Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.. f:1IJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ DAIDO®/D.I.D® ~ B••• the Chain Of Champions... , 8 has a free decal for 'y ou I , 8 ·8 I I 8 8 I I 8 8 8 Robbie Brand grabs the mota one holeshot ahead of Scott Quick 1351 and winner Steve Bauer (7H) in DeAnza's 250cc Pro class . five p laces. Chaffee went to second and pushed Steele until he .grab bed the lead. Hadley was movmg very ra pidly through traffic and soon had command of second. Steele finished the race in third with Jewell and Tim Marsh (Mai) coming across the finish line for the next places. Results MINI JR: 1. Jake Rozell ISuzl; 2. Hank Erler ISuzl. 100 JR: 1. Charlie Walker (Yam); 2. Richard Rose; 3, Debbie Brown ISuzl. 100 INT: 1. Scon Burnworth (R-l»): 2. Bobby Sullivan IR-o): 3. Uoyd Thomas (Yam). 125 PRO: 1. Tom Tolar IX-UplSuzl: 2. Mike Tripes lESC Suzl: 3. Rick Johnson lYam). 125 INT: 1. Scon Burnworth IR&D~ 2. Bobby Sullivan (R&D); 3. Man Hope ISuzl. 125 JR I ; I . David McGhee (Yaml: 2. Doan Hohmeyer (O.P.I; 3. Bob Caulfield (Yaml. ' 125 JR 2: 1. Leland Bacon ISuzl; 2. Jesse Harmon lESClSuzl;3. rnn Crowder ISuzl. 250 PRO: 1. Tim Tolar IC-Up Suzl; 2. Tom lunde IMM/MaIl; 3. Arden Hadley IW .S. Mall. 250 INT: 1. Scon Walker (Suzl; 2. Bruce Ashmore lYam); 3. Dan Worley (Honl. r- 250 JR: 1. Mark Nelherland (Mall; 2. Robert Smith 1 IM.. · 3. Kurt Ellen (MM/Mail, sOO PRO: 1. Arden Hadley IWSlMail; 2. Dan Steele er.S./Y8m); 3. Bill JewelIIMMIMail. 500 INT: 1. Mike Niccum IMai); 2. Tom Bell lHusl: 3. 'Paul Turner ISuz). 500 JR: 1. Jeff Pow ell lMail; 2. Andrew Teclaw IMall; 1 Tim Henderson (Yaml. 3. 'Bauer, Burtt blast ' DeAnza MX .By Ron Lawson SUNNYMEAD , CA, JULY 9 Terry Knight . Paul Wilde and Scott Qu ick were awarded high point trophies for being the most successful riders over the last three months at DeAnza Cycle Pa rk . Ed Michetti presented the trophies at the riders' meeting Sunday and after that it was race time. The 250cc Pro class held one of the closest duels ever seen at DcA nza 'bet wee n DG 's Steve Bauer (H on ) and FMC's Robbie Brand (Ya m) . Brand grabbed the early lead in mota one with Scott Quick (Suz) and Bauer right behind. On the second lap . Bauer passed Quick and then had first place dropped into his lap when Brand fell . Bra nd was quick enough about getting remouted and was now right behind Danny J ea n (Suz) . who was in second . On the fourth lap . Brand got around Jean. but he was still too far behind Bauer to be a real threa t. In the meantime. Quick had dropped ou t of the race. moving Phillip Thorstenson (Hon ) into fourth ahead of Danny Dilkey (Suz) . The halfway point in the race saw Brand closing in on Bauer. but all of his work went down the 'd ra in when he ran off the track , allowing Bauer to disappear in the distance and Jean to move into second. Once again Bra nd got on the gas and passed Jean and closed in on Bauer. He just couldn't get the act straight , however, and in the last laps he went down a third time and Jean crusied by into second. The 'ord er in the first moto was Bauer. Jean. Brand, Thortenson and Dilkey. The real action started in the second moto. Bauer shot into the lead . but Brand passed him on the second lap . Bauer wasn't abou t 10 let him stav in front so he repassed the Yamaha pilot on the next lap. The two riders were all over the track trying