Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• . (Above) There is always one guy in every crowd who has to be the center of attraction! (Below) Eldon Copier roosted around Bonneville for two w ins. the drizzle and continue to watch t heir favoritesperfo rm , Da le " Ba nza i" Bohm (Ya m) leapt > into th e spotlight as th e combination of 25 0cc and O pen Pros crashe d th e gate in the first moto. T he track was lightly wat ered a t that tim e and th e ole knobbies ch u rned and grabbed th e tu rf. Eld on Copier (H on) ca ugh t a piece of th e acti on as he pu lled alongside Bohm, bu t Dal e sq u ashed th e a ppro ac h with a bump-off ta cti c . and a q uick burst. Rand y Sargent (Yam ) jocked with " Da nge ro us Da n " Lechtenberg (Yam) in a ho t d uel , whil e Bohm ga ssed his machi n e and headed for home. . An int erestin g slime factor emerge d as the second mot o got underway and Bohm wound u p with a hefty taste of it. A holesh ot see me d like a goo d idea a t th e time . but crashin' corner put the skids on -Boh rn's in tentions. Copier con trolled his slid ing mount a nd ga ine d th e lead a nd coa ted " Mighty Mike'" O 'D riscoll (Yam) with a la yer of mud . Mike studied th e situ ation a nd chose th e best looking lin e on the swam py tra ck , b ut succumbed to a slid e-out that demolished a row of fla gs and his chances for t he lead. Bo hm went berzerk in th e las t moto and sn atched th e lead , th en dumped it again , Copier , O'D riscol l a nd . Todd Bu rrows (Ya m) rode a triple formation and Copier managed to ho ld th e top spot for five laps. O 'D risco ll cha nged p laces wit h him and gave Copier a taste of th e mud , Copier came on top with poin ts and clu tc he d th e overall , Bu rrows took second a nd O 'Driscoll finished third . The Open Pros were scored sepa ra tely and Sha ne Burro ws (Yam ) topped the cla ss, " Ba nza i Bohrn " slipped int o seco nd a nd Dave O 'Head man slid in th ird . Greg Madsen (Suz) separated himself from th e 125cc Pr o pac k , bu t was dethroned in a dice maneu ver with Ken Ar chib a d (Suz) . Arch iba ld ran it to t he chec ke rs wh ile Madsen sto m ped with Mike. O'Driscoll. Madsen lost it when O 'Driscoll (Ya m) gra b bed a hot mud ru t and slid by to tak e second . The intentions of Archibald were clear as he blasted the pack in the second hea t. Copier caught on fast a nd sliced up Arc hi bald 's hopes , Dan Lech tenberg (Yam ) added ' insult to inj ury as he passed with the ,sam e m aneu ver. Copier took the checkers a nd th e winning buc ks, Ar chibal d ca me th rou gh second a nd "Da ngero us Dan" diced to th ird . T he tight track a t Bonneville a llows most of the Min i Ex perts to cloc k as fast as the bigger bikes, and Br ad Fr ampton (Ya m) flew a ll the way to fir st. Brent Gray (Ya m) swooped in be hi nd and m anaged to fend off Steve I Lied berg (Suz) . In th e second hea t Liedberg gra b bed t he chec kers in first , Frampton held a close secon d , but , Gray go t him on the las t lap and took over th e positi on . Liedberg picked the lin e the third -rn o t o , but Neil Crosby (Ya m) lurked close beh ind to gra b th e.lea d wh en the oppo rtu n ity a rose. They took turns with the lead u nti l th e checke rs flew , with Crosb y win ning. Lied berg ca me in second , but first overall. Gray too k the second trophy and Crosb y received third , Results M INI : 1. Steve Ltedberg (Suzl : 2 . Brent Gray (Yam); 3. Neil Crosb y (Yaml . . MI NI INT : 1. Shane Wilde (Yam); 2. Paul W aym ent ISuz). M INI JR DIY 1: 1. Larry Butcher ISuz); 2. Jeff Thompson (Yam); 3. Ma rk Hinam (Yam ), MINI JR DIY 2: 1. Darren Milan ISuz); 2. Bobby Gollaher (Sull; 3. Vaug hn Sm ith (Han). 100 JR : 1. Rob D eM arco (S uz); 2. St eve Ray (Yam); 3. M ich ael Freeman (Yaml. 125 PRO: 1. Eldon Copier ISuz); 2. Kenny Archibatd ISuz); 3. Dan Lechtenberg (Yaml. 125 INT: 1. Kevin J ones (Suz); 2. Scott Randall '(Yam); 3. Keith Bethers ISUll. _ 125 JR DIY 1: 1. Kelly Stewart ISuz); 2. Bob W ilson (Sul l; 3. Pet e Day {Yam}. " 125 J R DIV 2: 1. Terry M cGinn s (Yaml ; 2. Keith Biesinger (Yam); 3. Ed l ucky (Yam). 125 J R DIV 3: 1. Mi ke Lewis (Yam ); 2. Richard . Herron (Vam); 3. Hal Pace (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Eldon Copier (Hon); 2. Todd .Burrow s (Yam); 3. M ikeO 'Oriscoll (Yam ). 250 INT : 1. Kevin W att ers (Yam ); 2. Ma rk Brown (Mail ; 3. She ldon Ernst en (Suz). 250 J R DIV 1: 1. Kennet h Hillam tHus); 2. Kent Argyl e (Bull ; 3. T ed Stewart (Suzl . 250 JR DIV 2: 1. Kell y Throckmorton IYam ); 2. Kent Ahleen (Yaml ; 3. Marc Brown t Hon~. OPEN PRO: 1. Shane Burrows (Yam); 2 . Dale Bohm (Yam ); 3 . David O'Headma n (Ma i). OPEN INT: 1. Craig Kun kle (Mai); 2. Larry But cher (Yam); 3. Patrick Foard (Husl. OPEN JR : 1. Stan Smith (Yaml: 2. Rick M itchell (Yam ); 3. Denn is Burk e (Husl. r-----------, Norstar -,Boots IDUN"LOPII RACING TIRES aE.i!EL .,.-e,.,..... NORSTAR~ I I I I 1&111I11 SYSTfMS - /" "", __ .. V ~ MX Super Boot WRITE, CALL OR SEE US Mens sizes $69.98 retail value $75.00 AT SEARS POINT JULY 15-16 Boys sizes $49.98 retail value $60.00 -==PMA PE.f. .... m lUUE~ ISSDCI1TfS 751 DUIISE IVE . WEST .IIIEI, et. lilll L 203 • 934 •6855 ROAD RACERS - ~.I CAFE RACERS 80350/400, Honda. law. Suz & others Roa d Hac e/Cate tamnqs. sea ts . tanks. pipe s. fli e s. RR boots & gloves . Sp ecrat loots & hardwa re . rac ing br ake s and many othe r hm d 1 find Items 0 /Ii.~' ~ - . . . . also Over 250 Styles of Boots and Work Shoes Work Shoes Unlimited Whittier, 11127 Washington Blvd. 69!>Q66 Garden Grow, 12086 Br_ hurst SL 537-6535 Orange. 1n2 N. 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