Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 08 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._._._._._._._._._._-_._._._._._._.- . . Double wins were garnered by Roger Thompson in th e Mini d ivision and Mike Roa ch in the 250cc Novice. Mike a lso earned his gradua tion pa per to the Am at eu r div ision. Results MINI ST: 1. Rag'" Thompson (Yaml; 2. Jimmy Snow (Suzl. 125 NOV ST : 1. Jody Sm ith (Kaw); 2. J im Selvidge (Han); 3. Archie P",ez (Vam ). . 125 AMIEX ST : 1. Jim Rosa (Yam) ; 2. Oon M ilan ISuz). 2 50 NOVIAM ST: 1. M ik e Roach (Hen); 2. Ken Corpe (KBw) ; 3. K"" y Picken (Vaml. OPEN EX ST : 1. Oave Pet ers fTri); 2. J "" y Greer (Vam). MONEY ST: 1. Oon Grig sb y (Varni ; 2. M ike M in nig (Varni; 3. Ross Klan (Vam). MINI HM : 1. Rog ef Thompson (Varni; 2. Jimmy Snow (Yam). 125 NOV HM: 1. Dean Stockwell (Yam); 2. J im Selvidge (Hanl; 3. Bobby OeIozi", (Vaml . 125 AMIEX: 1. Don M ilan (Su zl; 2. J im Rosa (Varni . 250 NOV HM: 1. Mike Rooch (Hon l; 2. Kerry Picken (Vaml . .. 250 AM/EX HM: 1. Dyla n Neihart (Vam ); 2. Ken Corpe (Kaw); 3. Mike Redd ing (VarnI. n OPEN AMIEX HM: 1. Dave Peter s (T,il; 2. Bill Cain ITrij; 3. Bobby GarabedaanlYaml. qJi 250 MONEV HM: 1. Dylan Neihart (Vam l; 2. Todd Brown (Yam) 3. Bobby Garabedian IYaml. ; OPEN MONEV HM: 1. Mi ke Minnig (Vam); 2. Edd ie San Roman (Yaml: 3. Scott Shoup (V arnI . Gray, Bauer CoronaMX • ;,w,nners By Elaine Jone s CORONA . CA . jULY 7 It was a night for surprises and comebacks at Corona Ra ceway Friday as along with th e alwa ys good turnout of Sportsmen there was a strong cont ingent of Pros. T he I 25cc Pr os were the firs t to go and off th e line went Cross Up / Spectre rider Marty Miller with Robert Gray. riding for Dusty's, in hot pu rsuit. W ild m an Terry Sh ekell was in third wit h Dave Rose a nd his Denn is H artvi ckson -runed Suzu ki in fourth . Everyone see med to be ge tt ing things sorted ou t a nd pl ann ing attacks until th e third lap when Shekell , wh o had gone to second. went out a nd everyo ne l Jlloved up a ~otch . T ha t was to be th e only cha nge . In th e order of things as ~1i ll e r went on for th e win with G ray s~con d and Rose third . The second moto saw Gray ge t th e holeshot with Rose seco nd. Alan Chiurninatta third a nd Miller fou rth . The wh ite fla g was ou t before anyon e was able to cha nge the order of things and it was Miller who took adv antage of Chiuminatta's misfortune to go to third . T im e ra n ou t and Gra y was home first to claim th e overall by one point over Miller. Rose was second to fini sh but th ird overall . on e point back of Miller . Steve Bauer, back a fter recovery from a broken collar bone, looked anything but out of shape as he jumped out in th e lead the first 250cc Pro moto . joe Plante was second with Rick Cav ish third. Bill Sabo and Ammex-rnounted Gary jones were ' fourth and fifth . Plante ran into trouble on the first -lap and it dropped him to fourth while jones went the other direction and moved to third. By -r the third lap jones had disposed of Cavish and had his sights set on Bauer. Bauer wasn't ready to play that game and continued on his way to ta ke the 'checkered flag . jones was second and Plante came back to pick up third . jones was ready when they came I to the line for the second moto, At the drop of t he gate' he was gone with Bauer on his tail and John Gr eenway in third . Bauer stuck to j ones like a tax collec tor until the fina l lap . when he di aled it on and took over the lead a nd brought it on home for t ~': ~!n a n~ .t he over a ll. Greenway was third and tied Plant e for th ird overall with Greenway p ulli ng it out wit h his h igher place finish . Results MINI BEG: 1. Jeff Schaeffer (502); 2. Mik e Finder s lSuzl; 3 . Steve A nd re (R& RI. MINI BEG DIV II: r. Steve Redding lHont; 2. Nate Rauba (Yaml; 3. Kyl e Greenwood !Yam!. mini nov: 1. Dave Fear (Suz); 2. Troy Denham (HCS); 3. Darr ell Evans (Suz). 100 BEG: 1. K""y Dave (SuzJ; 2. Luther Winn (Vam)' 3. Rick Christ enson ISuz). • 100 NOV: 1. Chip Vog el (Vam) ; 2. Allen Lucas (Vaml; 3. Ryan fi de (Honl. . 125 BEG DIV I: 1. Doug Hovis (Yaml; 2. Ronnie Punher ISuz); 3 . Mike Knu even (Suz). 125 BEG ON II r. George Bramer (Vaml; 2. Dann y : Shing ilt (Varni; 3. Fred Combs (Hon l. 125 BEG OIV III: 1. Bill Con on ; 2. Tom Estep (Ho n); 3. Pat W ebe<. 125 NOV DIV I: 1. M ark Stubbs (Varni; 2. Rick Rod g",. (Vam); 3. J eff Collin (SuzJ. 125 NOV DIV II: t . Jeff Cantwell ISuzl ; 2. J im Thompson; 3. Rick Vanderha m (Yam). 