Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . ~ _ . EWestern hotIine ~ E The 125cc Intermediates blast off the line at CMC's OCIR night MX. (Above) Jim Tarentlno holeahota a Racing World 250cc Pro moto. John Gonzetea 1&8) foIowa. (Below) Third 2&Occ Pro Todd Pet8nIOn at CMC Ascot. , closest follower, as they were neck·in· neck during the fIrSt moto; although Peterson took second. In the second round Todd was right there behind Toyama again, but then he went down, which resulted in him finishing fifth. When the CMC people handed out the money after it was all over, Toyama gained close to $100 for his effort. After him were DarrylWilloughby (Hon), Chris Swank (Kaw), Todd Peterson (Suz) and Bryan Jordan (Suz). Results MINI JR: 1. Ouano Summers (Y""; 2. BII'" ViIIIi (Y""; 3. Coon Petoroon (Y1m). MINIINT: 1. Skip _lSuzl. 100 JR: 1. TImInC8 MumlOfd JV..,,; 2. Chris Roming (Y""; J.Kolly Mcr_ (Y"". 100 INT: 1. Scott IV..,,; 2. W.,en Coy IYoml. 125 JR: 1. Tom Shelton (Voml; 2. Robert Omoctin ISuzl; 3. Soon Gilboy lSuzl. 125 INT: 1. _ Wood ISuzl; 2. C. W...._ d ISuzl; 3. Alan TomolIIHon). 125 PlIO: 1. G ISuzl. 250 PlIO: 1. Jim T....ino ISuzl; 2. Clint _ (M8ij; J. Roben _ (Y"". 250 INT: 1. K...., _ (Y""; 2. _ -.-, (Mail; 3. Mike _IHonI. 250 NOV: 1. SleW e-v IHUS); 2. K"'" (Hon); 3. S _ COlTigon IHon). . 250 BEG: 1. Vincen, PlMlIippi lSuzl; 2. Eddie Reo (Vim); 3. Joe StllIk.IHuaI. 125 PlIO: 1. Richord _on (Yom!; 2. Craig Oole (Ylml; 3. Bobby Sulw.. (Suzl. 125 INT: 1. Mark L.-nkjoer (Suzl; 2.0.01 _ (Vim); 3. Connie Ileot (V..". 125 NOV: 1. Kenny De Koning ISuzl; 2. Stelle _ n g IHon!; 3. Mike tWlley IVIm). 125 BEG: 1. Curtio De Koning IHon); 2. RonlIId W_ISuz); 3.Ku" Heffler (Honl. 100 BEG: t. Mike Sonchoz (Suzl; 2. Chris Pteming (Veml; 3. Mike Boyd IVIm). 100 NOV: 1. Ouano _ (Yeml; 2. Eric S. Bridgeo lYZl. VETS SR: 1. Bob Hoyoo (OMGI. VETS INT: 1. Williom Miller (Suzl; 2. _ _ LMnIljeor 1501); 3. Dan Sonchez Ie-A!. VETS JR: 1. KUrt Eifler IHon!; 2. Oino MegIoa:helti IVIm); 3. Soni Mount. MINIINT: 1. Si Vokov 1Suz); 2. Oorryt Goya lSuzt; 3. Lyle McPher1onISuzl. MINI NOV: 1. Todd ~ ISuzI; 2. .-on (Y""; 3. SleW Von Ouzen IVZl. T_ W_

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