In the Division III Main, Greg Manz took advantage of a spill by early front runner AI Underwood to win that race. Mike Cryer won the Junior Handicap, but little Scott BraOl of Auburn was the crowd pleaser, leading the race for several laps until he took a spill that dropped him from contention. Minlcycle invasion atMotoqua By Maxie Abernethy SALT LAKE CITY, UT, JUNE 8 Sail Lake City had the pleasure of participating in the NMA Grand National Championship Series for the Rocky Mountain Region, thanks to the efforts of Allied Suzuki, Cyclewise Yamaha and Snell Johnson, Sr. Mini 'crossers gathered at Motoqua Raceways on June 8 and 9 and welcomed riders from Colorado, Idaho, Kansas and Utah to compete for the points needed to eventually compete in the biggie, which will be held at Ponca City, Oklahoma. The allack on the turf began with the rip'TOarin' Peewee class and nervous fathers. While the little guys gleefully journeyed around the track, the dad's ran behind and got at least a month's worth of exercise. Matt Smith and Shawn Johnson courageously battled the deep sand, high hills and numerous other unforseen dangers to complete their motos. Smith buzzed by the checkered with first and Johnson punched it to the max for second. Steve Liedberg (Suz) led the 83cc Modified Expert class through the grueling first moto paces, while Snell Johnson (Suz) munched a dusty roost in the second spot and Scott Ellis (Yam) mainlained third. Johnson grew tired of Liedberg's fanny shot on the last lap and geared it for a pass play, but Liedberg stuck to his first place guns. Johnson captured the second malO haler, Arthur Dehoff (Kaw) slipped into second and Liedberg got away with third. Liedberg jumped into the second spot, after a hot dicematch with Dehoff and went looking for a showdown, but the checks flew and Johnson rode away with the trophy for first. Liedberg slammed through with second and Dehoff squashed third, The 250cc Novice class was completely controlled by Bob Thomas (Yam) when he gassed it for a double haler and left the pack dicing in his dust. Kent Brenneman (Yam) and Vincent Thomas (Hon) took turns with second until Vincent took off for parts unknown and Brenneman filled . the spot. Richard Tapp (Hon) zipped inlo third and the curtains fell. Toney Johnson (Suz) took a stab at Bob Thomas when the second heat erupted, but settled into second, while Tapp ballied with Harold Wing (Yam) for third. Bob Thomas snagged a trophy for the front row seat, Johnson sizzled second and Tapp trounced third. Steve Taggart (Yam) zoomed away with the 125/250cc Expen combined class front liner, while Terry McGinnis (Yam), Lance Lundgreen (Suz) and Wayne Romero (Yam) bunched up for second. McGinnis fired a hot-dogger ride, styled inlo second and took it to the home checks. The second molO was ruled by Greg Walker (Suz); he throttled a lonely lead and checked out with the high stakes. McGinnis carried a steady second and Taggart took the third place prize. The IOO/125cc Stock Novice classes were combined and Derek Ashlock (Yam) used some outstanding maneuvers to gain the top spot, but Steve Clark (Yam) used some tail· gaten' tactics and diced him out of it on the fourth lap. Cal Duffey (Yam) sliced in with third and the checks emerged. Meanwhile, BreOl Boyd (Yam) sped away with the 125cc Novice lead, Sam Martinez (Suz) put the tag on second and Keith Thomas (Suz) took over third. The second molO battle began with 125cc mounts, Martinez, Boyd and Michael Freeman (Suz) leading the pack, but the 100's infiltrated up through the mass and Clark took over second, with a radical Ashlock chewing on his rear knobby. Ashlock geared, it·for some heavy dicing with Clark ahd won the second spot, then Thomas sped up and snatched third. Ashlock dialed a first place trophy ride, Clark nme in for second and Cal Duffey sped away with third, in the 100cc class. Boyd took the l25cc class all the way home for the first place trophy, Thomas squashed second and Martinez came in third. Arthur Dehoff (Kaw) punched out a slim holeshot when the 83cc Mini Stock Expert class got underway, but "Stormio' Snell" Johnson (Suz) blasted in for a skirmish and got the lead in the sweeper. Derek Ashlock (Suz) geared into fighting territory, then the checks flew and put the stops on the race. Dehoff sliced away with an instant replay when the second molO began, Johnson swooped in for another skirmish, but got out of shape and went to the back of the pack. Ashlock slipped into the vacant second spot, while Brent Smith (Yam) latched onto third_ "Stormin' Snell" worked himself into whirlwind velocity, used hurricane tactics, and won the second spot by the time the multi's fluttered. Dehoff finished first, but his bike was disqualified because it was modified; Johnson got the high stakes, Ashlock blasted second and Scott Ellis (Yam) rode away with third, The 83cc Mini Stock Intermediate class left the line with a 7-11 ~igh flyer, SCOll Johnson (Suz) leading the old timers,(t},e 12-15 guys) 10 the home checks. Mike Starks (Yam) and Mike Seery (Suz) tossed second place around until the checkers flew and Starks grazed 'em in the second place. Harley Thomas (Yam) went for the gusto during the second molO and gave all the froOl racers a run for their money, RIDE AWARE [Mrc] "rhese lClot. preparations are in our estimation. the single most important power increase available on any machine"•.. DIBr BIJ[J: Magasine. February. 1979. These new "Red Dot's" are available in 3:00 • 21, 3:85·. 18. and 4:50 x 18 sizes at your Hi-Point dealer. see why the champions are switching to "RED DOT". 1%II@/ffPfJIfEII/811/ Klotz Spec:iaI Formula Products, Inc. P.O. Bo. 1343 eN 79 Ft. wayne, IN 46llO1 219-749-0489 41

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