Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.. Why MI~E lIlateQ1m BELL .w e a r s Slll!th pants... DURABILITY - I raced in my last pair for 8 months! No one could believe it, but Malcolm's pants last months longer than anyone else's. I still wear that same pair now for pra c tic e ." CN CN M V FIT & STYLE -Malcolm's pants are designed for comfort and styled to fit so you look good . They don't bulge or bag and all the pads and shin guards are placed in just the right spots." ..c S ~ o Z PRICE "Sure, Malcolm gives me my pan ts, but I' d buy them before I wore a ny others, because t~ey're still the best quality. For the money, they' re the best pants a rider can buy:' . T hink of q uality and yo u' ll think o f us! Steve Schmitz ch ases Eric Co ll ins at t he Sunrise Park N MA ro und . finger beck on ed to J ohn with a stuck fulL throttle and on a downhill yetI Ru nove r Ron led t he pa ck past John and we nt on to win first wit h a 2-\ overa ll, followed by Flipp in ' Fred (Mai ), Scabby Skip (Mo n) , Ba ng Ba ng Bobo (Ya m), and Ab sent AI (Ya m) . th e Nov ice class it was Just J im (Sui) who showed his peers t he wa y to t checke re d in the fir st mot o . Hq:vever, moto two had Drafty Dennis ( .uz) br eezin g in with a 2-\ fini sh to ta ke th e top spo t, with Just J im second. 1!lird pla ce fin ish went to Mortar ~'i. (H on) who seem s to improve, at ey' :9' ra ce , followed by Nee -Hi Norm ( uz) , Lots Les (Ma i) and Lily Larry ( ¥.~.i'!.1) . :lii '" Holland shines at Sunrise NMA/ Suzuki Series round ~y. Ca rol Campbell ADELA NTO , CA , OCT. 22 The desert sa nds of Adelanto's S'unrise Valley Cycle Park was the setting for the fourth round in t he five race National Minicycle Association/ U .S . Suzuki Fall Na tio na l Series. T o most everyone's su r,Pri se and unexpected pleasure , t!iey found a ' very cha llengi ng tra ck j &st wai ti ng to be co nq ue red. rlSteve Schmitz (Suz) did some of his best rid ing of th e series so far , as he b rought home third place honors in t ne 83cc Stock Exp ert class. It was eo rge Holland III (Suz) who seemed to have th e narrow sta rt ing gate wired to iperfection , leaving the rest of th e p'i:ck to do ba ttl e a nd battle th ey did . It was Jeff St anford (Yam) and J ohn W he lche l (Su z) go ing 'a t it . hot and h1,r y for t he second a nd th ird pla ce sp,o ts and a littl e furth er back in the fift\; an d sixth pl ace positions, it was ,ric Collins (Yam) a nd Steve Schmitz ( uz . Tire to tir e into every sa ndy turn t pey went fo r fi ve gr ue li ng laps. lJin s nev e r ga ve an in ch an d "l ~ n a ged to .ho ld Schm itz off right down to th e wir e . r As the seco nd moto got u nderw ay, Schmitz saw to it that he got his act together as he was second off th e line beh ind H olland. Schm it z wa s determined to give Holla nd a run for his m on ey th is time. Holland held Schmitz off for the first coup le of laps but the n Schm itz started breathing right d own th e neck of Holland . As they started a see -saw race for first and second , it was anyon e's race and as the c hecke re d fl a g ca me o u t it wa s Schm itz in th e first place spot over Holland , but a score of 6·\ was only good enough for third pla ce honors behind Welchel as Holland finished with a score of 1-2 for first ove ra ll. • lIlal9~lm ALL NYLON NYLON & LEATHER $69.95 $94.95 o-aaee '78 KTM MC-5 AIR BOX M iX Trj!!e! Yamaha IT 175/ 250/ 400 \0" '77& '78 Yamaha YZ \25 '77 & ·78 10" II " Yamaha YZ250/ 400'77 Yamaha YZ250/400 '77 \0" Yamaha YZ250/400 '78 12" YamahaYZ80 ·78 7.5.. Suzuki RM 80 ·78 7.5.. Suzuki RM 125 '77 &·78 10" Suzuki RM 250/400 '78 . . . . . . . .. 10" .Jetterson. 