Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. TERRYKIT I" I I " I) ()\ \ II' l- " I " r , I I II I R ( Western hotline 1"11 HIR IlIr ( I 1\ll'r.111 (IR ground and both of th em slipped on by Foley. setti ng' him back to fourth. When th e win ning flag waved them home. Paul Huffmaw took down th e overall win in the Open Amateurs with second go ing to Mike Boal. In the 250cc Amateurs. a tie existed between ' W yechi and Fole y for second with third overall go ing to Moelle r. Dave Bradshaw brought home the gold for the I25 cc Amateurs with Rick Bradshaw scoring second. 'I· RI< I t ' New KitS for '79 with Adjustable Travel Max. Travel Yam a ha YZ 250 / 400 '78 . ·79 Yam ah a IT 175/400 '77 . '78 ~ Yamaha IT 175 '79 Yam ah a IT 250/4 00 ·79 Ka wasa ki KX80 '79 Hu sky ·77 . ' 78 Yam a ha & Suzu ki 80 ·78 Yam a ha & Suzuki 80 ' 79 Su zu ki RM 125 '77. ·78 Suzu ki RM 250 /400 "78 12" 10" 9.25 " 10" 8 .3" 11.5" 7.5.. 8.3" 10" 10" Results MINI NOV : 1. Charlie Morris. Jr .: 2. John Hughlen; 3. Dan Hammack. . 125cc NOV OIV I: 1. J ohn Rudder ; 2. Mike Matson; 3. Mike Brink ley. 125cc NOV OIV II: 1. TIm Sheltow; 2. Dan. Arellano; Kits also available for most other bikes Write for free literature Out of state call toll free 800 -854 -4691 90 day money back guarantee Dealer or Direct 3. Mike Frank. 250cc NOV: . t . Larry Earhart. J,.: 2. Kris Wilcox; 3. Warren lowe. Jr . OPEN NOV : r, Joh n McCOfmick ; 2. Ed Walters; 3. Mik e Kell. M INI AM : 1. T.O. Swots. 125cc AM: 1. Dave Brad shaw. 250cc AM: lT iel 1. Jody Wy echi. Mike Foley: 3. Jeff Moeller. OPEN AM : 1. Paul HuHm aw ; 2. Mike Boat. M INI EX: 1. Johner Kight. 125cc PRO: 1, Glenn Page; 2. Jim Crowder. 250cc PRO: 1. Keith Ehlers : 2 . Bob Carpenter . OPEN PRO: 1. Craig Adams; 2. AI Stinebaugh; 3. Mike Pope. SIOEHACKS: t . Bob Sanner and Kris W ilcox; 2. Loeen Immken and Rona ld Peck; 3. Mark Reinhart and Damon Duck ett . SENIORS . NOV : 1. Chris W alters; 2. Bill Harvey ; 3. Ken Met er. o AM: 1. Rick Seiman; 2. Earl Nichols ; 3. Tom Brown. EX: 1. AI Stinebaugh; 2. Nate Sciargua ; 3. Charlie ConwaV· Hemme's hot at AME Minicross IA bove) Stylish AI Stinebaugh (2) topped t he D-37 Sellior Expert class. IBelow) Rick Hemme 11 2z) and Eric Collins (318) let go at AME's M inicross, By Judy Greenberg Photo by Bob Greenberg VALENCIA, CA .JAN . 28 The American Minicycle Associ- . ation held its 1979 season opener at Indian Dunes , with over 160 ri ders flanking the minicycle Top competitors (t, . insist on tlun . alloy competition rims See your nearest dealer Sun Metal Produds, Inc. s c 8 0 -: 778 . Warsa w , IN 46580 (81- I:1\I'.EWEl89 M8MBA Husqvarna w.. 1 1177 210 WR 21171210 OR 11171210 CR 21171310 Auto 1m2lOWR 1",3IDWR ' 1 ".00 .111I.OO .1115.00 t204I.oo Now '1241.00 . 1....00 .1C7I.00 .,.... In Stock In Stock . Motorcycles - Parts - Service 605 Frwy. at Ca rs o n 11747 E. Ca rs o n S I. Lakewood. CA 90715 213 ·860 -1354 714·521·7112 Repe.1 the lavw 01 gravity CURNUTT SHOCKS 75992 Baseline Tw e ntynin e Pa lms, CA 92277 30 other over every inch of th e track . bus y trying to hold back Crowder who was in high gear closing fast. Wyechi meanwhile. found Bob Carpenter and Gary Goforth breathing dow n his jersey. pursuing him dow n to th e last second . . Foley . in command of th e 250cc Amateurs, was keeping an eye out for Mitch Shook and Crowder. With thes e two Pros on his ta il, Foley put in a super ride and managed to hold the m a t bay . As the checkered flag came out , hea vy dicing