Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1979 01 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Best wish.s from Rescue 3 WIST America's No.1 Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper Sharon Clayton , Pu hl isher Tom C ulp. M a rk~ t i n g Director C arolin e Ge ndry. Sec. to the Publ isher Margie Sout hern. SC'c . to rhe Mtkg . Dir. Advertising J im Ryan , Sales Ma n ager . L a rry L irrle , Sa les Manage r . Skip J o hn so n , Sales Ma na ge r. C hris Kolber. Assista nt. Editorial Ch arl es Mor ey, Manag ing Editor. Dale Brown , Editor . Bob i Seen. Editor. Graphics and Production Dav Pauli , Pr odu ction Manager . J ud y Klin gC" T, Product ion Assista nt . Mario n Ha ta shi ta . Kar en Fa rhat. Typography. Dennis Gree ne . Labo rato ry. Accounting M ik C' Kl ing n . M an a g er . j ea nn e Ham mond. Accts. Receivabl e. Donna Brya n , Assl. ACCLS . Rec eivable. H oll y Hale . Credit . Ellie Cc u er . Assistan l. Circulation Rheb a Sm ith , Mana g er . Sherry Ka ufm a n . Ch risty Bell. Tamm y T a ylor . Barb ara T aylo r, Assistams. Reader/Dealer Services Paul Long . Dealer Sal es Manasn-. Gin H arper , Want Ad Sa les. Services and Support Pat C ard en as . Recept ionist. Pelti, .5&5 . Bruce West . 2201 Ch erry Ave . . Long Bea ch . CA P .O . Box 498 . Long Bea ch . CA 90801 (2t~) 427 ·74~ ~ ; L.A. L1ne6~6 ·884.4 . East 4190 First Ave.. Tucker . GA. P.O . Box 805. Tucker . GA ~ OO 84 . (404) 9~4 ·7850 . Subscription One year . second class m ail, 515; two years. seco nd clas s ma il. 527 ; three years, seco nd class ma il. 537 .50 . Copyr ig ht e C ycle News. Inc . 1978 . Trademark Cycle News reg ister ed U.S. Patent Office . All rights reser ved . Published weekl y excep t th e first and last week of th e ca lend ar year by Cycle News. Inc. . P.O . Box ' 498 . Long Beach . California . Secon d class postag e pa id at Lon g Bea ch . CA 90801. Cycle Ne ws welcomes unso licited editorial m aterial includ ing stories, cart oo ns, photos. etc , Suc h m aterial . if pu blished. becomes t he excl usive copyright p roperty of Cycle News . Such accepted m ateria l is subject to revision as is neeniny in th e sole discrnion of Cycle News. Unsolicited ma teri al wh ich is not used will be ret u rned if accom pa nied by a se lf addressed sta mped envelope . All u nsolicit ed m ateria l will be handl ed with reaso nable care. however . Cycle Ne ws assum es no responsibi lity fo r the' safe ty , 1055 o r damage to such ma teria l. Re p rin ting in whole o r part only by per m ission of th e publisher s. Ad vC'rtising rat es . an d circ ulation inf orma tion will be sent u pon re q uyst. S("C'S .R .D .S . POSTMASTER; Send form 3579 to Cycle New., P.O. Box 498. Long Beech, CA 90801 . 4 ON THE FRONT PAGE: The top American racers of 78 grace our year end wrap-up issue. Patrick Behar was the shutter-snapper of the Roberts· and Springsteen pix. Charles Morey captured Hannah, and Dale Brown photo'd Lackey. VOICES From all of us to all our fri ends both old and new We would like to leave th is thought with you The orname nts of Christm as . are wonderfu l to see In each kind ness we show and candles of peace war m our hea rts with their glow Bu t th e brighest d ecorat ion of all is a gift fro m above It's the beau tifu l star of Ch ristm as love Let us give thanks to each of you for your su pport so good and true But th e nicest ones of all ca n't be found upon the tr ee T he re are ribbons of friendship bright bows of ca ring and spa rkling ra ys from th e warm lights of sharing There's th e tinsel of voices th e trim of ea ch gree ting and wreaths of conte nt me nt whe re loved ones are meeting Ther e a re sp rigs of good will may Christm as blessings bri ghtly shine on you a nd bri ng you jo y th e whole yea r through THE MEMBERS OF RESCUE 3, INC Let the TImes know Viewfinders GP return? OTHG sincere about racing Tired of the rotten public im age of motorcyclists in the Los Angeles T imes? There is something that can be . done. , Shav Glick , of the sports section, told me he tried to cover AMA desert events but did not receive an y help from the AMA . He needs someone who is involved wiih this matter to write articles for the paper. For more information, contact him at 213 /972 · 7145 . The people who write the news articles are getting their information from only the BLM , Sierra Club, or other government agencies. To voice your opinion about these one-sided articles , contact the Metropolitan Editor at the T imes address ; Metropolitan Editor, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles , CA 90012 . Thanks for any effort . I am attending college and working seven days a week , so I can't make it to the desert. TOM SWANSON East /West M.C. Costa Mesa , CA There is every reason to bel ieve that the Viewfinders M.C . will return with a Grand Prix in 1979 . A firm date for this event has as yet to be established, but an early summer race (june 2, 3) seems most desirable. The location is still up in th e air , but Indian Dunes is a potential site . With the recent loss of so many events , it's nice to know that at least one of the "classics" will return . Regards and best wishes for the holiday season. DAVE JOHNSON Canoga Park , CA In you r edition of Dec . 