Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r-------------------------------------- ... - -- - ~ - - ~ ~ i NORTHERN DATEUNE ~ t 00 J:"~ ~ sweeper. Alter retired with mechanical problems while Brown, Glynn Hewitt , and Mike Thompson cruised in behind the two leaders. Wincewicz, when asked if it was bumpy out there , simply replied ' "slippery" and proceeded to put a dent in the gastank with the trophy girl. "Little Ron" rocks Trailsmen poker run By Action Oz JORDAN CREEK, OR,JULY 2 When Wayne Everett and the Trailsmen put on a poker run, most try to ride the event whenever possible. It is always put on In the Novice Trophy Dash. Ron Yamamoto 1135) already has the lead. ' Yamamoto, Wincewicz crown Castle Rock By Lane Campbell CASTLE ROCK , WA ,JULY 7 No vice Pro Ron Yamamoto (Bul) and Junior John Wincewicz (Tri) both added a big one to their season's scores in winning heat , 36 • dash and main over thei r respe~tive classes at the Novice/Junior preliminary to the Castle Rock Camel Pro National Yr. Both had to beat back a Ca lifornia challenge as ":ell as their traditional local adversaries. Nine Novice qualifier dashes culled the lightweigh t starting field, while the . fastest Juniors shook themselves out in time trials. Yamamoto, from Spokane, won his qualifier and took his heat with Jeff McDaniel in pursuit. Wincewicz served notice with a top Junior time of 23 .72 , (the only Junior to crack the 24 ·second barrier); then won his heat going away while Rich Word aced out Matt James for second. Officiating was geared to keeping the program moving. When the second Novice heat tangled, leaving Kevin Murphy with a suspected broken arm , the third heat was brought up. When the third heat was red-flagged for Jimmy Roseth's crash in the dogleg, the second heat was ~rought bac~ for another try. This nme Tod Gieseck (Yam) and Rich Hayman were right on each other until Hayman's motor qu it on the last lap and Gieseck cruised home. When the third heat attempted a restart, somebody missed a shift halfway to tum one; you cou ld see one foot pump up and down frantically , then chaos as the rearmost third of the pack la nded in a heap. Bring on the fourth heat! Jeff Haney won that one for a front row shot at the main , using a handy holeshot and keeping the advantage. Back came the third heat . They redlighted once, then got away clean with Brett Barkus (Oss) and Ron Arlt in a close scramble for the lead. A lap or so of bump-shuffle: then Barkus powered up the front straight, ducked u nder going into turn one , and boogied away for a N ovi ce heat record, 2:06 .27 . After the Novice donnybrook, the Juniors on their 750ccs seem ed almost sedate by 'com pa rison . W incewicz , Oregonian Ken Celorie and Lew Alter all took no -nonsense wins . The fourth heat had roller prob lems, but finally got off with Don Gore (Tri) winning over Glynn Hew itt. . Yamamoto won the Novice Trophy Dash with a rolling holeshot; Wincewicz had his hands briefly full of Ken Celorie before winning his. It was bumpity-bump in the narr ow . hook with Celorie emerging to lead for two laps before going wide in the sweeper final tum and losing the plot. Semis were a combination of highspeed traffic jam and contact scrimmage as the last transfers went up for grabs . These seeded Steve Monger (Yam ) , Jeff Celorie , Don . Brown and Mike Thompson into the Junior main. Scott Carneau, Scott Smith, Johnny Hightower, and Rick Ferris made it into the Novice Final the hard way . After Novice Doug Howard and Junior Craig Lewis settled their respective trophy mains, it was time to go for the cash. The whole Novice front row redlighted at the beginning and got a finger waved at them . Californian Jeff Haney got there-start lead , only to loop out in the dogleg , leaving Yamamoto ill front . Ron began to clear away, wh ile Jeff McDaniel (Yam) began to march from mid-pack . Reeling in first R yan Siedel, then Todd Gieseck , McDaniel got second with a last-lap turn one pass . The Junior main had an all Triumph front row . It was Lew Alter into the lead off the light , but Wincewicz bumped by inside..the turn two hook and was in control the rest of the race. Ken Celorie pulled around outside for third , then ducked under Alter for the second he wou ld hold to the fin ish . Steve Monger , the Californian on the Yamaha , seemed to erupt from nowhere about mid-race and go berserk. While it lasted , he was hot , putting aside Alter after a brief scrap, getting flat wild in the dogleg, passing Don Brown (Tri) who had mo ved in to third earlier. Monger , unchained, lit out after Celo rie ; but it was not to be , as the Californian got spit off in the treacher ous slippygroove about midwa y through the with an eye cast towards the family a nd a slam of em phasis put on good family fu n . The July 2 run was no different. Jerry ' Duncan and Chris Thompson had the responsibility of laying out both the hard and easy cou rses. Part of the T rask two-da y was em ployed as were sections of th e O regon enduro. The we a t her was righ t in the middle, between su n and rain. Traction was as good as ever and the dust problem was non-existent. From th e stream crossing level 10 th e top of th e coa stal.mountain range, the views wer e their usual intoxica ting. When first heading out of