Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._~._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.- . _ - - Western hotline NEWI Dave McGhee (Yam) loo ked fairly secure leading the first division of 125cc Intermediates He was tossed over the bars and out of the race , tho ug h , when his front end caught a berm-the wrong way . Kevin Hopkins (Yam) took over at that point , riding to victory over Mike Sprenger (Suz) · and Craig Wessel (Suz) . Hopkins made it look easy in mota two as he smoked along. in front and alone . Randy Ross (DMG) held second until overtaken by Bryan Maloney (Esc) who was later disqualified . Ross and Sprenger were credited with second and third in the moro, but giving them third and second, respectively, behind Hopkins overall. Senior Expert Don Jensen managed 10 find lines through the mud and was first to the checkered in rnoro one. Ken Williams parted the mud for second and Dick Frampton came in third. Dick Frampton took the second mota holeshot and the numero uno place with ' great style. Doug Archibald moved into second spot and Ken Williams captured third. In the Expert class it was Ra y Sanchez taking his customary spot (out in front) and continuing on to capture motos one and two . Dick Moseley did his thing for second spot for mota one with Bob Crandall taking it the second time around. J im Jones hung in there for third . Amateurs were given the "Here's mud in your face" treatment by J oe Bra y as he took the lead and th e first m ot a win . Bo b Coffman, slipped a nd slid for second, and Gord on Ma thieu rook third . Mota two sa w Asker Larnkjaer showing t he m how .as he wra pped up th e firs t spot. Bill Lyons di dn't let the mud stop him with his seco nd place showing, a nd followi ng Bill was Bra y for third . Bra y took t he avera II win . The Novice division started with Dan Ha rris b lasting his way to the holeshot and a mota win : Dave Collin s did his stuff a nd took second place, Bo b Alloy took a third , and Bob Anderson was in there for fourth place. Mota two saw Ro bert Kla tt in there with the holeshot but after four laps he traded places with Harris. Dan then took the lead and the mota. Kla n ihen came in for second, Alloy took third , and Bob Anderson was in the fourth position . Results Results JUST OUT! . A CMC Spo~m8n pack hits Carlsbad's impromptu first turn. By Bob Bitchin The 1st hardcover novel of real biker life by a real biker author I A Brotherhood of Outlaws by Robert ("Bob Bit chin" ) Lipkin is the rollicking, romantic, thrilling fiction story of an American hero in cut off denim, astride the iron steed by Harley out of Davidson, and his epic quest of liberty and justice. Ride w ith T reb Lincoln and 300,000 "outlaw bros" as they twist the eagle's tailfeathers and party and outwit the secret police Omega Squad that has orders to kill. Warning: This book is not for the squeamish I ORDER NOW! to be sure of getting your copy of this first edition I $9 95 Post Paid ------.. . _---. Published by I ' -Bentree House, 2424 Brayton Ave., I Signal Hill, CA 90806--I L ,..------------ I I I I I ORDER BLANK I I I I RUSH me __ copy(s) of Bob Bitchin's new novel, A Brotherhood of Out laws. For each book I enclose $9.95 cash, check or money order. (California residents add 6% sales tax.) Name Address City, _ I State, zip I I I Fill out , tear out, and mail to : Bentree House, 2424 Brayton Ave., Signa l Hill, CA 90806 . Dept. CNW ,5 I I I I 32 L -----------_. In 100cc J un ior ac tion dimin utive Co ry Perreault (Suz) and C hris Lewis (Suz) staged a race -lo ng first mota dice. Perrea ul t ho lding the edge at the checkered. Tony Serpa (Suz). eighth in the first mota , came back 10 score a win in the second. placing him fourth overall . Perreault and Lewis trailed him in , but claimed the number one and two trophies. Ryan Eide (DG) tallied 4-4 for third. Mark Anderson looked extremely fast in the 500cc Intermediates aboard his old YZ-D . SCali Walker (Suz) kept him in his sights until fading back - about mid-race. • Walker .wasted no time in the second mota , grabbing the lead immediately and holding it for the overall. Anderson. frustrated by bike problems, finished back in the pack. Greg Smith (Mai). 4 ·2 , and David Metje (Yam) , 5-3. earned second and third. respectively. In 250cc Intermediates Division 2. Terry Tietz (Han) jelled into the num ber one slot with Curt McCuistion right be hind. McCuist ion sn uck by at the end of the second la p , but almost high -sid ed in the same corner a couple of laps later to give T ietz the lead again. They took the checkered flag in that order and went on a "victory" lap. Apparently. the two were concentrat ing on racing each other so much, they fai led to see the flag and went on r acing . McCuistion passed Tietz and "won ." Bob Wosick (Han) was third at the first flag while David Hammond (Han) held off Mark Page (Esc) for fourth . 