13, 1978, Volume XV ; 148, there was a broa description of the Maywood M.C. G Toys for Tots GP held at Sunri Valley Motorcycle Pa rk. The articl was as usual , he did this , and thi person d id that, which is fine if yo care about who d id what to who. I you ride and compete it's a whol different story. Which brings me t the point of this letter. I quote "T h Over the Hill Gang actually faced th second event but I thought it would b fitting to put this bunch last as yo really can't believe this organization. Their wives and kids are just a involved as the, uh, racers ." The Over the Hill Gang consists 0 working people who contribute a grea dealto the motocross sport. The wor dedicated may seem foreign to Mr. Laudig, who wrot e th e article, but th Over the Hill Gang are living exarnpl of dedication and good sportsrnanshi and are sincere about, uh, racing. Their club is a riding club which fo all intended purposes rides. The ego and the crap do not exist and , with a closer look , thi group of people should be considered an asset to our sport. Perris thanks sponsors We, the owners of Perris Ra ceway, and all the members of Perris Racewa y Club, wish to tha nk all the sponsors that contributed to our . Fall Membership Series. The sponsors of th e series cam e up with the best of thei r products or the lines that they carry to give out to t he winners. The goodies were items that a biker alwa ys'needs and is hard pressed to buy . The winners received more than they could carry out the door. The sponsors are: K&N Engineering Products, Riverside (Ken johnson); Dale's Modem Cycle , San Bernardino Oce Morabito) ; Mackey's Motorcycle Shop, Perris (Pa ul, Chuck, Brian and Dave) ; Don jones MX Products, Walnut (Don Jones and family) ; and T&D Engineering, Colton (Dennis Taylor and Tony Denius), , A hearty thank you to all the sponsors for donating and participating in our series .' LEN AND FAYE SHIRLEY JACK KINCH Perris Raceway Perris, CA CMC/AMA reach agreement I have enclosed a copy of the letter I received this week from Mr. DiPrete of the American Motorcycle Association . The AMA has decided to no longer enforce the rules of 48 hours before or after or the 300 mile limit. An AMA licensed rider such as Tim Lunde can compete in any events he wishes at an y time. I feel it was worth the $3 ,100 to dispute tha t rul ing, this way the best organized even ts will d raw the riders and no rule will govern t he turnout of competitors. STU PETERS Continental Mote-sport Club Costa Mesa , CA Mr . Stuart H . Peters, President California Motorama Corporation P. O. Box 1402 Costa Mesa , CA 92626 RE: California Motorama Corporation (CMC) vs. Amen'can Motorcycle Association (AMA) Dear Mr. Pet ers: In exchange for CMC filing in the above action a dismissal with prejudice as to all defendants, the AMA agrees that as to any future event sanctioned by CMC in Southern California it will not enforce subsection J. (g) of section B. of Chapter XIII of th e Professional Motocross Competition Rule Book against any rider who rides in such event. . Sincerely, MICHAELA . DiPRETE Commissioner ofProfessional Racing WILLIAM L. ROETZE Gu est rider at Ad elanto Toys fo . TotsG Laguna Beach, CA We don 't f eel Gary Laudig m eant an disrespect to th e Over th e Hill Gang . Th e quote you refer to seem ed to us t be a tongue-in -ch eek lead -in to th humorous names used by th e OTHG, suc h as H ee Haw Hoyt , Rathole Rocky and Du Du Dan . . . Editor. D~n 't forget Willie Wilson We enjoyed your article A 100 back through the dust very much. I truly was a fantastic time of deser .racing. The article stated that in 195 "Bud Ekins, Dick Dean and Ve . Hancock were the three top riders.' They were three top riders to say th least , but don't forget Willie Wilson. He-won the 1954 scrambles championship and all around rider of die yea (most points scored in all District 37

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