Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.. from there on put ground between them. Meanwhile. a storm brewed mid-pack as Mouse McCoy, Michael Knapp . Bud dy Dumo and Don Feeley geared their Italjets into actionas they closed in on R icka rd . The checkered flag called Hicks in with a healthy lead. followed by R icka rd and the Italjet thunder. The second time. Hicks a n d Bess were ' first off the line, with Hicks taking the lead to the finish . Bess held second and Kn a pp third. Hicks was plagued with a' b ad stan in moto three and tailed off the line. . Bess commandeered the troops, foll owe d by Kn a p p , R ickard a n d Dumo. With each lap , Hicks advanced through the pack and captured second with the white flag ·in sight. T he re wasn't enough time for a m ove on Bess, but his 1·1 ·2 ride gave h im the overa ll: with Bess second and Knapp third. Results PEE WEE EX MOD: 1. Kevin Samford ISuz). PEE WEE J R: 1. Bobby Dlu90 (Suzl : 2. M att Blacldock ISuzl; 3. Danny Lamb ISuzl. J R CYCLE MOD EX: 1. Eddie Hicks ISuzl; 2. Todd Bess II~I; 3. M ichael Knapp U~1. . JR CYCLE M OD INT: 1. Ricky Dumo ISuzl; 2. John Math ews U~1 . JR CYCLE MOD JR: 1. Scott Brown UtO; 2. Charlie Buti er Uti). JR CYCLE MOD BEG: 1. Bob Paugh ISuzl; 2. Stephen Hughes.l Suzl . JR CYCLE STOCK EX: 1. Buddy Dumo 11tj1; M ichael Knapp (1tj1; 3. Todd Bess litO. JR CYCLE STOCK INT: 1. Ricky Dumo U~1 ; 2. Lance • Johnson lSuz); 3. John Mathews lhO. JR CYCLE STOCK JRS : 1. Scott Brown U~1 ; 2. Brad Gentry U~1; 3. Charlie Butier litO. JR CYCLE STOCK BEG: 1. Bob Paugh ISuzl ; 2. Shane Trittler ISuzl ; 3. Stephen Hughes ISuzl . 105cc OPEN: 1. Rick Hemme ISuzl ; 2. Eric Collins (Yarnl; 3. Mart< Tomesell i ISuzl . B3cc MOD EX: 1. Rick Hemme ISuz); 2. Eric Collins (Yam); 3. Robbie Brown IKaw). B3cc STOCK EX: 1. Mart< Tomasell i lSuzl; 2. Dough Gentry ISuzl; 3. Robbie Brown lKawI. B3cc MOD INT: 1. Brand Johnson (Suzl; 2. Andy Nelinger lKaw I; 3. John HemmeISuzl . B3cc MOD INT: 1. Gary Szilagyi lKawI; 2. Jack Greenberg ISuzl; 3. Andy Ellis (Yaml . B3cc STOCK INT: 1. Brand Johnson ISuz); 2. Andy Ellis (Yam): 3. Jason W agner (Yaml . . B3cc MOD JRS 12 -e: 1. Frank Dan lSuzl: 2. Jeff Hanzo ISuzl. B3cc STOCK J RS 12 + : 1. Richie Jam es ISuzl: 2. Frank Darr ISuzl: 3. M ike Pr;ar ISuzl . B3cc MOD J RS 9-11: 1. Robert Laugh lin (Yaml; 2. Gilbert Valdez ISuzl; 3. Scott BrownIKaw). B3cc STOCK J RS 9-11: 1. M ichael Knapp (Yam l; 2. Gilbert Valdez ISuzl; 3. John Rodriguez ISuz). B3cc STOCK JRS 9-11: 1. M ichael McCoy 'ISuz); 2. Scott Brown (Kaw): 3. Todd Bess (Yam). B3cc MOD BEG: 1. Ron Caldwell ISu z); 2. M ichael Greenwood IYaml; 3. J ason Step hans (Yam). B3cc STOCK BEG 12 + : 1. Mark Harwell ISuzl ; 2. Mark Celabron ISuzl: 3. Ernie Soleido ISuzl . B3cc STOCK BEG 9-11: 1. Ron Caldwel l ISuzl ; 2. M ike Greenwood (Yarn); 3. Toby Geen Lawes (Yam). 