Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Honda mechanic '78 WR Husky 250 Van Nuys aree. Need e_perience and too6s. Catl Gene at Works Performance. air CBPS. new MetzeAers honl & 12131788-2251.1251 relt, menv &PlIeS, ridden lOti",.. must 1eII, bell offer over $1200, 1BOSl _ _ 0<643-6213. (241 Wanted experienced mec~anic 1977400KTM M.... hove tools. Show proof of e_ienco. full-time work with good pov & benefits. Located ,n SMttIe ..... Weekdays - 10 to 7 - Weekands - 10 to 6 l206I546-5751.123fTFNI Gas wurks. alf caps Sun lima. Meguralevers. IK:W I'UJ• tl8Y8f failed, pwfesstunally rtWnlatnod, many eklrfi. $950.0010051 uffer. A$tI. fu' Mike. dIys (213) 462 2171, eves 12131 760-2357 1251 Two Broke-Tramps Har-Dav. Speedway Jawa looking for • Her~ & Honda mechanic who ~ in building CUltom motorcycles for shows and - " , " " . Must have good ~. Job pays 60'1(,. Best. well equipped shop in the volley. Contact Groot shape. 2 volvo moto< not ridden since compIote rebuild. Must sell. mako offer. Ask lor Joel. days C6051 462-7634. aft.. 5 p.m. (8051462·2678. 1241 Coin 011213136&-7786.1291 Honda mechanic HelpWanted Auto partsperson Import - " " " ' " with Hondo .,. & cycle portS prefemld. GrMt -"'""v lor right penon. LA.X. _ . C _ ai• . . - 12131 649-2440 0< 12131 n6- 7055. l3/TFN1 Service manager Immediato -"ng lor lop person lor service ~ pooition. At one of S. Col'. Iargost Hondo-Suzuki -.,;p. Starting pov 1200 boM ... 10'1(, of all S«Vicos. BonoIits. Col Woly 0< Doug at So-LYN HONDA-SUZUKI. 9735 Long Beech Blvd.. South Gato. CA 90260.12131564-5666.1241 Partsperson INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER (STYUNG) College grodua1ll. _ engi'-;ng background. Motorcyde o_ience desirable. Good salarv & componv bonoli1I. Send r_me to CYCLE NEWS, Dept. WW. P.O. 1IoIl488. Long Ilooch. CA 90801. 1241 MANAGER-ACCESSORY OEPARTMENT. Pro· feooionoI IOIPy _ _ to ' * - minded penon with r _ """'"II"""t -"">ce. Coli Mr. Hayner ot 12131781~. 1291 Motorcycle mechanic wanted Hondo. ~. & Suzuki O_ _ ICe required. RoIocote in t-utilul _ County. Contact Jeff 01 SPINETTI'S BIKE SHOP. 139 Moin St.. JackIon. CA 9li842.l209l223-1674. C _ Sundov & Mondoy. 1271 Willtrein 1....-.. Lots of work. Top pov and benefits - 5 days. 17141 531-0742. 142fTFN1 "l*lingo. willtroin right penon. - " " " ' " pononnol. 12131 787- not _ l o r portS & _ 0110.1271 Must sail Sta1 an exerting career as a ... Motorcycle Mechanic "The California School of the Professionals" Rosidonco 0< Homo studv Excellent. ,idden 1 mo. $550.00 or boot offer. MUSI soil. 12131441·3973. 1241 Call toll free 1-800-423-4678 1BOS1964-3775. 1241 vou·. Calif. Rooidiooris call coIIoct 12131944-0123. AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS. l002S Shoemaker Avo.• Santa Fro Springs. CA 90670. I361TFNI ~ Parts Department doolerohip looking lor _ _ _ . ExcoIIont bonofoto. CoIl c-...n 0< Joe TRI- Start a new career as a Motorcycle MechaniC in only 12 monlhs. Receive !raining at SOUTHEAST CITY CYCLE. 9041 Kotolla. Anaheim, CA 92604. 17141 821<4710. 1241 COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Lincoln. Nab,aska. • FullV Motorcycle mechanic wanted e- Career Opportunity accredited .. Financial Aid available .. Excellent new facilities .. Placement Services. Classes stlning July 16 and October 4, Call or write today: SOUTHEAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE. BBOO "0" St.. Lincoln. Nebraska 68520.14021474-1361.123.24.261 Champion 750 Yamaha forks. SheU molor. Bill's pipes, Cerilni S&W snocks. Speedway & Thumper '75 Jawa DT 500. j.... robuih & 70 Rickman M.._ wlWostlako conversion. 