Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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.._._._._._._._._._._._._.--._._._._._. 79 NEW PRODUCTS FROM JIM O'NEAL Western hotline ELECTRO Snell '75 Helmets o available in Pro series white, red, yellow, and custom 'Two Tone' designs. ~ ..... Watch for the new Carrera sport sung lass display and all Carrera products at your local dealer .JIM C·NEAL DlSTRI~INO . INC. 800-423-5002 213-344-5175 18 340 GA U LT ST REE T RESE DA, CAL IFOR NIA 9 133 5 Thinking of I8Ilng the 01 scoot - Cycle News Want Ads ' HARD TO GET ~~~(1A ~YAMAHA PA RT S A ND AC CESSORIES Largest stock in U .S. _ 24 Hour M ail Ord er Serv ic e M5ot' De al er s W elc o m e N.tton~ except Miu ou ri ca!l: 1OOI~1 44 Miaaowi call : 31 ~427 · 1204 • DONELSON CYCLES. 3328 Woodso n Road St . Louis; Mo. 63114 INC. ~asons ' t1ireeti ngs to our customers & friend s HOCKIE'S M/C Bultaco - Ossa 22025 S. Figueroa St. Carson, CA 90745 213-328-1242 alXi~ 1977 1978 Ya ma ha A " ""DU C' '" n 'C I l MIni M f ci Full FLOATING Brake BO LT O N KITS In clude ............-....., c. If • • «rat The jersey you ' ve been looking for 461pt You Design It ~(il' Dpdler 46 77H ~I M r'\o \' B q ~ <.< ',If k', elf _~ ~ IllqUlflt· ... II1VI ! pd ' I ' l l BI"J 7 '2 J::, 4 G6 b 3 a • • • • • All Hardware Aircratt HElM Joints Cable Op er a ted Ma gnesium Backing Plate AL LOY Rod 606 1 T6 YZ80 YZ 100 YZ 125 YZ250 YZ 400 COMPETITION ~ ~~,~,u~,~ .~~;~~ ACCESSORIES INC. r..•11 ~l] 37715(1: Service. Motorcycl Sales 7'uzcl'1t 7'eavet, "Wedt E. Colorado IIIvd. Peudena. CA 91107 ZI3-795-2711 _ _-, Joe Steffen styles on the track of his new sponsor. Elsinore Raceway. ste rs cancelin g ou t on t heir last run of the year, we all figured we wouldn't meet again 'til Jan . 14 'a nd the Lightweights race. Our new scram bles steward Ed Carroll had other ideas , and got just about all of the gang together at Elsinore on a Saturday night. It was dam near cold enough to do embarrassing things to brass monkeys , but the bonfires were big, bench racing keeps you warm when you wave your arms around like all racers describing what happens in turns . and those out on the track actually sweated a bit. We ought to do these things more often - have a field meet type of night or day for everyone. They can be a gas . W e're very optimistic for scrambles for '79 , but it will take your help too. so support the races. With new owners at bo th ou r tracks there are new ideas and new thinking at both venues. We met Ron at Elsinore for th e first time Sa tu rday; th e b uildin gs ha ve a ll been painted pulling the place together, and there are lo ts of new bushes and plants. R o n has ideas of re ally build ing up Elsinore just as Len has a t Perris and we can support two tracks, especially when the folks who run th em a re friendly and wa n t to wor k toward the support of each other, not doing ea ch other in . . There will be motocross at Elsinore, too . For some r ea sso n the MX contingent has never su pported the track m uch when it's one of the best around . Saturday afternoon Steve Bauer carne out to ride it ; he 'll be a national ride~ for Yamaha and DG next season so if he rides it you squids can show some su pport. Space being what it is in the last edition of the year 1 barely have enough room to say the race I enjoyed best Saturday night just had to be the foot race . The shoes went the whole length of the track (ah youth) , a nd I'm not so sure t ha t the riders who were top of the heap in my day co uld ha ve made it a round - we trained q u ite a bit on Coors back then, ha ha . . . but the pack took off, and a few less hardy souls were seen pooping out by the time they hit the back stretch . The two u p front , Mike Q uigley and Tim Hoole , vanished at full pelt into the back section and reappeared through the esses still holding to it, with Pete Hames in third . As for th e wheelie contest. well , R a nd y Folds had the balance and throttle control to get way back along the back stretch. There will be night scrambles continuing for those who like to ride year round , but the next time for all you District point people will be Jan , 14, so mark it. Don't eat too much turkey , remember thy power -to weight· ratio (it's 10 lbs. per pony) , but 1 hope you have a very happy holidays, get everything you want from Santa Claus and hope he makes a nice visit to the Sidehack Association , they supponed our scrambles very well in '78, keep comin' back , gangl I'm off to put a partridge in my pear tree, so will see yoit next year . .. flat trackin ' for ever. Resu lts MINI BEG: 1. Ron Boll; 2. Raymond Garcia; 3. Jennie Stewart . MINI AMIEX : 1. Roger Thompson ; 2. Richard Fox; 3. Pat Svenson. 125 COMB : 1. Bud Ca",>!I; 2. Tany Harris; 3. Roger Tho mpson. SPECIAL NOV/AM : 1. Mike Roach; 2. Ronnie Garcia; 3. Don Meinef. 250 EX: 1. Joe Steffen ; 2. Chris Cannon; 3. Bud Carroll. • FOOT RACE: 1. Mike Quigley : 2. rom Hoole; 3. Pet. Hanes. 250 BEG: 1. Henry Mill er; 2. Terry Trilling ee; 3. Tom Deom. OPEN AMIEX: 1. Mike M ontgomery; 2. Bobby Sa nder s; 3. Rex Hailev. 250 NOV: 1. Jim Summers; 2. William Wallier; 3. Scott Bullard. 250 AM: 1. Oevid Waples ; 2. Mik. Roach; 3. Pryor Campbell. OPEN NOV: 1. Ronn ie Garcia; 2. 5 teve Duer; 3. Rax Hailey. MONEY RACE: 1. POl. Hames; 2. Chris Camon; 3. Rex Hailey. . WHEEUE CONTEST: 1. Randy Folds; 2. Dennis Harter,3. Larry e>-. MOTOCROSS 125 EX: 1. Richard Barrow; 2. Adrian Hernandez; 3. GarvW.... 250 EX: 1. St.... _ (Yam); 2. Phillip Thorstenson lHanl; 3. Stove Lutz (Yam). Gillman drills 'em afSSMMX By Terry Whytal ORANG E, CA , DEC . 9 T ea m Su zuki's newest mem ber, Scott Gillm a n tota lly d om inated the Open Pro class at this week's Saturday Saddleback Motocross. Gillman quickly took the lead at the sta rt of the first moto followed by Yamaha rider Da le Lewis and Maicomo u nted Alan Olson . Dale Anderson began to charge his Maico up from a bad start and soon pressured Olson for th ird. On the l Ot h la p Ande rson moved int o third and set his sights on Lewis . Four laps later Lewis began to tire and Anderson motored away with second place behind th e long gone Gillman . Lewis finished third and O lson was fourth .