Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 07 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Clark, Hendershot shoot Mt. View victories Crossers please Delta Park VIPs By Jan Newman In a conversation with the big boss at Delta Park, he stated that of all the groups they deal with , including four-wheeled By Jan Newman PORTLAND , OR,JUNE 22 SANDY , OR ,JUNE 18 John Clark's Kawasaki IS becoming a familiar sight at the front of the 125ccJuniors at Mt. View. He led the first moto Sunday from the beginning , stretching it all the way . In the waning laps , he stopped to chat with his buddy at track side , his intent to inform the crew of a downed rider, but the message was drowned out by the noise of bikes, Rick Rockwell had the breeze blown o ut of him in a trip over the bars when his H o nd a's piston disintegrated . John maintained first . Clark spent half the second moto getting around Raymond Anderson (Suz) . Behind them were two motolong battles. Yamahas ridden by Craig Timm and Joe Davis were almost glued together for third and fourth . Two Suzukis followed as Bob Plympton barely kept in front of Jim Neff the whole race . Sam Azar (Ya m) led the first mota of 250cc Juniors until he came to the tower turn. He slid out, d ropping to 13th, and started what became an almost unbelievable problem with that turn. He slid out there again on the second lap, the third lap , made it on the fourth then slid out again on the fifth at which point he appeared to give up . Meanwhile, Jeff Lancaster (Hus) took the lead but Mark Wiley (Hon) and Jerry Hendershot (Yam) nipped at him until Wiley got out of shape with one lap to go and dropped back. J er ry nabbed Jeff in the fina l lap . Mota two belonged to James Craig (Han) . He had run out of gas in the first and swo re he wo u ld win the next. Wi ley and Hendershot battled for second wit h Hendershot taking charge with two laps left. Lancaster was having words with his bike after he had dropped further back as the race went on . Cole Chancellor (Yam ) got h is feet wet in th e Open Pro class and lea rned first hand what you r nerves can do to your riding. He spe nt a good share of th e first rnoro picking himself up . The seco nd was ca lmer until the fina l lap wh en he ca me off again , dropping from third . Barney Newman ( Ma n) won both whil e Dennis McAtee (H a n) pulled seco nd out of an incredible scra m ble of rid ers. McAtee's 7-2 tied with SCOlt Cameron (Mai) and Duke Col em an (Suz) . Resu lts MINI JR : t . St eve Anderson lSuz); 2. Darren Monen (SUI) ; 3. J ason Dix (Suz). MIN IINT: 1. Rod Presley ISuzl; 2. Jav Voce (Yam). 100 JR : 1. J oe Davis (Yam); 2. Ross St anley (Yam) ; 3. Bruce Ferguso n (Varni . 100 INT : Dave Hitton (Yam) . 125 JR : 1. John Clark (Kaw l; 2. Raymond Andefson (5uz); 3 . Craig Thurn (Yaml. 125 INT: 1. Dave Hilton ISuzl: 2. Ron W ood ing IYam): 3. Chris W ills (Suz). 250 JR: 1. J erry Hendershot (Yam); 2. Mark Wil ey (Hon}; 3. Roger William s (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Ron l ong IKTM); 2. Dennis Hucke {Yam}; 3. Eric Schum acher (Suzl. OPEN JR : 1. Butch Will iams (Yam): 2. Doug Smi th IMa il; 3. Bruce Ferguson (Yaml. OPEN INT; t . Ron long (KTM I; 2. Keith Blackman {Yaml . OPEN PRO: 1. Barney Newman (Monl: 2. Dennis M cA tee IHanl; 3. Scott Cameron (M ail. OLD TIMERS JR, 1. Scn nv Neff 15uzl; 2. John Semmler (Vam); 3. Jim McBryde {Yaml. OLD TIM ERS SA: 1. Jim Newman {M on.; 2. Bill • Navlor (Yaml; 3. Jack Wills (M ail . ra cing of a ll types, Pro and Amateu r , ro ad ra cin g , etc., the motocrossers give th em th e least problem , a re th e best mannered and utter more " p leases" and " thank yous" than any of th e rest. .Nice to hear from someo ne on th e " o utsid e ," so to spea k. T im Mich litsch (Yam ) and Mantey Mit