1900,00 eech, 12131 592·5672. 1241 ---..,,-----=--=----- - 76 Husky 360 G.P. . Xlnl. cond., desert ready, big lank, Mikuni, 1996.OOIoff... (7141543-1939.1241 Ex-Gene Woods Jawa Fresh, Neil, Sfreer Jawa speeetwav bike, Immaculate Cllnd.. lCady ttl ,ace, $l500/BO 18051 6484666"r 643 6213 1241 Experienced mechanic wanted Must have own tools, Apply 01 BURBANK HONDA. 2909 W. Olivo. Burbank. CA 91505.1213184&-2117. 121fTFNl Motorcycle salesperson 2 yea"S exper~. salary + commission. Santa Barbara ..... 18051964·7893. 1271 Mtnimum Honda _ _ ICe with high ...,;ng record. 60'1(, mechanic - . hove to YOU. good woriting lXlIlwing address for further information: CYCLE NEWSIWEST. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach. CA 90601. 12131427·7433. (9fTFNI Honda partsperson Now accepting applications for experienced parts personnel. Call LAKEWOOD HONDA·HUSOVARNA. Bill Mailman 12131 B60·1354.110fTFNI Parts Manager Very busy Honda shop in South Bay area needs experienced me/parts manager. Salarv + commission. Attend Suzuki's factory service schools, become a top service technician II Here'. an opponunity to _ the wno faetorv service _ • do Suzuki _ _ Suzuki is offering a ~ long intensive training -.ion this IUfTWl* to qualified ~ ~ vou want to bocomo a top Suzuki technician. this is your golden opportunity! CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SUZUKI DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS OR U.S. SUZUKI 01 12131 921-4461 Tochnical Training Dept. 1241 Attention MX track owners & Mgrs. Send full info on your Irack for free listing in MX Directory. MX DIRECTORY, 338 Yacon St., Vista, CA 92063,1261 Jawa -CZ Street motocross and speedway machines. 8ernJs MOlorcycles, 1340 N. Hacienda Blvd., La Puente, CA S1744. 15fTFNI Parts counter man Antique hard to get parts MC/Parts dept. needs counter person in South BaV area. 1 year expo needed. Contact Brian at (213t 371· 8959.1241 Work in smog free Venice Contact us first on parts you can't find. Scooters, English, Italian, German. American Indian. Hor1oy, Japanese. ,Ajso, motorcycles comp{. or to restore. POSITION WANTED Desire position with manufacture. distributor. Pleasant telephone personality. and motorcycle accessory knowledge reQuired. Tell dealers about new products, price chan.ges, etc. WESCO, Mr. Holt (213) Long. Miami. 1305132&-0775. 1241 399-7724.123fTFNI Of after· market manufactur/distributor in areas of sates. sales management. procurement. management in warehousing-shippingJreceiving, PfodUC1 evaluationJ development. Would consider entry position as assistant or assistant In training. I have the following to offer: 1. 15 yrs. eq>erience in motorcycle industry. including PJaetK:at eJtpefience in aU phases of retail & whoJesale operations. 2. Sincerity. honesty. conscientious. Ioyatty. 3. Good organizer. 4. Detail minded. 5. Enthusiast-foad. touring. & dWt. 7~ MY AVAILABILITY RELATIVE TO YOUR NEEDS. CAN BE TIMED FROM PRESENT TO 60 DAYS. Would considef position within desirab'e retail operation. " ' - reply to Cyclo News W.... Dept. JH. P.O. Box 498. Long 1Ieach, CA 90801. Will consider and respond to all replies. 1291 1977 Chev. Short Bed Partsperson Yellow SHvor_ P.U.• Y, ton szopsido. all _ Immechate opening for experienced Honda-Suzuki pattsperson. Good opportunIty & benefts. HONDA· SUZUKI OF SAN FRANCISCO 14151 771-4535. 