2 : Yafchak, Vargus heatupAME Sprockets Park MX By Laura Richard BAKERSFIELD , CA ,JAN. 21 Some of the bes t raci ng we've seen in a long time was burning up the track a t Sp rockets Pa rk t his weekend wit h American Motocross Enterprises. The 250cc Intermediate class saw Jerry Boyd (Yam) taking the lead with Mike Yafchak (Yam) in second , pus hing hard for the lead . Boyd was able to hold on and take the first rnoto wit h Ya fchak in second and third going to Rus ty Baron (G&S Cycle Mai) . T he seco nd moto again saw Boyd tak ing the lea d with Yafcha k figh ting his wa y through the pack to take over th e lea d . Ba ron worked h is way into second , dropping Boyd to third . The ove ra ll went to Yafc hak, wh ile second went to Boyd and Baron took home third. I n the O p en Intermedia te race Bria n Vargus (SUl) showe d everyone how it was done wit h back to back wins . In moto o ne he had some stro ng competition from Peter Dill (Yamaha of Goleta ) but Dill had to settle for second with th ird going . t o Mike. Rehorn (S&S Kawasaki KTM ). Moto tw o saw Vargus t a ke the holeshot again with Don Durrer (Ya m) in second and Jeff Lendley (SUl) in third. Durrer put up a good fight but -a t the checkered flag it was all Vargus. Vargus took the overall with second going to Du rrer and third going to Rehorn . With the drop of the gate for the . O pe n Pros Darren O liver ( Bakersfield Yamaha) grabbed the ho leshot and the lead with . Wally Koch (Mai) in second and Bill Hagen (SyKlops Mai) in third. Some strong ri ding on the part of Hagen enabled him to put the pass on Koch and then O liver to take the le a d , while in the p a ck Steve R awson (Co le Bros. Ma i) was working his way into second place. Moto two saw J ohn Da lla ire (A-Jay Mai ) ta king the holeshot a nd the lea d with O liver in second a nd H agen in third . Da lla ire pulled his lead to about 10 seco nds over. the rest of the pack. Hagen p ut the pass on Oliver to take second while Rawson was working his way up to pass O liver and then he: took H agen to take over second . T he overall for the day went to Rawson , with Hagen taking second and third going to O liver . THEY USED TO BOIL CHAINS TO LUBE THEM PROPERLY i i It used to be t an old tr ick to ' heat up heavyweig ht oil and dip yo ur cha in into it. The oil would thin out and pen et rate the ent ire chain. When it was removed . the o il would th icke n and lubricate the cha in properly . In theory, we've done the same w ith ou r chain oil . but now we use a high qual ity gr ease . The Hi·Point Cha in O il is specially formu lated to go on th in to penetrate deep into pins and rollers. The carrier agent then evaporates. leaving a high strength film of grease deep in th e pins and rollers. Now you can lube yo ur chai n properly w ithout the mes s ot boi ling . Try a handy squeeze bottle from your Hi-Po int Dealer. TRY THESE OTHER HI-POINT RACING OILS "2 CYC LE CONCEN TRA TE "2 CYCLE INJ EC TION "4 STROKE SU PER PREMIU M " TRANSMISSI ON GEAR LUBE "FORK & SHOCK O ILS "SPECIAL TY LUBES Results JR CYCLE JR: 1. Bobby Hollman ISuzl; 2. Billy Hollman lSuzl: 3. Alex Rogers CHonI. JR CYCLE INT: 1. Marty Rickard ISuzl. MINI JR : 1. era ig 'Frut ISuz); 2. Bob Sisco ISuz); 3. Katrina Wallis (Suzt MINI INT: 1. Gary Szilagyi l Kawl; 2. James Bannett ISuzl. . MINI EX: 1. Allan Hopper IKawl; 2. Jeff Black (Yam). 