chell (Ma i) put on a great race in th e first 250 cc Pro mota. Monety gOI the holeshot with Da rro ld Baker (H a n) and Tim following. Tim moved into second on t he third lap and started gnawing at Mantey. O n th e eighth lap Mantey went this-a -way whi le Tim went that-a -way on a turn and Mantey became the heel biter. Manley and Darrold led again in the second round. Kevin Jansen (H a n) a lso ca m e out ahead of Tim this time . By the third lap it. looked like a rerun as Tim was after Mantey again , but suddenly he was back to fourth . By the fla g he got by Dean Barb ier (Su z) for third . Barney Newman (Man) and Mantey Mitchell (Mai) led the O pen Pros , but Barney got out of sha pe in a corner and had to follow Mantey the rest of the wa y. As the flag came into' view they were side by side with Newman on the wid e line and Mitchell on the tight one. Newman hada choice - gassi t and tak e out the flagm an and his stand . or tak e seco nd . Second doesn't hu rt. 1n the final moto Mitchell was caught in traffic while Newman built up an insurmountable lead . J im Anderson (Suz) has be en an almost automatic 125cc Pro winner and looked like more of the same until his bik e stuck in one gear in the final mota. Darryl Zumstein (Han) took the final win and first overall. . • Results MINI JR : 1. Duane Foster IVam); 2. M ike Hauskins (VarnI; 3. Marty ZirbellSuzl. MIN I INT: 1. Art M oHett (5 uzl; 2. Eric Hall 1 uzl; 3. 5 Richard Bragg. 100 JR : 1. Tomm y Wi lson ISw); 2. Kenny M iller (Yam); 3. Bill Fent ISuzl. 100 INT: Dave Mattila (Suz). 125 J R A: 1. Don Dineen ISu.d; 2. Mar lin Hall ISuz); 3. Nick Evans (Vam). 125 JR B; 1. Tommv W ilson ISuzl: 2. M ike Blackw ell IYam l: 3. Bob P1ymp tan ISuzl . 125 INT: , . Ted Bechtold (Yam ); 2. Dave Greer (Yam); 3. Kip Templ eton (S uzl. 125 PRO: 1. Darryl Zumst ein (Hanl; 2. Jim DeRosa (Suzl; 3. Jim And erson ISuzl. 250 J R A: 1. Scott Hart (Kaw ); 2. Ja mes Frio IYaml; 3. J oe Kn;ghtIKTMI. 250 J R B: 1. Man Vmcent IHon); 2. Mike Teeter ISuz); 3. Don Dineen ISuzI. 250 INT: 1. Man Moore (Suzl ; 2. M ike Roberts (Suz); 3. Eric Schumach er ISuzl. 2SOPRO: 1. Ma ntey M itchell (Mai); 2. Tim M ichlitsch IYam); 3. Kevin Jansen tHonl. OPEN JR: 1. Guv RicN"ds ISuz); 2. Dick Teet er (Suz); 3. Joe Knight (S url . OPEN INT: 1. Ron Long IKTMI ; 2. Ke;th Blackman (Yam!. OPEN PRO: t . Barney Newman (M on); 2. M antey M itchell lM ail; 3. Cole Chancellor (Vam l. OVER THE HILL: 1. Ron Lonq IKTM I: 2. M ike Rober ts lSUll ; 3. Clark M oor e (Yam ). 25 MILE • SKI P AKSL AND CAL EXPO FAIRGROUNDS FIRST RACE - 8 pm ~ TIME TRIALS - 6 pm C=========:::JI ADVANCE TICKE T SAL ES I==========:l ( RANDSTAND - S 12.OO BOX S EATS - S15.00 ,. RESERVED COVER ED G G ERAL ADM EN ISSION - NI GHT OF RAC E ONLY - S8 .00 A VA ILA B L E HOWE AV E. BOX OFFI CE 925 Howe Ave. Sacramento. Ca lit . 9582 5 Phone: (9 16) 920- ' 121 P ..... enc lOM . . .If a:scIrnMd .l...-cl NOW AT TICKETRPN - OR - ~ 1:\ ~ d ""ISCW' of \:I r:J CONTR,OL DATA COR,I'OIII'TKlN _,~ J Winning Congratulations to Steve Eklund Congratulations to Lawless Husqvarna RR #1 Box 24 Brewster, W A 98812 Double Winner at Santa FeTT 509-689-2319 and A New Authorized Husqvarna Dealer Columbus, Charity Newsies Half Mile Husqvama Mo to rcy cle Co .• Inc. 4925 Mercury St. Sa n Die go . CA 92111 Husqvarna to win! 5127 Foothill Blvd. Oakland, CA 94601 415-533-4327 r M o t o cr o ss VIV4 T ri a ts mcntesa V IVA DISTRIBUTING CO 10625 v en owen . Burbank CA 91505 2137666101 DIAL A RIDE Is Coming From lUFT GO FOR IT I I $ Garland Suzuki Largest Pa rts Invent o ry in Dallas/Fort Wo rt h Metroplex Overnight deliveryviabus available in most parts of Texas, Oklahoma, & Louisiana _.-. 300 Lavon . Hw v 78N Garland. Texas 75040 . 214-494-3374 35

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