799 Van Ness Ave.• San Francisco. CA 941 02. (24) Management trainee Large volume dealet in LAX area seeking sharp Individual to learn all phases of business. Good benefits. Call Mr. lopez for appt. at 12131678-5035 01' Hourly + commission, v8C8tton. medical & Pfofit sharing. Only steady & dopondabIo with references. who is I_ing for a long term position. Call or see "JACK" Sot. Mgr. at 1213174~. 2531 S. Main St.. Los Ang..... CA 90007.123fTFNI Service Manager Large volume, LAX area dealer is looking for experienced set'vice manager. Pay commensurates with ability. Good opportunity for right person. Call Ed Lopez at 12131678·5035 or 12131671 ·7600.1241 QUALIFIED YAMAHA mechanic. EKperienced mechanic needed. Salary and commission. Large shop area. Very pleasant working conditions. Guaranteed year round work. Yamaha Retirement plan available. 17141256-3157.1241 Opportunity available Mechanic - Service Manager Good working conditions. company benefits and top PlY. One of the larger d~erships in Southern California. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA KAWASAKI. INC.• 607 W. Ketal... Orango. CA 92667. 17141 997- chrome Jackman wheels, TA radia's. 8 track stereo. perfect condition, $6000.00 or besl oHer. Nevada registra'ion. 17141840-4037 aft.. 6. 115/TFNI ATTENTION DEALERS: Got a sale coming up 1 Advertise in Cycle News Want Ads for greet resultsl OssaDMR Tr'ck engine, disc on rear. e_tra Banke pipe. Clean and Experienced Yamaha mechanic Evergreen Dr., Great Faits. MT 59404. <241 Honda mechanic Business Opportunities Yamaha dealership Big Bea. Lake. reduced to $25.000.00. 17141 866-5344 0.17141585·3771.1241 Kawasaki Dealership Gas or no gas. this motorcycle dealership In Southern Arizona With a draw of over 40,000 people, will make you big money. Only $30,000 down. Deal with owner. 1·16021996·9584. ·1251 Yamaha dealership Business and real estate. New 5000 sq. ft. bldg.; cycle, snowmcoile. & 3 chain saw franchises. $205.000. Other oPpoftunitles available. CENTURY 21·TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY. 1621 Sherman Avenue. Coeur d·Alene.ldaho B3Bl4.Call I20BI 667-4581. 664-2378, or 772-51 B7. 1241 fast. DnlV $500. WiU ship. (4061 727-3215. 2744 Champion Yamaha 750 All new SheU motor. WM-5 r88f wheet complete spare motor, extra wheels, tires. gearing. O'Brien restrictOf's, much more, Race ready, immaculate condilion. $2.400. will negotiato. 12031434-2657. 1261 Wanted Benelli - 750 SEI 6 cylinder. 800 miles, 2 wheel Ferrari as new, $5000.00 wanted XR750 Lawwill frame. lawwill motor, Lawwill mufflers. Dellorro carburetor. Morris magnesium mag~, Kenny Roberts triple clamps, Gremeca brakes. Built by Mike Kidd's tuner StorOlC Winters. Must sell, going broke. $6000.00'. make off.. , 17071822·3654 or 19161 629- 2726 a.. I", Ray.126l and H-D options. AlC. 30 gallon ranks. stiding rear window. 12131671 ·7600. 1241 Busy shop. must have good ref.• own rools. Interested in future. Frank, Tues.·Sat. (408) 287·2946. (24) Brad Lackey's MX Book 224.8.11 Plges. 400 photo•. $9.95 plus 95< postage. Calif. add 60<. CLEANSHEET ENTERPRISES, P.O. Bo. 241V. Tarzana. Cal~. 91356, 1261 fi,m, 17141 862·3199.1241 ContBCt Brian at 12131371 -8959. (241 3760.1251 '79YZao F tf you're serious about becoming • top-notch motoreyeIo mochanic wont tho boot P'*i>lo training ovailablo. You elIn't oIfO

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