Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ride with the OutlawsAt No Risk! ....... _- 'iii". ••• . Read what the critics are saying about A BROTHERHOOD OF OUTLAWS "On the most basic level, it is a story of the outlaw motorcyclist lifestyle. with bikers vs. federal cops thrown in for good measure. In that, Lipkin succeeds in entertaini!lg. . . A Brotherhood oj Outlaws tells of cycle gangs up to a half million unwashed brought together in an uneasy peace by a charismatic leader. "I ... recommend ... killing a few hours with the book. It·s diverting. reasonably racy and the good guys well. okay. the less bad guys - win in the end. " ... Lipkin has potential ... Several passages aTe laced with low-key humor and read well particularly his motorcyclist's eye view of crossing Texas in a blizzard. "And, on a second level, the volume has political implications beyond diversion. .. It is a part of the new wave of libertarian media which question the role of government as father rather than uncle. "Lipkin adds to the genre, reaching ever further into the American subculture for evidence that the citizen, regardless of his stake in society, is repressed by ludicrous statute. "Yet is the idea of an Omega Squad, pledged to wipe out these cyclists through assassination. if need be - so farfetched? "I leave you to reread the history of recent decades for that answer. "Lipkin is right on, after all." Pl:EWEE JR COfYWaldo Jason Smith I I I I LanyWard MINIJR Brian Goodin Jeb Bak... Todd Plumb MINIINT Steve Oster Larry Ward Jim AUaen MINI EX Jack McGill Jeff Chapman l00JR Dan Endmke Brian Lake Scot Fenter 125JR Greg Coyle Kirk AlmQuiest Ken Almquiesl 1251NT Doug Massey John Vandenberg Bill Baumgardner Cork Klaudl Robb Manning 250JR Joe Norman Mike Shea Larry Nichols 250 INT coPV(s) of Bob Bitchin', new novel, A Brotltelflood 0'cash, auu... ScottTye For each book I enclose $9.95 :NarM'-- check or money order. (California residents add 6% sales tax.) _ I ~ :Addr·eesilSs~ I City L out. _ • I FII _ Zip _ out. and meiI to: 8enlnIe H-. 2G4 8nIyton Ave., SigrlIII H" CA 9OlI06 State • • __ • ~ ~; 312/697....343 Mary Plumb Don Knoblaugh 25OPAO Rick Benak Doug Taylor Pat Jacobson OPENJR RonVa~tine I 1fIe~~~:U~~pnl' Kusfom Kratt Oavtd Bosworth Ceon Rick... OPENINT Scott Tyler Joe Poole Ron Burkett OPENPAO Doug Taylor POWDER PUFF Kimi Douglass Becld Bruce Davidson Mark Vounkin Too Juhlin 250 A Mark Leonard Harvey Craft Dan Smith Bob Lichty 250 PRO Pat JacobIon Rick Benak Duke Colernan OPENB ,Kevin Thurlow SIeve B_weII Don Jensen Ira Owens Dennio~ _-.. OPENJR Kreston Sno'N Bud Guyene Suz Vam Vam Jim Schuchman OVER THE HILL Don Schouweilor Suz Vam Vam Vam Suz Suz Ita SUl Hon Vam Suz Vam Vam Sll' Sll' C·A Sll' Vam Sll' Kaw Sll' Sll' Sll' Sll' Hon Vam Vam Vam Hon Hon Vam Vam Suz Sll' Vam Hon Hon Vam Hon Kaw Suz Suz Hus Hon Vam SUl' Hon Sll' But Vam C·A Vam Hus Dan Sheldon Don Lentz KTM Vam Vam 'OPENPAO Pat Jacobson Dall6 Davil Hon Hon Douglas Casad Suz Vam OPEN A Hus CMC Motocross Spanaway, WA May26,1979 By Sue Sykes PEEWEEJR Joel MounK Jerry Swayze ~a Sll' Ita Jim Jacobs Pl:EWEE EX C. Trent Mourer Larry Ward Sll' I,a MINIJR Todd Plumb Brtan Goodin Kriss AtthauS8f MINIINT Suz Suz Suz Steve Oster Sll' Sll' Sll' Brad Halks Marvin Waldo MINI EX Jack McGill C. Trent Mourer Sean Leichnef Suz Vam l00INT Rick Bragg l00JR Dan Engelke Carey lund Matvin Wakto 25OPAO Robb Manning CofyKlaudt Scott Hendon 250INT ScottTyI... MortyPiumb Bill Baumgardner 250JR Vam Suz Vam Suz Suz Mai Vam Kaw Hon Hon Joe Norman Hon JosepI> Soh! George McMurray oI'lt OPENINT Shoe McMahan Jerry Speaks Ron Burkell OPENJR MikeBoni Vam Sll' •• Dean Ricker David Bosworth OVER THE Hill Ken Shandt'ow Robert Quarterman Ron Va~nline 1251NT OonFfV Jon Adams Randy Thompson 125JR Sieve Hendon Mark Stude< Dan Savio' OLD TIMER Mal Mai Vam Sll' Sll' Sll' Vam Sll' Mai Suz Hus Suz Suz Suz Sll' Sll' Ray McArthur SIR/CMC Night MX Kent"WA May 18,1979 By Sue Sykes Eric Delrio Suz Sll' Corey HaItermen MlNtJR Vam Vam Vam Hon Mai Mai Hon Sll' Hon Hon Kaw Vam eric Eaton Mai Sll' OVER THE HILL MINIB Mark Dillon Keith KendaN _Delrio Darron Porter Jim Schuchman Mn:ch lorenz Vam Sll' Vam Jim Irwin Brushrats MX Sandpoint. 10 May1J,1979 l00A KennySlOk.. David Hilpen l00B Steve Bleckwell Riel< HaegTuck Hauger Allen Townaend JRMINI Kelly Bult... Brian Thomson Chad Ruaaell Darren Vanhorn Jeremy Oreh... MINI A Rusty Yamamoto OPEN INT Roger Zoe Sll' Sll' Sll' Sll' Sll' Hon Mei Vam Hon Suz Hon C-A Huo Mal Sll' Vam Vam TROPHY PICKUP Trophiell for the Dirtfliers Feb. 11th Hare Scrambles will be 8118ilable at the Desert Vipers European Scramblea on June 17th or by phoning (714) 956-3908. 1241 F• ...., ia thla ........ _ ...... ..uWmadoa widI $1." per-.k tUtltlolO ...... ~ Ncwo T .....y Pick-ap. ea. x-, .... _I. CA

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