Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Experts in the 250cc and 500cc class es.
Carothers had to contend with Paul
Iwanaga in the 250 cc and Robert
Ryan in the 500cc even t.
BruceJohnson, recen tly up fro m th e
Min i ranks, lapped t he field in th e
I2 5 cc Novice even t , and t hen
ou tdueled Roger Bu rd itt in the 250cc
go .
Jack Barton h ad it to him self in the
80cc Expert class , enjoyin g a large
margin much of the wa y.
Bobby Cokely look ed more t han a
Novice in taking his 80 cc main .
In a large turnout of 250cc Juniors,
John Welch edged out Frank Garcia
hi s
bro rh e r -In -Iaw ,
Goodnigh t.
PEE: 1. Danny Cahoon IIndl.
60 NOV; 1. Steve Morr ison ISUl ).
80 NOV: 1. Bobby Cokley (Vaml ; 2. A<:hard Howorth
80 J A: 1. Al}on Silkonek (Vaml.
80 EX: 1. Jack Barton(Yam); 2. Larcv Del eon (Yaml;
3. Mike Stewart (Yam l.
100 MINI NOV : 1. Charles Vcr .. (Vaml ; 2. Todd
Stewart IVaml.
100 M INIJA: 1. Bm BeecherlVaml.
100 MINI EX: 1. Mi keStewart lVaml .
100 NOV: 1. Mark Tm lelVaml.
125 NOV: 1. Gary Johnson ISuzl; 2. M ike Sporn ;nato
125 JA : 1. J oel Green IVaml .
200 NOV: 1. Kevin Crowl ey (C-Al ; 2. Allan M aim ICAl .
250 NOV : 1. Gary Johnson 1
5021; 2. Roger Burditt
250 JR: 1. J ohn W elch IC-A); 2. Frank Garcia lKawI.
250 EX: 1. Matt Carothers IVaml: 2. Paul lwanaga
IVaml; 3. Aobert Ryan IVaml .
500 NOV: 1. Anthony Salomone IVaml: 2. Dan
Hughes lSuzl.
500 JR: 1. Jack Kline IVam l; 2. Keith Pemberton
500 EX: 1. Matt Caroth ers IVam); 2. Robert Ayan
Moore, Chandler
dash at Salinas ST
By Burt Dinner
Under ideal weather conditions
at Salinas Short Track , " Da ndy"
Dan Moore led the 80cc Experts
to the wire, outriding District-Sfi's
blew in t o t he lead and n ev er
relinquished it. Lentz mov ed from
fifth , passing Mark Brown (Suz),
Gunter, and Thornton: to take over
second . He was follow ed by Gunter in
th ird and Sheld on in fouth . For th e
overall it was Greene 2·1, Lentz 1-2 , and
Gunter 5 -3.
JA MINI : 1. A<:k Sim mett llta); 2. Kely Butler (5021; 3.
Scon Wisecarver (Suz).
l ooB: 1. Wayn e Townsend IYaml ; 2. Tracy Haag
5021 3. Tim Farmin ISuzl .
125 B: 1. Ken Nelson IVaml; 2. Oall8 Town send
IVaml ; 3. Brad Bailey IVam).
125 PAO: 1. Leon McOonaId IVam); 2. Andy J ames
ISuzl; 3. St8118 Valkenaar (Vam).
250 A; 1. Leon McDonald IVaml 2. Ao Gage lHon);
3. Harvey Craft lHen).
M INI: 1. Glen Valkenaar (Yam): 2. Russ Yamamoto
(Yam); 3. Brian Ellingson (Yaml.
100 A : 1. AO$S Learn ISuzl ; 2. Ach y Bass IVam); 3. Ed
Warow (Sull.
125 A; 1. Randy Franz (Vam); 2. AO$S Learn (502); 3.
Jeff Pentzor IVaml .
250 B: 1. Bill Capellan IHonl; 2. Rory Borg (Vaml ; 3.
Aick W elding IS02!.
OPEN: 1. Dale G