Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•.•.•._.•._._._._._._._._._._._._--._._._._._._._._._.-.- BUY THE BEST Western hotline EUROPEAN ENDURO ••• The SACHS 7-spl'ed (SDT Enduro is a q ualit y mach ine . . . bu t al Ja panese "trail hike" prices. Fuur d isp lace me nt classes GS 1:1.5. GS 175. GS '250. GS350 .. . All featur e SACHS depeudabi lity and Corman r ra fisma nsh ip. See vour d eal e r . . . N OW! EASTERN DEAlER SERVICE & PARTS CE ~ TEA 909 CrOCker Rd.• Dept. F·14 . wesnexe. OH 441 45 (216187 1-48 90 WESTERN DEA L ER SERVICE & PARTS CEN TER 6401 Reglo Aye.• Dept F· 14. Buena Park. CA 9062 0 (7 14152 3, 34 80 f I I I' Greg Robertson won two at CRC. TERRlrCABLE The Teflon Super Smooth Cable *Complete line for racing bikes *Requires no oiling * Sm oot hest pulling cable * Flexi ble throttle w ire gives long lif e *Heavy duty housing. res ists stretch and abuse Write for Free literature Terrycable PO Box 1321, Hesperia , CA 92345 (714)247-2646 Out of state call toll free (800)854-4691 -leJHusqvarna Sales. Service, Parts We have one of the most com ple te line s of Hus ky parts and accessories in t he country T&OYamaha 24020 Narbonne Ave . !Torrance/Redondo area) Lo mita, CA 90717 213-534-2311 Motorcycle Tires Huge Selection Discount Prices Motorcycle Trailers 2 to 5 rail Now in stock • /e nil WOlrs ItIC. aNU a. w.nn. lI• . LIlli"• . 539-4150 Robertson went by Bang in the sweeper for the lea d . and a lap later Rawson did the same. Robert son never let up . and ' went on 10 tak e t he win and overa ll wit h Ra wson second and Bang th ir d . Right beh ind th e big bikes were th e I 25ce·s. headed by Bob Ra m sey. In th e firs t rnot o , J im Crowd er too k the lead with Mike Brown rig ht on his Suzuki's fender. Ramsey ra n a close th ird , but on 'the fifth lap . Brown dropped to fourth behind Ramsey a nd ' Su e Fish after a fall. Fish held off Brown for three laps , but Mike was too mu ch for her to handle . Position s no w hel d 10 the flag. In the second moto , Ramsey grabbed th e holeshot with Brow n and Crowder behind. T he fro nt d uo pulled aw ay from Crowder. and set up a battle t ha t ended with Ramsey taking th e win and overall vic tory . Brown held second . with Crowder third. but over all positions were revers ed. Robertson came out to str ike again in the 250cc Pro cla ss. This tim e he had Mike Brown 10 cont end with . a nd in the first moto , Brown grabbed the holeshot with Steve Bau er , back a fter a colla rbone break at Mammoth . second , Andy Jann ings third and Robertson fourth . On th e second lap , Robertso n d id it again in th e sweeper as he moved from fourth to second in that one comer. And at th e halfway mark . Robertson overtook Brown there for th e lead. Behind these two. Bauer was running third before getting off and giving the show spot to Dean Perry. These positions held to th e flag . with Robertson easily winning. In the second moto , Andy Jannings grabbed the holeshot and led for th e first three la ps before Robertson caught him and went by in the sweeper. Mike Brown was running a strong third and on the seventh lap set Ja nnings back to third . That was th e last Andy saw of the leaders as he dropped way back to sixth the next time around . Robertson spent the remainder of the mot a pulling a way fro m Brow n. a nd too k his fourt h st raight moto and second overall victo ry of the night. Bro wn broug ht in second a nd Mike Shoemaker crept up both motos to take third overall. Results 125 PRO: 1. Bob Ramsey IS uzl; 2. J im Crowd er 1 uz); 3. M ike Brown ISuz), 5 250cc PRO: t . Greg Robert son (e ·A); 2. M ike Brown (Sul); 3. Bo b Ban g (Yaml . OPEN PRO: 1. Greg Robertson IC·AI; 2. S teve Rawson (M ai) 3. Bob Bang (Yam l. 30 MINI BEG: 1. Ted Stuebher IYaml ; 2. Blake Vitali (Yam): 3.Todd Parket (Sull. CMC Carlsbad 500cc Pro runner-up Dan Steele (17) moves through-traffic. MIN I NOV: 1. And y Nelinger (S ul l; 2. Dave Lamb IYaml. MINI INT; 1. Eddie Green ISuzl; 2. Dou g Gentry (Suz). tOO BEG: 1. Buddy Foster ISUl); 2. J eff Lekich (Yam ); 3. Russ Gibb s IS ul l. 100 NOV: 1. Tony Barbacc vr 'Yam); Green berg ISUll . ~. Jack 100 INT: 1. Robb ie Brown tSuz). 