250 OPEN: 1. Gary Neal: 2. A nd rew J efferson (Sull : 3. Steve De Goes. USED BY . . . ' M ik e Guerr a. fact ory KTM rider ' A II K TM riders in the 7 81S0T. in cluding th e Trop h y Team and top America n rider. Fran k Gallo ' Top KTM enduro ride rs. such as Jack Pent on. Jeff Fredette an d man y more. Kits also available for other bikes Write for free literature Out of state call toll free 800-854 -469\ 90 day money back gua rantee Dea ler or Direct oesee Warne ISU-l); 3. J eff Nuss ISul l. s FilTER New Kits for '78 with Adjustable Travel oesee 12Scc STOCK INT: 1. Glenn Coe. 2. Nick Young (Yam); 3. Robb ie Nolin (Yam). 125cc MOD INT: 1. Curtis R~.... gh (S UI) ; 2 . David Barberio (Suz); 3. Gary Neal. 125cc MOD EX: 1. Kevin Steele; 2. An d rew " ALL COLORS & SIZES AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL DEALERS Results PEE WEE ST OCK: 1. Bobby Dlugos IS uzl; 2 . King Richard Saxto n ISuz); 3. Kellin Sanford (Suzl . JR. CYCLE STOCK NOV 9·1 1: 1. Mouse McCoy lltal: 2. Buddy Dumolltal: 3 . M ichael Knapp (ltal, • JR CYCLE STOCK 6-8: 1. Shawn W ooten ISuz); 2. RickV Dum o Uta}; 3. Nicky Pounds ISuzl . JR CYCLE MO D NOV 9-11: 1. M ouse M cCoy lltal; 2 . Buddy Duma IIta); 3. Johnnie Rodriguez (lal . JR CYCLE MOD 6-8: r . Shawn Wooten ISu zl: 2. Carl . TIgnino (ttal ;'3 . Alfred Belm ont es Uta). J R CYCLE STOCK INT 9-11: 1. Paul Den is ll ta}; 2. Kurt Hendricksen (Ita); 3. Pat Galan . JR CYCLE MOD INT 9-11: 1. Paul Den is ll ta}; 2. Kurt Hendricksen IIta); 3. M ike Healey ($ uzl. 0-83cc STOCK NOV 9-11: 1. Scott Johl15OO (Suzl; 2. Charlie Taylor ISOl ); 3. Thor Bjornestad ISuz}. MOD NOV 9-,, : 1. Scott Johnson ISuz}; 2. Thor Bjor nestad ISuzl ; 3. Mike Brown ISuz). 0-ll3cc STOCK INT 9-11: 1. Paul Denis (Yaml; 2. Kurt Hendr icksen (Yam); 3. M ike Healey ISuzl. 0-ll3cc MOD INT 9-11: 1. Paul Den is (Yaml ; 2 . M ike Healey ISOlI; 3. Brandon Schneider ISuz). 0-ll3cc STOC K NOV 12-15: 1. Steve And>-e IHCSI; 2. Tracy Meeks IHCS): 3. Kevin Gensler ISuzl. MOD NOV 12·15 : 1. Tracy Meeks IHCSI; 2. Si v ck ov IHCS); 3. Kevin Gensler ISOl}. 0-ll3cc STOC K INT 12·15: 1. Randy Yetto (Yam); 2. Bruce Bunch (Yam); 3. Ken Dunlap (Suz). 0-ll3cc MOD INT 12-15: 1. Randy Yetto (Yaml : 2. Ron Eversol e ISuzl : 3. John Hemme ISuzl. o-asee STOCK EX: 1. Georg e Hol land ISuzl ; 2. John W elchel (Suzl; 3 . St eve SChmitz (Suz ). MO D EX: 1. Erik Kehoe (Yaml; 2 . Georg e Holland ISOlI ; 3. Ted Brady IYaml. OPEN 105 : 1. Bryon Antonacci (Yaml; 2. George Holland ISuzl: 3. Erik Kehoe IYam ). l00cc STOCK NOV: 1. Mi ke Feeley; 2. Mark Loberg (Yaml ; 3. Chip VogeIIYam ). l00cc MOD NOV: 1. Mike Paulino (Suz); 2. Ken CampbeIl IHCS}; 3. Pat Shields. 100cc STOCK INT: 1. Robb ie Nolin IYaml: 2. Randy Morales; 3. Mike Bennett. 100cc MOD INT: 1. Mike Cady IYaml : 2 . Curtis Rough ISuz); 3. Randy Mor ales (Yaml. 1GOcc M OD EX: r . Jim Coffey IYam l: 2. Tibbs M cCull ough (Yam); 3. Tim Hines (Yam). .. 125cc STOC K NOV : 1. Mark Chick asau ISuz l: 2. Scott Brown (Suz); 3. Mark Howell ISuzl. 125cc MOD NOV: 1. Scan Brown (SUI) ; 2. Ken Slll!th P R O D U CTS Your KTM in vest ment is a b ig one . Why not prote ct it by insuring im p roved performance. protect ion and ea se of serv icing. Easy to in stall and comes complete with filter. Replacing filter is a snap and can be done in less than a m in u te. See yo u r Hi -Po int deal e r today and ride secure. HI -POINT ~AC ING PRODUCTS 3709 W En" A ve , Lorain. OH P O 8 0 11. 232 7. Am lmllo. TX 960 4 Dares Dr . SacrBmt!nro. CA ~~ ~~ 0 RACING MOTORCYCLES CURNUTT SHOCKS Cooper Parts US A DIST RIBUTO R Dealer InquiryInvited 20872 CurrierRoad (714)598-1985 Walnut, CA 91789 (714}595-9100 . 75992 Base li ne Twentynine Palms. CA 92277 n4/367-9179 23