base ca m p , you hit a newly bladed rich brown d irt fireroad which set the mood of the run . For the racers it could be fast . For the scenic lookers, there was plenty to see. Pretty close to ~ hundred riders turned out to sample the terranial wizardry of the aforementioned "layer outers." Little Ron Everett (Hon) ran the course like a full blown big guy, his age only 12 years, if that, and he . pulled a straight! The trophy was almost as tall as he was . Boyd Wilson (KTM) took home the second place hand and trophy plus a big happy grin. But he'd do that even if he didn't win anything. Darryn Melby (Suz) ran the 47 m iles of hard course and took third, where one of the riders actually saw a bear. Good thing he was loaded with gas and especially so since it was all in his tank! The course continued through the trees on down to a single trail with plenty of uphills and switchback downhills. It was OK as long as you took it easy on the front brake. Many riders knew they were in for it after surviving the downhill just before the first checkpoint. One luckless rider had the misfortune of somersaulting to the check just prior to his machine, doing the same thing. The course was well marked , and the three high-danger areas were well marked before you came upon them. The shutoff point was at 2:30 pm and the sweep crew had the markers down and no riders were left on the course. Trophy presentation was clean and tidy and Wayne Everett was in his usual friendly , efficient control. A lot of riders with cold beer in hand watched intently to see if they would be bumped off the winner's board or not. Twenty were not and the rest . enjoyed the ride. Results 1. Ron Everett lHonl; 2. Boyd Wilson IKTMI: 3. Darryn Melby lSuzl; 4. Mike Glenn (Suzl; 5. Dr. Hervey Rosencrantt (Bull; 6. Corrie Schucker IHonl; 7. Thelma Bennett IVam); B. Bill Vandehey (Hon); 9. David Bronson IC-A); 10. Simon Boas ISuzl; 11. Action Oz IHod); 12. Dan Thoma. (Varni; 13. Gerald Bennen (Vam); 14. Ken Harm.fHon); 15. Craig Calder; 16. Mark Dunton ISuz); 17. Dav e Edwards (Yam); 18. Ken Fretz fHonl; 19. Harold Gabriel ISuzl; 20. Lowell Loughry (VarnI. Vanderpool inherits Austin GPvictory By Sharon Hausmann AUSTIN, NV ,JULY 4 Charlie Marshall led Austin's 1 Fourth ofJuly Grand Prix overall until he disassembled the rear wheel on his brand new Husky. Bobby Del Carlo, past winner of Virginia ' City, then led until he repeated Charlie's mishap. The lead S was next taken by Gary Vanderpool , who finished first overall and first Open Expert. Mark Jones took second overall, riding as a 250cc Expert in this combined class. In the 125cc Novice class, lucky ' Goober Del Carlo, who would have been rid ing '!S a Junior if his new card had come through, took first . Austin ' Duncan gave Goober a real run for his money to take second. Third place went to Robert Dory , rid ing his first desert ra ce. In the Veteran Novice class, Jerry Ketchem took first with Ray Marshall not far behind. Mike McNeff took third afte r blowing second gear on the starting line . Jon Dupratt , the unofficial winner in .his class at Virgini a City , took fourth . Larry Mulock, past District-37 number one Desert rider and speedway rider, rode his first ride in over fou r yea rs and took first Veteran' d Expert, 11th overall. The last two laps were on a flat tire. I?arrell Brown, Open Expert , was trymg for a repeat of his VC overall win , but lost a gearbox while running third overall. First went to Gary Vanderpool and second to MarkJones. Bill Onga, an Old Timer Expert, 1 consented to ride in this class and took third. This was tfie second Annual Fourth 0 of July celebra tion which the friendly ~ people of Austin , Nevada , have 2 commemorated with a motorcycle" event. The first celebration ran a Hare Scrambles, and 1978 was the first to be officially sanctioned by District-36 as a ' Grand Prix. Many thanks go to the "Fourth of July Project" leaders Joe Dory , Marva Day and Jerry Munk, and the many hospitable people of Austin who welcomed the event. The weather was perfect for the race, seven 22-mile laps, with 17 riders completing all seven laps . There were. ~ 98 entries and 64 finishers . The course itself was well laid out and marked . It ran through fire roads, tight trails, virgin sagebrush four and • one-half feet high , lots of sand and enough rocks to keep it interesting and fun , All finishers were given aT-shirt with the Austin emblem on it and a finisher's pin. Trophies were given out that night at a dance given at the Austin Fire Department, and a parade and foot races were held for everyone the next day. Results 125 NOV: 1. Wm . " Goober" ~ Carlo; 2. Austin ;::t Duncan; 3. Robert Dory; 4. EugenePonsock. 250 NOV: 1. Bill Do,,; 2. Paul Base; 3. Bill Sherman; 4. Bob Edwards, OPEN NOV: 1. William Bryan; 2. Doug Gronan; 3. Dennis Hausmann; 4. Steve Mikkelson. VET NOV: 1. Jerry Ketchem; 2. Ray Marshall: 3. Mike McNeff; 4. Jon Dupran. VET EX: Larry Mulock. OLD TIMER NOV: 1. Norman Granan; 2. Roger Sangez; 3. John Gillispie; 4. Kennt h Brown. JR COMB: 1. David Lee; 2. Marvin Helzer; 3. Randy Johnson; 4. Gary Evans. OPEN EX COMB: 1. Gary Vanderpool; 2. Mark Jones; 3. Bill Onga; 4. Ross Akin. POWDER PUFF: 1. Carol Smith ; 2. Sharon Thompson.

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