'McC u istio n flew his green machine to .the front of mota two , sta ying there to collect the overall as Tietz lost it o n lap three. Page , after a bad start , held fifth on lap two. moving up to second by .lap four , ahead of Hammond and Wosick. They earned those positions overall. Three riders appeared to be drafting each other in the 250cc Junior Divsion I. Todd Williams (C·A) dropped back to a distant third a few laps from the end. letting C lyde Wilson (Han) .a nd Michael O'Neal (Suz) do bailie. O'Nea l scooted into the lead in the last corner of the white flag lap when W ilson ove rbra ked and slid out. He got going quickly 10 sa lvage second . Moto two saw Wi lson with an early lead . Greg Apostolou (Han) got by him at one time, but dropped back 10 third. In the moto and overall . Wilson got the win. O 'Neal second. Stephen Hodapp (MM) went 6-5 for third , Apostolou 9-3 for fourth. MINI EXP: 1. Richard Sands IKawl; 2. Jell Stanford (Yam). MINI INT: 1. Po, Galan ISuz) ; 2. Ron Eversole ISuz); 3. David Berl;n IHonl . MINIJR: 1. John Blood ISuz) ; 2. Todd Hewan IVam); 3. Hank Erler (Suz) . 100 EXP: 1. Roes.Leem (Suz); 2. Allen Hopper (Yaml; 3 . David Conrad ISuzl. 100 INT: 1. Mike Paulino ISuzt: 2. Jerrv Berlin ISuz): 3. Duke Wrig hl lVam). 100 JR : 1. Cory Perreault ISuz); 2. Chris Lewis (SuI); 3 . Rya n Eide IDGI. 500 INT: 1. Scott W alker (Suz); 2. Greg Smith (Maj) ; 3. David M etje (Yam), 500 JR : 1. Tom Walker (5uzl; 2. John Allen IMail; 3 . Robert O' Hen nesi en (Suz). 250 INT DIV 1: 1. Donny Anderson (Hon); 2. larry M ort on (Hon); 3. J erry Benson (Honl. 250 INT DIV 2: 1. Curt McCu;stkln IKawl; 2. M..k A. Page IEsc); 3. David Hammond lHon) , 250 JR DIV 1: 1. Clyde Wilson (Ho nl; 2. Michael O'NeaIISuz); 3. Stephen Hodapp (MMI. 250 JR DIV 2: 1. Ed Abella ISuz); 2. Tom Masnosimane le ·A); J . Rick Nielsen IMai)' 125 INT DIV 1: 1. Kevin Hopkin lYam); 2. Mike Sprenger ISu21; 3. Randy Ross IDMGI. 125 INT OIV 2: 1. Mike Holmes (Suzl; 2. John Gardner IYam);-.3. Cunis Rough tKawI. 125 JR DIV 1: 1. Scon Mann;ng ISuz); 2. Cooper Wallace IHus); 3. Steve Grangeuo lSuzl. .. 125 JR DIV 2: 1. M.. k HoweiI ISuz ); 2. Tony Jones (S uz); 3. J oh n Carter IS uz). Be/tinck blasts Old Timers Racing WorldMX By Bob Alloy TRABUCO CANYON , CA,JAN . 21 The weal her must of had us in mind and cleared for our race toda y. So with our fresh ly lau n dered jerseys, clean leat hers, and gleaming motorcycles . 50 Old T imers took off for practice. Five laps lat er 50 O ld Ti me rs ret u rned loo king as if they had played in t he m ud all day . In the Master class J im Belrinck made winning look easy. T he mud didn't seem to hinder him at all . He took the . holeshot in bot h motos, and he held on for a I-I . Marshall Jennings also showed with excellent style. coming through with a 2-2 . MASTERS: 1. Jim Bell ;nck (Mail; 2. M..shall Jennings IMai)' S ENIOR EX: 1. Did< Frampton IMall; 2. Ken Williams (Yaml; 3 . Don Jensen IMa;). EXPERTS: 1. Ray Sanchez (Vam ); 2. Bob Crandall ISuz); 3. Dick MoseIev IBull. AMATEURS : 1. Joe Bray IMail; 2. Asker Larnkjaer ISuz); 3. Bob Coffman (Mail. NOVICES : 1. Dan Harris IMai); 2. Bob Alloy (Yam); J . Bob AndElfson (Yam) . Dirt Riders M.C. host D·38 desert tripleheader By Loretta Pipkin Photo by Anthony DePalmer SUPERST ITION MTN., CA . JAN . 14 Dirt Riders M.C. hosted a double D -38 points day at Superstition Mountain in Imperia l County. Run ning on priva te land three separate timed races took place on a seven-mile course. Open and 125cc b ik es were combined in the first round. The Hu skys were heavy as R andy Hollenbeck took the lead with Rick Finger on his fender. Chip Howell and Bill Tarling (KTM) were in hot pu rsuit. Finger a n d Ta rling bo th seized on the second la p . Hollenbeck hel d the lead for four la ps until H owell turned it on o n the sh ort course, moved up fro m, and kept it there. J im Ribley a nd Claude Maynard were di cing .an d ca me toward the finish wide open in a dead heat ; R ibley pulling a foo t on Mayn a rd at the . chec ke re d fla g . Bill Tarling a nd Rick Fin ger were at it again this ti me on their fa mi lia r 250cc mounts . Tarl ing had th e lead with Fin ger a b reath off his Baj a riv al for two la ps. Finger's "Seizing Ghost" caught him again in the fif th la p . Mike Stea rns had slipped in a nd took the lea d , pulling away from Tarli ng but ran out of gas. Tarling charged

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