125 INT: 1. Dale Himmelreid (Yam); 2. Greg Apolst olou (Suz); 3. Scott Manning (Suzi. 125 PRO: 1. Rob ert Gray (Yam l; 2. Marty Mi ll", ISuzl; _ 3. Dav e Rose (Suz). 250 BEG DIV I: 1. Richard Dick {Suzl; 2 . Lou Vogel; 3. Dou g Phelan tveml, 250 BEG DIV II: 1. Dale Fernandez; 2. Bill W ood (Husl; 3. Lou ie Delatorre (Yaml. 250 NOV DIV I: 1. Bo b Try on (Vam) ; 2. Bill Hair; (Yaml ; Darryl Bowles ISu z). 250 NOV DIV II: 1. Nick Pelt z", (Vam l; 2. Craig • Cortner 'S uzl; 3. Eric M cCr aken . 250 INT: 1. M ark Denni ng ; 2. Pryor Cam pbell (Su zl; 3. Bruce Ash mo re (Yam), 250 PRO: 1. St eve Bauer (Hon) ; 2. Gary Jones IAmmexl; 3. J ohn Greenw ay lHon). OPEN BEG: 1. Jerry Ebling (Kaw) ; 2. Jeff Francis (Husl; 3. Joe Lemke (Mai). OPEN NOV: t . Richard Callahan (Yaml; 2. Mi ke Hair (Yam ); 3. Marcy Jo hnso n (Suz). OPEN INT: 1. Scon McCarty; 2. Frank Cody. OPEN PRO: 1. Lou F",nandez IOustys); 2. Danny Bum tSu zJ . Robertson roosts CRCTuesday nightMX Suzuki is sponsoring Captain America - and you too, if you ride a Suzuki- in a cross-coun try charity ride to the CRC Cyclejam Road Race Nationals in Pocono, Pennsylvania. It's for fun, and to fight Multiple·Sclerosis. The good captain will be riding his Vesco-prepared GS -550E from Long Beach, California , to Pocono. And you're invited to join him at the Suzuki infield hospitality area on Sunday, August 13, the day of the race. Refreshments and free gifts will be waiting, and your chance to ride a pa rade lap. You can start from any of these checkpoint cities: Long Beach, CA; Las Vegas, NV: Denver, CO; Kansas City,MO: St. Louis, MO; Indianapolis, IN; Columbus, OH; or Pittsburgh. PA. Any licensed motorcyclistcan enter but if you're a Suzuki rider, Suzuki will make a contribution to the National Multiple Sclerosis Soci ety in your na me. Let's do it. See your Suzuki dealer in any checkpoint city area for details and registration. By Brian George VALENCI A, CA ,jULY 11 For most people, Tuesday night is nothing more th an the da y after Monday or the night before Wedn esday. But for th e moto crosser. it b rings a bo ut a new tim e to get the b ike and bo d out of the hou se one more tim e a week and head u p to Indian Dunes for Cali fornia Ra cin g C lu b's T uesday ni ght motocross. Compet itio n tak es place on the International track . If you don 't believe a Tuesd ay night would bring ou t some local hea vies. rid ers like Steve Bauer , SUI; Fish , Mike Br own , An dy j a n nings . Larry Wa tkins a nd Gr eg Rob ertson wer e on hand . And if th eir co m pe titive ness is in questi on , ta ke a look at Kolbe CanAm pilot Gr eg Robertson. who roosted both th e 250cc and Open Pro classes for four rnoto wins , and m ost of the work accomplished in just one turn . The big right-hand sweeper is definitely his turn. When th e first Open moto shot through th e first turn, Robertson was already in command, with Ma ico riders La rry Watkins and Steve Rawson on his tail. For the first half of the moto, the trio stayed tight , but after the mid -point, Rawson dropped considerably off the pace. This left Watkins trailing, orily by a few yards. As th e white flag came out , Watkins looked ready to make a move , then as he crested the drop after the swee pe r, he painfully pulled off the track . He had caught his foot in a ru t and ripped the ligaments in his knee. Ro bertson won easily with Ra wson pi cking up seco nd . With W atkins not co m peting th e second moto. · Rawson was th e only rid er attempting to overtake ' Robertson. Last week 's overall grabbed th e winner Bob Bang hol eshot , but Rob ertson and Rawson were right behind. On the second lap , SUZUKI ® DEA LER INQUIR IES INVITED I '" ~ . A IRCONE ~ Distrib uto rsPlugs of Robert Bosch " f o rm erly A ir eo Sheet M etal " . 15209 Grevillea Ave . Lawndale. CA 90260 213-675-5290 -. Co m plete Une of Motote k - COl Kits Suzuki of Van Nuys New '77 PE %50 B •...•..•.• .....• S 1I49 New '77 RM IOO B •...• . .. ... . . • . . S&99 New ' 7 7 R M 3708 S 1249 Many t o choose from Similar sa v i ngs on a ll '78 mod els Su z uki of Van Nuys West Coast :1 Vo lu m e Dealer I b I 4 1 Sht>rm an W a ) , V.on 213·994 ·2800 N u )· ~ . CA 213'994 ·2882 1 B loc ks W es t of t he S a n Die 20 F rt>t>wa) 520 M c GLINCV LANE. C A M PB ELL. CA 95OO8 (408 1 37 1- 122 1 29

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