Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 02 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._u.._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. .. .. . I ' It ,. t4l.', It "1.1 ••• I " ~ t i t •• ••• , '1' " • ••. . " Western hotline 250cc MONEY: 1. Pete Hames (Yam); 2. Scott Poder go is lYam ); 3. Rich Volk (Yam ). OPEN MONEY: 1. Oennis Briggs IKaw); 2. J .R. . Cullinan (Tn); 3. Earl Roloff (Yaml. HALF MILE MINI NOV : 1. Josep h Peterson (Yaml; 2. Robert Peterson (Yaml : 3. Kevi n Clark (Yaml . MINI EX: 1. Curt is Canno n IYa m); 2. Roger Thompson IVaml. 125cc NOV: i . RDgef Thompson (Yaml; 2. Cunis Cannon (Ya m); 3. Keith Guthery (Ya m), 125cc EX: 1. Rob Ely (Yam); 2. Bob Garrison (Yaml ; 3. Jimmy Snow (Yam). 250cc NOV OIV I: 1. Dalrid Vogel (Yarnl; 2. Paul Joilnson (Bull; 3. Randy Howard (yarnl. 250cc NOV DIV II: 1. Robert Burns (Yaml; 2. M ike Roach (Henl; 3. Mik e Tavtor (Yaml . 250cc AM : 1. Pat Seigle (Yarnl; 2. Greg Sargent (Yaml; 3. Ben Meyer (Yarnl. 250cc EX: 1. Steve Monger (Yarnl; 2. Terry Sing leton (Ammax) ; 3. Mike Redding (Yaml. OPEN NOV: 1. Orlando Lamboy (Yam); 2. Kelly • Shane (Bull ; 3. Bob Petr itz (Yaml . OPEN A M : 1. Ben Meyer (Kaw l; 2. John Gant (Yaml ; 3. J .L Guy (Bull. OPEN EX: 1. Dennis Briggs (Yam); 2. Rex Hailey .. • O.AIICE COUII"'S * 'nATEST MOTD«YClE * * PARTS SWAP!! * ** * (Vam); 3. Steve Polson {Yaml. 250cc MONEY: 1. Pete Hames (Yaml; 2. Steve Mon ger (Yarn); 3. Rosa Klatt (Yaml . OPEN MON EY: 1. Pet e Hames (Yaml; 2. Rich Volk (Yarnl; 3. Dylan Neihart (Yam). Greenway takes two at Corona MX John Greenway ISJI won two classes at Corona's night motocross. By Ron Lawson CO R ONA , CA ,JAN . 26 3. DeveCaber (Henl. 125cc JR: 1. Kelrin Brooks (Suzl; 2. Perry Boyer (HTYl 3. Mitch Davis (Suzl. ; 250cc BEG: t . Ken Clauson (Honl ; 2. Jim Brodie (Bull; 3. Ron ~ (Suzl. 125cc BEG: 1. Bruce Deacon (Yaml; 2. J im Jones (Yaml ; 3. Glen Copeland (Yam l. MIN I BEG: 1. Tom Hoskins ISuzl; 2. Tony Palmer (Yarnl; 3. Jon Wallace (Kawl . -l8J..... Husqvarna Sales, Service, Parts 250,3900R 125CR Now inStock A few '78 OR's left at greatly reduced prices We have one of the most complete lines of Husky parts and accessories in the country T&OYamaha 24020 Narbonne Ave. !Torrance/Redondo area ) lomita. CA 90717 213-534-2311 s.r... 35" . 23- . S" Deep 10 01' 3D Gc:*Jn ~ Dn..rnl All ~totton-SN£TV FQE LID For free nfo wn fe I I ort Magnet Inc. " 101 W.n..t $ L'; Dept. A-2 _ .co 80:2001 D eale r ,----=;-.., invited - Inquiries Come and meet Tom an d J ac k . the new o wners o f Canoga Park Suzuki ~ Se rv ic e is our bu sin e ss We carry a full line of parts and accessories 28 (213)884·0413 7045 Canoga Ave . Ca~~ga-':~a!~ .•C~ ~1_JC.l6. _ ••• . Hames' claim to fame: Three Corona wins By Elaine Jones CORONA, CA , J AN . 27 It was a no ther big turnout for Coro n a R aceway's second Sa tu r day night flat track which fea tured short track and half m ile competition. Pete Hames , "T he Simi Flash." came u p wit h a pe rfect score as he entered three Money races a nd won th ree Money races, Ha mes ex plo ded off the line as the flag dro pped for the IO·l a p 250cc short track Money main . Rich Yolk and Scott Podergois, in the 2·3 spots , were close enough to ride double followed by Ross Klatt, Mike Vital , Rob Selvy, Mike Paulson and Pat Seigle. O n the fourth lap Podergois came down low and got under Yolk to take over second. The halfway sign came out with the only order change the one between Podergois and Volk. Hames was running a good tight line that held everyone at bay. Volk was attacking Podergois at all angles but was unable to find a chink in the armor and had to settle for third . Win number one went in the co lumn for Hames with Podergois second and Volk third . Klatt got a fantastic start that put him in the lead as the 250cc half mile Money m ain got underway. Hames was right on his tail with Steve Monger and Bo bby Ga ra bed ian third and fourth. Hames had the lead as they came arou nd on la p two with his fa ncy corner riding and Monger was getting set u p to ma ke his move . It came on the' ne xt la p as he also got a wheel under Kla tt and went to second . "vital, who was back in sixth , was starting to go to work as he moved to fifth by the halfway mark , disposing of Garabedian. Two laps lat er Podergois fell to Vital's attack and t he front runners were in sight.' Klatt was not about to become a vict im and with three ' laps -to -go everyone went on the, defensive and it was H am es, Monger and Klatt at the checkered. Danny Perkins took a commanding lead as the big bike half mile main got underway. Volk was second and Selvy third, Hames