100 PRO; 1. John Wh elche' (Suzi: 2. W illy Wr ight IYaml OPEI\I INT: 1. Mah Johnson IMail; 2. Joe Blanchard IMa"; 3. Bob Arellano IMon l 2 50 INT: 1. Joh n Drury (Ya m l; 2. Richard Arnol d IHoo); 3. Jerry Freckleton IKaw l. CRC VETS JR: 1. Dea n Sander . IHon); 2. AI Den mer iMai). CRC VETS INT: 1 Roben C' o51 IBuli. a CRC VETS S A. 1.. John- W ilso n IYaml; 2 . Bill Burkhart (Yam ); 3. Bruce Hoo ver (Ma il. OPEN NOV: 1. Tracy Lewis (Yam ); 2. M ark J ohn son {Suzl; 3 . David S pr int IHus), OPEN BEG: 1. Ray G;bb . IYaml 2. Denn y Camp bell IYaml. 250 NOV: 1. B,II Harry IYaml; 2. Randy L4ng ley IYaml; 3. Don Gossen IC·AI 250 BEG: 1. Ed Abella tHon); 2 . Don Ang el lS uzl; 3. Ooug Nelinger (Hon) 125 INT: 1. Brad W illiams (SUl ); 2. Rtck Simmon s IKawl; 3. Nick Athans ISuzl, 125 NOV: 1. Randy Pretzer ISuz); 2. M ike Furlong (Yam); 3. Steve Sho ver ISuzl. 125 BEG: 1. Jeff M cM illan ISuzl: 2. Dan Cheme r (Yam): 3. Dan Varner ISuzl . Tolar doubles at CMC Carlsbad MX By Patti Firth-Trotter CA RLSBAD , CA ,J ULY9 Nightingale "Works" Manufac turing Dave Miller di d his usua l thing and smoked off the gate to signal the beginning of the 125cc Pro moto . Right on Mille r's tail was Escondido Suzuk i-sponsored Mik e " Litt le" Tripes. The next time around Tripes was the leader with Miller holding off the third place rider Cross Up Suzuki mounted T im Tolar. By the end of the fourth lap Miller seemed to be experiencing som e sort of mechanical problems and Tolar was wasting no time in going for Miller's position. Lap seven is when T olar not only made his move on second he took over as the mota leader . Tripes and Miller were busy dicing with Dave's bike finally giving out. Rick Johnson (Su z) riding his usual steady style easily moved to third with Don Fuller (Suz) finishing the race ahead of Joaqu in Pica zo (Ya m) . Tripes holeshot the second m ota and led until Tolar 'p assed to become the leader and th e ove ra ll win ner . Johnson positioned himself in third until Huff Hadley moved up in the pack and bumped him back. R ick got it again the next time around , this time from Chris Harrold (Suz ). On th e last lap Tolar was gett ing some real p~essure fro m Tripes but Tolar got th e wm . Scott Montgomery , aboard a week old Top Shelf of La Mesa -sponsored Honda was the first rider to round the Suzuki Tower to take an early lead in the first 250c c Pro moto , Moro -Meister Ma ico ride r T im Lunde was second with Wheelsm ith Ma ico's Arden Had ley th ir d . Lunde took com ma n d of the lead on the third lap with H ad ley going to second. Montgomery , in his first race back after numerous inju ries in th e past year, had his hands full tryin g to hold off Cross-Upsponsored T im Tolar and DC 's Jim Domann . T olar moved to second behind Lunde on the seventh lap with H adley holding off the adva nces of Domann . Alain Lelevier (Suz). not to be left in the m iddle of the pack at the start. gassed his machine off th e gate fo r the holeshot in the second moto but Tim Tolar had other ideas and by the time the rid ers had reached the third turn he had th e lead away from Alain .. Arden Had ley was the next rider. 10 b ump the original leader wit h Tim Lunde and Mike Sole (Suz) movi ng up shortly thereafter. O n the th ird lap as Tolar and Hadley were approaching the turn under the Suz uki bridge , Tolar went into the wall and Hadley became the leader. Lunde was still in third . Hadley held onto the lead for two more laps to find himself axed by Tolar on th e sixth. From here on in it was Tolar's race with Hadley and Lunde having to be content to garner the second and thi rd place points. Tolar, Lunde and Hadley took home the bucks. Ku d os -and thanks go to 250cc Intermediate rider Tom Pearl for stopping while going up the treacherous uphill to drag a badly injured rider off the track so he would not be hit by more bikes. It 's nice to see a rider care mo re for his fellow rider than he does points. Thanks Tom, from everyone. Chris Chaffee (Yam) led t he pack goi ng off the gate and int o tum one . Arden Hadley was ahead of MotoMeister Maico mo unted BillJewell. Top Shelfs Da n Steele (Ya m) and Da le McK inney (Yam) were the next riders. Hadley smoked the competition and ra n away a nd hid from the other riders. Cha ffee d ro pped out wit h a very fla t rea r tire . Jewell a nd Steele moved up to second and third by the last la p of the race fi nishing ahead of McKinney. Da n Steele sto le t he show with his holeshot of the second rno to. Hadley. Chaffee and McKinney were next. On the th ird lap Hadley had his wheel wash ou t and he fell in th e d ust , losing

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