100 JR: 1. Kirk Belto IYam l; 2. Joe Lundgren (Yam); 3. John Carpenter ISuzl. 100 INT: 1. Chris McCauley ISuz); 2. IIobbv Wright ISuzl. 100 EX: 1. Allen Hopper lSuz): 2. Jerry Colley (Yam). WOMEN'S DIV: 1. Donna Gilio ISuzI. VETEX: 1. RollOver Rick !Yaml ; 2. Ron M iner (Yam); 3. Keith Phillips ISuz). 125 JR : 1. M ike M iller IYaml ; 2. Marc Halaby ISuzl ; 3. Bill Dewins ISuzl. . 125 INT: 1. Randy Hardan ISuzl: 2. M ike M oscrop ISuzl: 3. John McCauley lSuzl. 125 PRO: 1. Bill Keese ISuzl: 2. M ike Willis ISuzl ; 3. Doug NicollSuzl . 250 JR: 1. Sl even Noland IHon); 2. Will Barr IHonl ; 3. D. M elton IHon). 250 INT: 1. M ike Yafch8k IVam); 2. Jerry Boyd IYam l; 3. Rusty Baron IM ail. 250 PRO: 1. Randy Lewi s IHus); 2. Russ Norton IC· A); 3. Tom Kelly IYaml. OPEN JR: 1. Ken Post IYaml; 2. Dava Hensche IYam): 3. M ike Capello (Yam). OPEN INT : 1. Brian Vargus ISuz); 2. Don Durr er (Yam): 3. M ike Rahorn IKTMI. OPEN PRO: 1. Steve Rawson IMai): 2. Bill Hagen IMai); 3. Darren Oli_ (Yaml. L earn leads the wayatCMC Golden State' Sportsman round #4 By Mark Kariya 8 FL.OZ. 231 D istributed b y: H i -Poin t Racing P roducts P. O. Box 2327. Amarillo . TX 79105 3709 W. Erie Ave.. Lora in. OH 44053 9604 Oates Dr.. Sacrament o. CA 95827 2 STROKE & 4 stROKE CUSTOM EXHAUST SYSTEMS CONE SETS TO YOUR SPEC'S a NE j.(fit(;~~~.~~\~ . SILENCED MEG 'S SILENCERS - WELD ON OR CLAMP ON COMBO'S O. CE EtHlltlS 5Y5TEMS T lt f:t1R/rfA .s • .. ~ AIRCONE " f orm erl y A ireD Sheet Metal" 15209 Grevillea Ave. Lawndale, CA 90260 213-675-5290 Distributo rs of Robart Bosch PI~g a CA RLSBAD . CA . JAN . 27 NORTON BSA AJS TRIUMPH ~• • • • RICKMAN "" LUCAS The Continent al Mote-sports Club/Suzuki Golden Sta te Series visited Carlsbad for round four. Due to preparations on the regular motocross track for the Pros the next day , Juniors and Intermediates rode what amounted to a short SRA grand prix course , minus , asphalt . There wer.e no jumps and few bumps , thus making for a fast and fla t-out circ uir. . Ross Learn (SUl) , from Spokane, WA , sco red convincing wins in both m otos of IOOcc Experts . Despite overshooting a turn and taking an un expected t rip through waist -high brush in the fir sr moto , he always had comma nd of the situation. Allen Ho pper (Yam) and Da vid Con rad (SUl) followed him in both times for second a nd third. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED ~~~AMAL SMI1lfS GIRUNG BRITISH MOTORCYCLE PARTS LARGEST STOCK IN THE USA WE SHIP COD ANYWHERE. CALL FREE 800-854-0493 (EXCE PT CAl ilriti s l! ~";t rrs 1(t~. 80' so. EAST ST. ANAHEIM. CA 92105 714-QS. 5I02 S amm y T ann er Distri b ut in g Will-TECH 21392 421 11 Complete Une of Mototek - COl Kits 00000000 : "Bu r b a n k : ~ YAMAHA .-MONTESA 0o Complete line of STREET, 0o OFF-ROAD , and now featu ting 0- o <; o o the complete line of YAMAHA SNOWMOBILES II We ship out of state :1":1 W" Barbank Blvd. Barbank, CA 9:1S" 2:1~4S~ 0 0ok ".,. 0 0: 0000000,0000000 ., FINISHER PINS . We Make EmAsk Lenny for Samples Cal"Mart Platln. 607 s. Hill ST. Suite 631 Los Anll"les. CA 9001. 21~ 31

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