moved Selvy out of third on the second lap and was closing the gap on Yolk when Perkins lost it going int o turn three and brought out the red flag , Fortunately Perkins only had the wind knocked out of him but his bike was badly damaged and he was out, A single file restart was called with Yolk the leader , Hames second and Selvy third , Hames again pulled a trick out of t he bag and had the lead , when they came by on what was now the fifth lap , Dyla n Neihart had gotten around Selvy to take over third . O n the seventh lap Sel vy went out with a sick bike and J oh n Lundgren filled the ho le bu t Steve Polson was knocking on his door and on the eighth la p found it open and went on through . Wi th the whi te flag ou t H ames was on his way to his third win of the night wit h Volk picking up sec on d a nd Neihart third . Den n is Briggs was the only other rider to claim a Money win as he went wire to wire in the Open short track. JR. Cullinan and Earl Roloff followed him home. Briggs also picked up the Open Expert half mile but not without a good race from Rex Hailey who had already claimed the O pen Amateur/ Expert short track . Orlando Lamboy, Rob Ely and Joseph Peterson all had double wins in the Open Novice, 125cc Expert and Mini Novice classes respectively. Roger Thompson was shy one win of beating Hames in the win division as he won bo th 125cc Novice classes and the Mi ni Expert short track . Curtis Cannon pulled him up short whe n he came up with the win in the ha lf mi le Mini Expert race. Results SHORT TRACK M INI NOV: 1. Joseph Peterson (Yaml; 2. Robert Peterson IYaml; 3. KevinClark (Yam). MINI EX: 1. Roger Thompson (Yam); 2. Curtis Cannon (Yam); 3. Ji mmy Snow (Yam). 125ce NOV: 1. Rog er Thompson (Yaml ; 2. Bruce NOfdstrom (Yam); 3. Curtis Canno n (Yaml . 1250c AM /EX: 1. Rob Ely (Yaml; 2. Bob Garrison (Yaml; 3. Ken Barrow (Bull. 250cc NOV DIV I: 1. M ike Roach (Honl; 2. Mike Tay\of (Yaml : 3. David VogellYaml. 250cc NOV DIV II: 1. Randy Howard (Yam); 2. Mike DeBruyn (Yam l; 3. Ron Sheets (Yam). 250cc MA: 1. Shawn Penis (Bul); 2. Bruce Windham ISuzl; 3. Pat Seigle (Yaml. 25Oc:c EX: 1. Rtch Volk (Yam); 2. Terry Singleton (Amme xl; 3. Dennis Briggs IKaw l. OPEN NOV: 1. Orlando Lamboy (Yaml ; 2. Kelly Shane (Bull; 3. Bob Petr itz (Yaml. OPEN AMIEX: 1. Rex Hailey (Yam); 2. Ben Meyer IKawl ; 3. John GaOl (Yaml. The night belonged to John Greenway. He came out to Corona Raceway armed with two DG Yamahas which he used to set fire to both the 125c c and 250cc Pro Classe s in the fa ce of some stiff competiti on . In the first 125c c moto , tha t competiti on was n a med John Sil va (Suz) . Fr ed Conover ( Kaw) grabbed the holeshot over Silva a nd Gr eenway, but by t he end of th e second lap th e duo had d isplaced him to third , Silva held on to th e lead b a hair for a couple of laps before Greenway took over , but the battle was far from over , Silva pulled up alongside Greenway several times only to have the door shut as they went into turns. Finally, on the last lap , Silva shot back into the lead , When they went into the last straight before the finish Greenway put out a last ditch effort to retake the top position and succeed ed , It was close, but the DG rider took the win by half a bike. In round two , Silva's lu ck was running true again and he took a start that was so miserable that he eventually retired . Greenway passed Conover and Andy Orescanin (Suz ) to take the lead on the third lap. He went on to win the race with Orescanin following distantly. Greenway set out to do it again in the 250cc class by lea d ing from start to finish . Wayne Brostle (Yam) held second early in the race , and then Gary Jones, the Ammex man , came up and zapped him , Also coming up from the rear was Yamaha -mounted Juan Ben avidez , who put in an excellent ride to wind up in fourth place. Robert Gray (Ya m ) held the lead off the line in the second round, but Greenway was in front before the end of lap one. Soon, Jones also managed to move past Gray and he wasted no time in setting out after Greenway. The battle for the lead was soon hot, but Greenway held out u n d er the pressur~ to take first overall, Third p lace went to Da ne Wigi ngton (Yam) with his 6·4 score ahead of P ryor Ca mpbe ll (Hon) a nd Bena vid ez, Bob Rowell (Suz) took top honors in the 125cc Intermediate class with a near perfect rid e . He led every la p of . both motos wh ile Keith Williamson (Ya m) and Fred Com bs (Su z) diced over second place. Combs was on top at the e n d of m ota one , but Williamson was th e man in the tie breaking last moto.

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