continued do wn to th e last minute with Ehlers holding ' a comm a nd ing lead and tak ing th e fir st of a pair of wins for the 250cc Pro division . - The second time ar ound th e Pros and Amateurs settled into th eir respect ive camps for one of the fast est motos of the da y. For the Pros. Glenn Page found Craig Adams and Keith Ehlers glued to his tail. Crowder was closing in fast and had his hands full keeping ahead of Bob Carpenter and AI Stinebaugh. Carpenter and Stinebaugh soon put considerabl e distan ce be tw een themselves and the rest of th e pack and set up one of the hottest duels of the day. Page pulled on OUI in a respec ta ble lead as Adams and Ehlers broke ou t into leads of their own . leaving the pack behind. For Crowder, the second moto was bitter disappointm..nt when he had to pull off to the side of th e track . nursing a sick bike. Carpenter and Stinebaugh cont inued . wheel -to -wheel combat deep into every berm, high off the jump and down to the wire with inches to spa re. When the checkered flag signaled an end to . the madness , Adams em erged the victor of th e Open Pros with a beautiful pair of back -to -ba ck wins . Stinebaugh took down second overa ll and third went to Pope. For the 250cc Pros, Ehlers took home top dollar with a pair of a ce s and Carpenter was there for second. In the 125cc Pros. Glenn Page took home top money for the class with Crowder scoring second overall. The Amateurs attacked the second · rnoto with high spirits. Goforth was in th e lead with an anx ious.Foley in close pursuit followed by Jeff Moeller and Wyechi. Goforth and Foley pulled away from their attackers and set up a roya l battle of their own until a lapped r id e r slowed things considerably . Moller and Wyechi soon gained lost a course , now being re -designed for the new season. Italjet U.S.A . gave gift certificates, hats and frisbees to the Pee Wee and Junior Cycle winners on Italjets. A drawing was held for leathers and a specialty R M80 pipe donated by J.D. Engineering; and a ll entrants received free AME T vshirts. Riding for U.S. Yama ha and J.D , Engineering was Minicyele Expert Eric Collins in an exciting melee with Rick Hemme (R&D) and Mark Tomaselli. This trio of Experts pulled from the pack in the 105cc Open class. with Hemme holeshotting all three rnotos. In the first , Tomaselli closed in and waited for seven laps to make move, but it never came to pass , as a controlled Hemme kept his wheel in front to the finish . The se cond time , Coll ins sandwiched himself between the two until Tomaselli moved him out and held him off down to the wire . . It was anything goes as they left the gate for the last time. Collins pressured Hemme relentlessly from the start. Heading down the back straight in the third lap, Collins pulled his front end in the air and wheelied int o the lead. leaving Hemme to fend off Tomaselli. The battle continued with Tomaselli and Hemme seesawing back and forth . When Tomaselli hit some rough earth. he was forced back a few bikelengths but managed to ho ld third, Eq ua lly ' exciting were the J u nior Cycle Experts. who had the spectators on their feet from the start of the first moto. It was Marty Rickard. sporting .his new Number One plate. toe to toe ou t of the gate with Todd Bess (Itj). O n the downhill , Eddie Hicks joined the battle and moved into second . Reaching Rickard's side at the tower tum, Hicks pulled into the lead and a

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