to stay ahead of one another and most of the time it was unsure just who did have the lead . On the sixt h lap . Brand put the move on Bauer once more, but Bauer squeezed underneath Brand aft er a short while. They went back and forth like that for most of the race . but Bauer always seemed to come out on top. In the very last laps. Bran d seemed to slack off a. little. perhaps realizing that the best he cou ld do was seco nd overa ll no matte r what he did in this moto . T he finis hi ng order was Bauer, Bra nd , Thorstenson, Dilkey and Jea n . The 125cc Pros had another close one. Danny Bu rtt (Suz) usually campaigns a 250cc but he decided to give small bores a try this week . Ea!ly in moto one , he was locked in batt le with Tad Ba ld win whil e Robert Gray (Yam ) and Craig Gormley (Yam) were dicing for the lead . Gormley dropped out of the race with a flat tire on the fifth lap . giving Gray a big lead . Baldwin held off Burtt until the last two laps. then he gave in to the pressure. The order as they crossed the finish line was Gray. Bu rtt . Ba ldwin , Dave Rose (Su z) and Tracy Travis (Ya m). At th e start of the next moro . Baldwin and Gr~y fell in th e first tu rn. taking them both out for th e day. Gormley was in the lead , ahead of Rose and Burtt . On lap three . Burtt passed Rose and began closing on Gormley. Ab out at the halfwav po int . Burtt's advance stopped and he began 'to slow down . He knew that he was sitting on first overa ll so he was happy to stay where he was . The overall resu lts had Burtt on top followed by Gormley. Rose and Baldwin . Results MIN I BEG: 1. Larry Lawr ence (Yam): 2. Roman Pieescn: 2. Terry Knigh t (Ya ml. MINI NOV: 1. Dave Fre... (Sul l; 2. Go,y Carney' (Yam); 3. Oon Sigrist (Yam). 100 BEG: 1. Chad Werner (Yam); 2. David Paluzzi ISuzl. I '8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I Q D A 8 8 8 I I 8 8 B I 8 I I I 8 I ~ A~ REMEMBER : DAIDO/D .I.D motorcycle cha in is used by more top racing competitors than any other chain. It's been chosen as standard equipment, too . by mos t top quality motorcycle manufactu rers. They all need the best they can buy. And they get it. from the largest manu factu rer of motorcycle chain in the world: Daido/D .I.DI For you r handsome. durable Daido / D.I.D dec al. send a stamped settaddressed envelope to our Headquarters Office 8~ Co ~.,~ ._ '" @ today. DAIDD CORPORATION Be au re lo _ lincolnwood. Il • So. San Francisco. CA Headquerters: Dept. 313 -1 .. ou r Dalclo/ D.I .D.V1In al many of the nlllional ra c.s. , ~ 1)~;;;o~ scaOOY~;;~;;oO'c,ofT SPECTRO OILS of CALIFORNIA 477 Industrial Way P.O. Box 1154 Placentia, CA 92670 714/996-6411 The Wetblce watercyde I. here. It'. a whole new wave In water aport. . Wetblke combines the handline, the thrill. and the challenee of motorcycllnc. It'. a totally unique new water vehicle. Come see It In person. Come see It In adlon. 328 EI Camino Real Encinitas, CA ROAD RACERS - CAFE RACERS A A A Cycle Ce nt er 1300 E. Edi nger Santa Ana , CA 927 05 (7 14) B3 5 -78 21 -'" " Ii RD350/400, Honda , Kaw. Suz & others Road Race / Cale faIrings, sea ts. tanks . jnpe s . t ires . RR coo ts & gloves . Spec-at too ls & hardware , raCIng br a ke s a, d , n t' : ma ny oth er har d to hnd Ite ms J; . , . » . ~t~::~ RACERS SuPPLY. 6959VanNuvsBNd. VAN NUYS. CA 914052131781.aJ85 31

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