Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 01 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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events for the entire year}. He rode his butt off to take all those firsts, seconds and thirds to win these champion ships and ride with the number one plate for 1955 . So 24 years later, don't forget Willie Wilsonl DIANE WILSON Palos Verdes, CA B-to-V thank y ou On the recent B vto -V ride, around ea n Dry Lake , I m ade an unorthodox get off wh ich resulted in a d islocated shou lder . I thank all of th e riders wh o stopped to offer me assistance , as I walked to a place where the truck could pick me up. Thank you to th e rider who gav e me his protein bar and a very specia l thank you to the rider, whose name I do not know , that stayed with my bike. Also , a thank you to Sunrise Hospital in' Las Vegas for the super treatment. . I would also like to mention the care and effort of Lou , my wife , and Don , Jim, and Don , my very good friends . ROB ER T F. SMITH Long Beach , CA ~ XT-TT-SRSOO Bikes score victory inSCAQMP proposals WESTERVILLE, OHIO , DEC. 15 Initial indications are that California's off- road motorcycles have scored a significant victory by providing good response to the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan (SCAQMP) . The proposed plan called for extensive reduction in the hydrocarbon em issions from offroad motorcyclists. So much so that industry representatives estimated that implementation of the Plan in its ' roposed form' would mean the virtual elimination of th e' two -stroke motor, cycle in California. The motorcycle proposals were buried deep in the middle of a large orne and went unnoticed until vigilant eyes at th e Motorcycle Industry Council discovered the Plan that cou ld have cost manufacturers as much as $228 iIlion assuming th e technology could be developed. The AMA led user oups in opposing the m easure by ailing over 10,000 individual "a lert" otices to members in the South Coast rea and providing detailed comments rom the nat ional of fice. The first indi cat ion of possible vicory were eluded to in a December 15 ditorial in th e Los Angeles T im es which sai d in part : ".. . and off- road motorcycle buffs and m otorcycl e officials by f ar the most organized and 'orceful group came arme d with figu res purportedly showing the cost of pr oposed em ission controls wou ld severely harm t he sport and elim inate little pollution. "Moto rcycle ad vocates may have proved th eir ' point . SeA Q staff mem bers at the hearing said t he informat ion th e ag ency has received in recent weeks will probab ly cause th e staff to recomm end dropping th e offe nding emission cont rols. " Staff members also indicat ed that ver 200 letters wer e received a t the CA Q offices from motorcyclists responding to AMA and MIC mai lings directed to the area. AMA Associate Director of Government Relations Rob R asor stated, "T his positive re sponse is one that off-readers should be proud of and demonstrates that victory can be obtained by using the ystem properly." As the Air Quality Plan is further developed , both AMA and MIC will be watching to see t hat motorcycling is fairly treated by th e Plan . • EXHAUST SYSTEM~ll LO PIPES • MUFflERS • SPARK ARRESTERS • MEGAPHONES • CARS KITS-:-MIKUNI & LECTRON • LIGHT ALLOY SWING ARMS • CHAIN TENSIONERS • SHOCK PROTECTORS • CASE GUARDS • SlID PLATES. SEAT COVERS. PISTONS • BIG BORE KITS • VALVE SPRING KITS • O LINES • CAMS • AIR IL CLEANERS • AND MOREl! PLAY BIKE OR RACE BIKE - We've got it all! AT BETTER DEALERS EVERYWHERE! PRO-TEC, INC. • 282 GEMINI • BREA, CA 92621 (714) 738-0631 • (213) 697-6759 Bill Walters Regular $4.70/ft. $4.55/ft. $4.08/ft. 530xDL $5.85/ft. Salte $500 . Nylon/Leather MX Pants Sale $3.75/ft. $3.64/ft. $3.26/ft . $4.68/ft. Reg. $89.95 Now $58.50 (Stock on Hand -wit h this ad) Orm Ore 0 nan : , ,- alterag eChain • Moto Star Star 120 Star II Mag II RT Reg . $89.95 $89.95 $99.95 $79.95 $54.95 Sale $73.95 $73.95 $79.95 $63.95 $42.95 Brand New 1979 Vetter Fairing Windjammer IV W indjammer 55 discont inued Reg . price $339.00 Our price $279.95 Black, White, or Silver Hardware Reg. price $49.71 Our price $39.71 (color match available on special order} 5

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