Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.- By Bang Bang Bobo Ingram in a show of riding skill to dominate the Amateur class with a score o f 1·1 . In wh a t see med to b e a sep a r a te r a ce . the rest o f the Amateurs foll owed t he Drille r with Come -on-Chuck lea d in g t hem in both motos. H ol d in g hi s pos it io n wi th never a th reat . Come -o n C huck we nt on to finish second in bot h m or os, Dinky Denny worke d h is . way up from the m iddl e of the pack each moto to finish 5·3 fo r a d ecent t hird place . W it h a fiel d o f 18 r id ers t he Inte r m ed ia tes crowded together a t the starting gate a llo wi ng lit tl e m argi n for e rror. A lthough he did not totally dom inate his class with . wire -to -w ir e . m o t o s, R atchet R icha rd wou ld be in the lead in t he la st lap and t hat 's w hen it counts. Kwi k Kei th h ad a lways been competitive in th e p a st bu t si nce acq u iri ng hi s new ye llow scooter he has been a mong the front ru n ners a nd top fin ishers. In both m ot os Kei th ca reened c razily th rough h eavy traffic to score 6 ·2 for t he second pl a ce slot . Decomposed Dan p ut toget her a b a ck to -b ack 4 -4 score to na b t h ir d place foll ow ed b y Bang Ba n g Bobo (3 -5) a nd D iver D an (2- 10) w ho fin ished fo urt h a n d fift h respec tivel y. T he n umber 13 , considered unlucky by some r a ce rs . was m e rel y the num ber of· Novices sched uled to race. W ith a lot m ore skill than lu ck bo t h m o tos were won by a new m em b er of the C lu b . G a ry Busb y. In both m ot os Ga ry went to the front and e xte n d ed h is lead wit h every lap to score I -I for first p lace. In what looked a lmost likke a se parate race J ust J im led the res t of the pack past the scorekeepers . Be ing cha llenged o nce by Alka rraz A I and o nce by Leaky Lee . Just J im j ous ted wi th t hem a nd we nt o n to score 2 ·2 . W a ilin g Wally p u t together a score of 4-3 for third place foll owe d b y Scoo ter Sco u y a n d Leaky Lee . BAKERSFIELD. CA . JAN . 21 Results . In the h igh school MX . the Fontana school banner wa s ca rr ied to victo ry by Mark Risk and Chris Burr. R isk topped both motos in the 125cc Intermediate cl ass to give h is school a va lu a b le 20 points while Bu rr took the 175cc Novice cl ass with h is 1-2 punch. Results MINI BEG: 1. JasonRinoon lKawI; 2. M Palozzolo; ike 3. Richard Young(Yam). 100 BEG: 1. Gary ClarkIYaml;2. M Urbanki(Yaml; ati 3. Joe McCoy!Yaml. 100 NO\,(; 1. Chris Parker !Yaml; 2. Emie Becker 1 502); 3. Brian Fountain (Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Glen Panish !Yam); 2. Stev Cardillo e ISuzl; 3. Vince Ehnes IYam!. 125 BEG: 1. Doug ReyesIYaml; 2. HowardTresville ISuzl; 3. Mike Wilkinson ISuz). 125 NOV: 1. David Callaway ISuz); 2. Pat Weber 1 5021; 3. Joe Nist 1 5021. 125 NOV: 1. Chip Vogel IYaml; 2. Doug Maxwell lSuz);3. Sam Ramirez (Suz). 125 INT: t . Bob Row ell (Suz); 2. Keith Wi lliamson IYaml; 3. FredCombs 1 502). 125 EX: 1. John Greenway (Yam); 2. An dy Orescanin ISuz); 3. FredConover (K awl. 250 BEG: 1. Scon Hydis (Kawl; 2. M Saruwataki an (Yam); 3. G M (Hus). ary oore 250 NOV: 1. Dave Fernandez (Yaml; 2. Tony Apadaca(H 3. Kenny Guvetr (Am,l. on); 250 tNT: 1. Dennis Wooldridge (Han); 2. Todd Schaeffer (502); 3. Rob Miller(Hon!. 250 EX: 1. John Greenwa y (Yam); 2. Gary Jones IAMX); 3. O aneWigington(Yaml. OPEN BEG: 1. Tom Brennan (Yam); 2. Eric Blan ke {Mail; 3. Kevin Rile (Yam ). . OPEN NOV: 1. Pat Longfellow IKTMI;2. JimSpeight IMail; 3. George Henderson. . OPEN INT; 1'. Ron Lawson (Suzl; 2. Jerry Ebling (Kawl; 3. K Libke IMail. en HIGHSCHOOL 100 NOV: 1. E Wh er !Yaml; 2. Tony Rossetti; vert eel 3. l.arTy M atsenaver (Yaml. MINI SR: 1. Don Sigrist (Yaml 2. BarneyFrank ISuzl: ; 3. Pet e Sw; nsi nsk i (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. M Spiker (5021; 2. Butch Pelek ark (Yaml; 3. Ran Clement IHus!. 12 INT: 1. Mark Risk; 2. Jim M 5 artinIYaml; 3. Larry • Bromley (Hon). 175 NOV: t , Chris 8 un IYam): 2. Dave Halverson IKawI; 3. R K an enyon (5021. 250 SR 1. Laython Loop (Han); 2. Robert Young : lHoot; 3. M ike Rix (Hoot 500 SR: 1. Laython Loop ISuzI; 3. Mike Ri, (Han). (Hanl; 2. Guy Campbell Pete putts to .OTHG If!IX victory In quest of variety the Over the Hill Gang journeyed to Sprockets Park for th e first time to compete on what turned out to be a fast. twisty , well -prepared . m ile- a ndan-eighth motocross track. Jerry Shore of American Motocross Enterprises wa s host for the day's events. . The Expert class had 13 race-ready riders vying for position at the start line. utilizing a flag start. with the Amateur class behind the starting gate to follow. When the green flag dropped for the start of . moto one. Putt Putt Pete followed Rarhole Rocky for two laps . putting the pressure on Rocky to make a mistake. which came early when Rocky highsided a switchback berm and Pete putt · putted past . taking the lead and the win. Moto two's start was a carbon copy of the first . e xcep t that Putt Putt Peter got past holeshot specialist Rathole Rocky very early and extended his lead with every lap. followed closely by Maniac Mike. Pete went on to take top honors with hi s I · I 'fin ishes . Maniac Mike had to overcome his bad start in moto one which put him in the middle of the pack. However. moto two had Maniac Mike motoring madly past other riders to chase the leaders and finish wi th a score of 3-2 for second overall . Rathole Rocky was 2-3 fo r third followed by a steady, strong and consistent Rollover Rick (4 .4) . The Amateurs blasted out of the gate a short distance behind the Experts and seeming ly set the same pace a s thei r upper c1ass men. In both motes, Driller Dale took command da rting directly to the front of the pack. extending his lead a n d even mixed in with the Expert~ in ~~to one, TOMORROW'S CARBURETOR FOR TODAY'S ENGINES Contact your dealer or distributor for Lectron Carburetors: Bran c h Inc .. (213) 595'4659 • Hap Jones Distr ibutors, Co., (415) 621·41B5 Hi-Po int Rac ing Products. (BOO) 373-1051 . Hi-Point Oils & Accessories. (916) 362-4124 Kane's Moto rcyc le S hop Lt d. , (403) 269-B577 • Knieve l Impo rts . (406) 723-4011 Marco Dist ributor s. (20B) 523·7373 • Milne Accessories: (213) 334·51B4 The Moto ·Fox. (408) 371·1221 Free appllcilion charts and brochures available on request. or ca ll our LECTRON ~"UEL Ca lifornia Carburetor SYSTEMS. INC lBOO Stephens on Highw a y, Troy. Mich Iga n 480B4 Service Center: Phone (805) 255-6474. EXPERTS : 1. Putt Putt Pete (Yaml ; 2. M aniac Mi ke IKTMI; 3. R athole Rocky(Yaml. AMATEURS : 1. Driller Dale (M ai); 2. Corne-on-Chuck (Ma il; 3. Dinky Denny (Yam). INTERMEDIATES: 1. Ratch et Richar.d IMai) ; 2. Kwik Keit h (Yaml ; 3. Decomposed Dan (Mail. NOVICES: 1. Gary Busby IYam); 2. Just Jim IM 3. a;l; Wailing W ally (Mail . Ehlers electrifies DDMCD-37MX GUESS THE MILEAGE GIVEWAY WIN B New 1979 Suzuki GS425!11 $addlebaCk *U~Uki Hurry in with your entrY contest closes Feb. 15th South Orange County's Only Suzuk i Dealer Helpl We're Overstocked! By Lee Taylor LONG BEACH. CA . JAN . 28 With snow falling at random throughout the Southland, Cycle Haven settled for chilling winds off the ocean and two drops of rain. The Di rt Diggers M .C . • undaunted by t h e cold . settled into Cycle Haven for t he running of their AMA D -37 Semi-Pro MX. with a purse of $900: As always. they drew a . la rge turnout of riders and spectators. breaking the previous attendance record . A combined class of all the Pros and Amateurs absolutely tore .u P the track in some of the hottest action seen at Cycle Haven. The first moto saw Keith Ehlers out in front and on his way to victory in the 250cc Pros. In close pursuit were Jerome Zimmer, Amateur Mike Foley and Jim Crowder, new to the Pro ranks . Jody Wyechi found himself in the middle. with a regular army of race hungry riders keeping the heat on. Throughout the pack . heavy dicing was the key to the game . Frank Steila , Jr. was locked into a duel with Jim Turner that carried them neck and neck deep into every berm and clea r to the end of the moto, M ik e Pope and Mike Boal we .re at _, .. each J ', _. j ~ ~ ".1 Also, Unbelievable Savings on New 1978 TS-250 . . .. •. . .. . $1049 New 1978 SP-370 $1349 New1978RM-250C2 . • . . . ... $1349 Full PriceI includes freight & dealer set-up! New 1979 JR-50 New 1979 RM-50 New 1979 RM-80 New 1979 GS425 New 1979 GS-1000 Open 7 days a week Motorcycles Parts Accessories Service 23034 Lake Forest Dr., Laguna Hills, CA 92653 714-770-6701 NEW! TRICK! Mttz.l.r Knobby'. Mlch.lln Road Race & Street nres Dealers Wanted We sell wholesale only Nat. Watts800-325-3783 se""",,_ U.S. CYCLE PRODUCTS l'7..1'7h._. 55 Lincoln, St. Louis, Mo. 63779 Mo. Watts800-392-3087 ~ The NORTHWEST • '-110IIIo \I:tIUSqv~ma KTM·- SWM -He,cuIM Speclell.ts CYCLE MART, li83& SE Powell Portland, OR 1Z1OI- fi03.775-2741

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